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Tag: development

YOUNG children’s development, following the pandemic, has been “particularly worrying”, the chief inspector of Ofsted has said. In a report on the recovery of children, Amanda Spielman said there were “lingering challenges”. The report said nurseries flagged babies with “limited vocabularies” and struggling to understand facial expressions. Ofsted’s report was...
POLICE have released a CCTV image of a man they urgently need to trace, as they continue to investigate the murder of 33-year-old Baris Kucuk earlier this year. Detective Chief Inspector Neil John from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command, leads the investigation. He said: “We believe there is strong possibility...
THE Metropolitan Police has announced a new development which is a cheaper system to take suspected criminals’ fingerprints on the street. A number of forces have used similar technology since 2012, but the Met has now started using cheaper kit that also saves £200,000 a year in support costs. The...
The Enfield council’s front running regeneration project has endured another problem after a second development partner asserted that it will not take part in the project. Pacific Century Premium Developments (PCPD) said to the council that it did not want to continue with the £6 billion Meridian Water project eight...
The motion of development for UK house prices has proceeded to slow, whilst property in London had the softest growth since 2009, official figures displayed. London had the lowest annual growth, whereby prices reduced by 0.7%. The Office for National Statistics stated that the downturn in the capital can be...
THE NEW developments at the Ordnance road and Enfield Lock have now been completed.
The Press Museum in Istanbul charts the development of press-related technologies, taking visitors on a journey through Turkish press history and showing them portraits of well-known journalists along the way.
Turkey provided official development assistance worth $21 billion to 170 countries from 2010 to 2016, according to data from the state development aid agency.
ALMOST three quarters of new homes built on major developments in Haringey are affordable, new figures reveal.
THE RESIDENTS of Hackney are given a chance to give their views on Hackney’s Local Plan a blue print development in Hackney up until the year 2033.
As many readers will know, the Ankara Agreement (more formally known as the European Community Association Agreement (ECAA)) is an association agreement made some decades ago between the EEC (nowadays known as the EU) and Turkey.