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Tag: ban

Slug pellets were previously the go-to method for many people hoping to rid gardens of the pests. Following guidance from the UK Expert Committee on Pesticides and the Health and Safety Executive, Methaldehyde pellets will no longer be sold to control garden pests. Alongside their removal from shop shelves, the...
 PRIME Minister Boris Johnson has announced that new cars and vans powered wholly by petrol and diesel will not be sold in the UK from 2030. However, some hybrids would still be allowed, he confirmed. It is part of what Boris Johnson calls a “green industrial revolution” to tackle climate change and create jobs in industries...
It will become illegal for anyone to pick up and use their mobile phone while driving, under new legislation to be enacted next year. The change will end a loophole that can allow drivers to escape punishment for using a hand-held phone to take a photo or play a game....
Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced a ban on household visits. Sturgeon said the Covid-19 restrictions would come to force from tomorrow. “We intend, as Northern Ireland did yesterday, to also introduce nationwide additional restrictions on household gatherings, similar to those already in place in the west of Scotland,”...
Ministers have extended the ban on landlords evicting tenants in England until 20 September, following warnings that thousands could lose their homes. From Monday, courts were due to resume cases paused for five months owing to the coronavirus crisis, under stricter rules. Now they will remain on hold for a...
The prime minister is set to announce new measures to curb obesity next week, and they are expected to include a ban on TV junk food adverts before 21:00. It comes amid growing evidence people who are overweight or obese are at greater risk from coronavirus. The measures are yet...
Exercise outside the home could be banned if people ignore coronavirus social distancing rules, the health secretary has warned. Health Secretary Matt Hancock spoke with the BBC’s Andrew Marr that the government would “take action” if further measures are needed to bring the coronavirus under control. It comes after reports...
ISLINGTON is the first London borough to ban the sale of real fur in its markets after the council decided to tackle the “cruel and awful” industry. It will be illegal for traders in Chapel, Exmouth, Camden Passage and Whitecross Street markets from 1 January 2020. Islington is the second...
NEXT year new controls on single-use plastic items will be introduced by the government to reduce ocean pollution. The measures cover plastic straws, plastic drinks stirrers and plastic cotton buds in England from April 2020. Only plastic drinks stirrers will be totally banned, currently, 316 million are used a year....
THE minister for school standards in England said that pupils should be banned from taking smartphones into school. Nick Gibb stated that ahead of the government publishing new guidance for schools, expected to address internet safety, social media and online gaming. It is expected to say children should be taught...
RESEARCHERS carrying out an Up study have found that banning sweets, chocolate and crisps at supermarket checkouts appears to stop unhealthy impulse buying by shoppers. Using data from 30,000 households over a year period looked at before and after bans were introduced by six out of nine major supermarkets and...
Next year a ban on junk food advertising will be in place across London’s entire transport network. The new scheme means posters for food and drink high in fat, salt and sugar will vanish from the Underground, Overground, buses and bus shelters. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has said he wants...
CAMPAIGN group Action on Sugar is calling for a ban on ‘freakshakes’ and milkshakes that contain over 300 calories. It surveyed milkshakes sold in restaurants and fast food shops in the UK and found they contained “grotesque levels of sugar and calories”. Freakshakes are milkshakes that also contain chocolates, sweets,...
ON Monday, Theresa May announced that restaurants will be legally barred from keeping tips from staff under plans. The notion follows a public outcry in 2015, when it emerged that many High Street chains routinely took up to 10% of tips paid by credit and debit card. Most chains have...
China has ended 20 year-long ban on imports of beef from the UK, the ban was first introduced after the outbreak of BSE or also known as “mad cow disease” back in the 1990s. The government said the development will be worth £250m to British producers over the next five...
New diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned from 2040 as part of efforts to tackle air pollution, the Government is expected to announce.
New diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned in the UK from 2040 in a bid to tackle air pollution, the government is set to announce.
A three-month-old ban on taking electronic devices such as laptops onto aircraft cabins on flights from Turkey to the United States was lifted on July 5, Doğan News Agency has reported.