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Tag: Ambassador

The Turkish Ambassador to the UK Ümit Yalçın has been talking with the British National TV and Media outlets regarding Turkey’s military Operation Peace Spring in north-eastern Syria, after US troops pulled back from the border. Yalçın this week has been speaking with news outlets; BBC 2, Sky News and Channel...
TURKEY London Ambassador Ümit Yalçın came together with the Turkey Deputy Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Mustafa Safran and Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forest Mehmet Tunç at the embassy residence. 13 UNDERGRADUATE PROTOCOLS Deputy Minister of National Education in London made many contacts and meetings in London. Dr....
LONDON Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Umit Yalcin share a press statement and stated that he hoped to be able to come together with the members of the society on various occasions and to demonstrate support. The press statement shared on social media behalf of the Ambassador, as follows:...
  THE Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç hosted a reception for the London Design Biennale “HousEmotion” project whom Tabanlıoğlu Architecture is representing Turkey. The reception was held at the London Embassy of Turkey on Thursday 6 September. A large number of guests attended the event. The Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç congratulated Tabanlıoğlu Architecture...
LONDON Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç of Turkey has announced that 30 August Victory Day will be celebrated on Thursday, 30 August. London Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç and Armed Forces Attache Colonel Ismail Candan Açcı would honour a reception they will give in regards to the 96th anniversary of Victory Day. The reception...
FORMER undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry Ümit Yalçın has been appointed as Turkey’s ambassador to London as a result of a reshuffle within the ministry under the new presidential governance system, state-run Anadolu Agency reported citing diplomatic sources. Yalçın will take the place of Ambassador Abdurrahman Bilgiç, which has served as Turkey’s ambassador...
THE TURKISH Ambassador to London Abdurrahman Bilgiç has issued his New Year message and emphasized on the struggle against terrorism.