Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 37

4                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 04 August 2022

         Full Night Tube service to resume                             LFB calls for a ban on

                for first time in two years

                                       said the return of the Night Tube         disposable BBQs
                                       “shows our city is bouncing back”
                                       from the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                         The Piccadilly Line is the last to   THE sale of disposable barbe-
                                       restore Night Tube services follow-  cues should be banned in Britain,
                                       ing the Central and Victoria lines   London Fire Brigade’s (LFB) com-
                                       in November 2021 and the Jubi-  missioner has said.
                                       lee and Northern lines in May and   LFB took 8,302 calls and at-
                                       June of this year.             tended 3,231 incidents last week
                                         With strike action on the Night   as the service had its busiest day
          A full service is to resume on the   Tube now suspended, trains will   since World War Two.
         Night  Tube  this  weekend  for  the   run every 10 to 20 minutes be-  The brigade has already warned
         first time since before the start of   tween 12.30am and 5am every   people against using barbecues in
         the pandemic, TfL has announced.  weekend.                   open spaces, grassland or balco-
          A through-the-night service on   More than three million entries   nies, particularly after the recent
         the Piccadilly Line was restored   and exits have been recorded on   Andy Roe said: “We need urgent
         from Friday 29 July, meaning all   the Night Tube since services be-  action now to see a national ban
         five Night Tube Lines will be fully   gan to return in November, while   on the sale of disposable barbe-
         operational for the first time since   weekend ridership on the Tube is   cues.”
         March 2020.                   now consistently around 85  per   More than 30 grass fires in Lon-
          It  follows  the announcement  cent of pre-pandemic levels.  don required at least four fire en-
         that the RMT union has suspend-  TfL has said the Night Tube offers   gines to attend last week.
                                                                        The commissioner  has already
         ed strike action on the Night Tube  a “safe, low crime environment”,   written to local authorities asking
         following an agreement with TfL  with dedicated British Transport   for a temporary ban on the use of
         about driver rotas, putting an end  Police officers patrolling trains and   barbecues in all public parks and
         to more than six months of disrup-  stations through the night along   open spaces.
         tion. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan  with 500 TfL enforcement officers.  Mr Rowe added: “They can be
                                                                      bought for as little as £5 and can
                                                                      cause untold damage,  especially
                                                                                                                                    ing fairness and promoting diver-
                                                                                                       His call comes just a few days af-
              GIK-DER and Young Struggle                              when the grass is as dry as it has   ter LFB was found by a watchdog  sity.
                                                                      been over the last few weeks.
                                                                        “Last week is another example
                                                                                                                                     The response to last week’s
          showed their support for rail staff                         of how we are increasingly being   to require improvement by every   widespread fires was praised by
                                                                      challenged by new extremes of   measure it is assessed on.    Her  Majesty’s Inspectorate  of
          MORE  than 40,000 workers  becomes  the  head  of  the  party   weather as our climate changes   The 11 areas highlighted in-  Constabulary and Fire and Rescue
         across Network Rail and train op-  and  thus  becomes  prime  minis-  and we’re developing long-term   clude understanding and prevent-  Services, which warned that “be-
         erating companies went on strike  ter. Truss announced that if he   strategies to deal with more inci-  ing fires and other risks, making  neath the surface deeper-seated
         in protest over pay and working  takes office, he will increase the   dents like this in the future.”  best use of resources and ensur-  problems remain”.
         conditions on Wednesday (July  strike vote participation thresh-
         27).                          old from 40 per cent to 50 per
          GIK-DER and Young Struggle  cent and the notice period before
         members stated that they will  the strike from two weeks to four   Khan facing legal fight over
         continue to support the rightful  weeks.
         demands of train workers and    Adding: “Contrary to Truss’ ru-
         continue their efforts to increase  mours, polls revealed that more   police access to ULEZ cameras
         solidarity.                   than 60 per cent of the British
          In a joint statement, GIK-DER  public  supported the strike. So-
         and Young Struggle said: “Foreign  cial media users offer their sup-  SADIQ    Khan  is  facing  a  legal
         Minister Truss Liz Truss, one of  port to the striking workers under   fight over plans to allow the Met
         the Conservative Party leader-  the hashtags #SupportTheStrike,   Police access to traffic cameras
         ship candidates, has committed  #SupportRailWorkers.”        monitoring the expanded Ultra
         to making new regulations re-   The  unions  announced  that   Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).
                                                                        Campaigners  on  Wednesday
         stricting the right to strike of the  they decided to go on strike for   accused the Mayor of creating “a
         British working class in the first  two more days on 30 July and 13   huge increase in surveillance of
         30 days after taking office if she  August.                  Londoners” that will "dispropor-
                                                                      tionately effect ethnic minorities"
                                                                      after he granted the force access
                                                                      to data from the Automated Num-
                                                                      ber-Plate Recognition (ANPR).
                                                                        The system scans roads in for
                                                                      vehicles entering and leaving the
                                                                      ULEZ in inner London, an area
                                                                      where 3.8 million people live.
                                                                        It means Met officers will be be
                                                                      able to bring up images showing
                                                                      the colour and make of vehicles,   legal challenge with digital rights  in areas where there is already a
                                                                      and potentially the faces of driv-  organisation Open Rights Group.  strong  set  of  democratic  struc-
                                                                      ers and people walking past on   Members of the Independent  ture, such as councils, and CCTV.
                                                                      the pavement from the cameras
                                                                      that monitor the ULEZ, cam-    Advisory  Group  on  ANPR  road   The Met defended the need for
                                                                      paigners said.                 cameras have described the May-  the need for access to the data
                                                                        Green Party London Assembly  or’s plans as “a gargantuan in-  saying it would help the force pro-
                                                                      member Sian Berry is leading the  crease of surveillance in London"  tect the public.
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