Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 04 August 2022                                                                                       9

                                                                           Strawberries ‘can reduce

                                                                       inflammation of the brain’

                                                                        EATING  strawberries  could
                                                                      help protect the brain from Alz-
                                                                      heimer's by reducing inflammati-
                                                                      on, scientists have claimed.
                                                                        A team of researchers led by
                                                                      Rush University in Chicago, Illi-
                                                                      nois  found  adults  over 65 years
                                                                      old who regularly ate the fruits
          MPs call for disclaimer logo                                had fewer tau proteins in their
                                                                      brains, which can lead to the de-
            on photoshopped images                                    bilitating disease at higher con-
                                                                        Strawberries are one of the top
         and prescription only fillers                                sources of pelangonidin, which is
                                                                      thought to be an anti-inflamma-
          LIP fillers should be made pre-  image dissatisfaction.     tory. Others are raspberries, kid-
         scription-only, MPs demanded to-  It also called for an  end to the   ney beans, plums and radishes.
         day  in  a  clampdown  on  the  UK's  'conveyor belt' of non-surgical                                                      nal epidemiologist who was also
                                                                        Scientists warned, however,  allowing researchers to keep tra-
         cowboy cosmetic market.       cosmetic procedures — including   that the study was observational  ck. They also had their cognitive  involved in the research, said it
          Influencers should also be forced  lip-fillers and Botox — by bringing   meaning it could not prove whet-
         to add disclaimer logos to photo-  forward a licensing regime.  her it was actually the strawber-  ability tested annually.  was a 'simple change' that anyone
                                                                                                                                    could make to their diet.
         shopped images so vulnerable so-  This should include minimum   ries that were protecting against   showed that among the group   But he also warned the study
         cial media users know they're not  training standards for people pro-  the disease or another factor.  that ate the most strawberries,  was observational, meaning it
         natural.                      viding the services and a 'cooling   Published last week in the Jour-  the lowest concentration of tau  was not clear whether the straw-
          These images, created through  off' period between consent and
         various filters, have been blamed  the procedure.            nal  of  Alzheimer's  Disease,  the  proteins was observed.   berries reduced the risk.
                                                                                                                                      'Further research  is needed to
                                                                      study looked at the brain's of 575
                                                                                                       Inflammation in the brain may
         for fostering body dysphoria    Under current rules, an aesthet-  deceased patients with an avera-  be caused by many factors inc-  understand  the  role  of  nutrition
         among Britons unsatisfied by how  ic practitioner in the UK doesn't   ge age of 91 years. None had Al-  luding a lack of sleep, infections  in  Alzheimer's  disease,'  he  said,
         they look.                    need any mandatory qualifica-  zheimer's.
          The Health and Social Care Com-  tions. It means that anyone can go                        and extreme stress. These are  'but this study gives us hope on
         mittee said the Government is 'not  on a training course and then be   For more than two decades be-  also risk factors for developing  how specific dietary components
         doing enough to understand the  allowed to perform dermal filler   fore  their deaths  each had filled  Alzheimer's disease.  such as berries may help brain
         scale of the risks' linked to body  treatments.              in a survey annually on their diet   Dr Puja Agarwal, a  nutritio-  health'.
            People who wear fitness tracking                          `

         devices are more likely to lose weight                            Scientists say using smartphones really

          THE motivation to close the  guson,  lead  researcher  at  PhD                   can boost your memory
         rings on your fitness watch or  candidate at the school, said in a
         to set a new high score on your  statement.                                                                               that we back up the most im-
         pedometer has long-term posi-   'They encourage people to ex-                                                             portant information.'
         tive health benefits, a new study  ercise on a regular basis, to make                                                       The results, published in the
         finds.                        it part of their routine and to set                                                         Journal of Experimental Psy-
                                       goals to lose weight.'                                                                      chology: General, show that
          Researchers from the Univer-   Researchers, who published                                                                when the volunteers were al-
         sity of South Australia, in Ade-  their findings in The Lancet, per-                                                      lowed leave reminders, their
         laide, found that people who use  formed a meta-analysis on 400                                                           memory improved by 18 per
         a wearable fitness device of some  studies from across the world.                                                         cent.
         sort walk an average of 1,800   In total, data from over 150,000                                                            Dr Gilbert, a neuroscientist
         more steps per day  than  their  people was included in the batch                                                         at UCL, said: 'We found that
         peers who do not.             of data used by the research team.                                                          when people were allowed
          This extra walking can have    Each individual study had its                                                             to use an external memory,
         significant health benefits for a  own population size, methodol-                                                         the device helped them to
         person over time as well, as using  ogy and measurements of how                                                           remember the information
         the device increases a person's  wearing  the  device  could  impact                                                      they had saved into it.
         overall weight loss by around two  their health.                                                                            'This was hardly surprising.'
         pounds every five months.       Researchers adjusted data to                                                                But the results also showed
          There have been many skeptics  normalize populations across the                                                          their memory for low-value
         of the booming industry of wear-  groups to find the overall impact   USING your smartphone  volunteers  proved  stronger  circles was 27 per cent better,
         able devices, but this study shows  of the devices.              doesn't necessarily make you  when they were allowed to set  even among those who didn't
         that those serious about increas-  They found that those who     forgetful it could actually  reminders on their phone.   make notes for those.
         ing their daily physical activity  wear the device took nearly 2,000   have the opposite effect, ex-  Study author Dr Sam Gil-  Dr Gilbert added: 'This was
         and weight loss can gain from  more steps each day than people   perts say.                  bert, from University College  because using the device
         consistent use of the technology.  who lived similar lifestyles to   A study of nearly 160 adults  London, said the results show  shifted the way that people
          'The overall results from the  themselves.
         studies we reviewed shows that   Over time, the light amounts    failed to stack up the 'use it or  digital time and location re-  used their memory to sto-
                                                                          lose it' memory theory.
                                                                                                                                   re  high-importance  versus
                                                                                                      minders do work.
         wearable activity trackers are ef-  of extra work each day can help
         fective across all age groups and  a person shed a few pounds and   Instead, the memories of   'But  we need  to  be careful  low-importance information.
         for long periods of time,' Ty Fer-  slightly improve their health.
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