Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 33
8 Londra Gazete, 04 August 2022
Man jailed for series of robberies Four people charged in connection
bookmakers in Lee, Norwood, Sut-
ton and Crayford between Monday, with Haringey murder
4 April and Sunday, 24 April.
Officers quickly found that the FOUR people have been char-
suspect was travelling to and from ged as part of a Met investigation
the offences via rail and so CCTV into a fatal shooting in Haringey.
was obtained. Fevzi Cam, 27 and a 16-year-old
Mullan was stopped on a train by boy were charged on Tuesday, 1
a railway revenue ticket inspector August with arson, assisting an
as he made his way to the second offender and perverting the cour-
offence in Burnt Ash Road on Wed-
nesday, 13 April, and provided his se of justice.
They appeared at Highbury
real name. Corner Magistrates' Court on the
A man who carried out a series of From there, police gathered foo- same day. Cam was bailed to ap-
robberies at bookmakers in south tage of each offence, and of Mullan pear at Harrow Crown Court on
London has been jailed for 10 years. leaving from and returning to his Tuesday, 30 August. The 16-ye-
Brett Mullan, 50 was sentenced at home address. ar-old boy was remanded in cus-
He was arrested by Flying Squad
Snaresbrook Crown Court on Mon- officers on Monday, 25 April, after tody and will appear at the same
day, 2 August. leaving home, and charged. hearing. A murder investigation was la- 10pm.
He had previously pleaded guilty Detectives searched his home Milan Kaleja, 30 and Mohamed unched after police were called at A post-mortem examination
to five counts of robbery and five address and found a collapsible wal- Ahmed Ali, 24 were also charged around 21:30hrs on Sunday, 24 found the cause of death to have
July to reports of a shooting on been a gunshot wound to the
counts of being in possession of an king stick. After checking CCTV, it on Wednesday, 3 August with as- High Road, N22. chest.
imitation firearm at Barkingside was discovered this was what he sisting an offender and perver- Officers, including firearms of- Anyone with information is
Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, 26 used to resemble a shotgun by con- ting the course of justice. ficers, attended and found 23-ye- asked to call the incident room
April. cealing it within a carrier bag. Detectives have also arrested a ar-old Camilo Palacio with a guns- on 020 8358 0400. You can also
The Flying Squad investigated a A total of £2,780 was stolen over further three men – aged 18, 20 hot wound. call 101 quoting 7238/24Jul. To
linked series of armed robberies at the course of the robberies. and 22 on suspicion of murder. Despite the efforts of the emer- remain anonymous contact the
They remain in custody at a north gency services, Camilo, was sadly independent charity Crimestop-
Man arrested and fined £60 after London police station. pronounced dead at the scene at person 0800 555 111.
cycling in ‘non designated area’
Appeal after man left with serious head
injuries in Walthamstow
POLICE are appealing for wit- people at the scene. voked attack and the victim has
nesses after a man suffered seri- Nothing was taken from him, suffered a number of serious
ous head injuries in an attempted however his facial injuries, inclu- head injuries.
robbery in north-east London. ding fractures to his eye socket, “We need witnesses with infor-
The 48-year-old victim was wal- require ongoing hospital treat- mation, no matter how small, to
king along Eden Road, Walhams- ment. The suspect had left the help catch the person responsible
tow, just after 10pm on July 18 scene before police arrived. and ensure they are unable to do
when a man approached him and Detective Constable Alexandra this again." Anyone with any in-
demanded his phone and wallet. Varga, the investigating officer, formation is asked to call police on
The victim refused and was said: “We would like to hear from 101, quoting CAD 8664/18JUL.
A cyclist has been arrested and People took to Twitter to vent punched in the face several times, anyone who witnessed this rob- Information can also be provided
fined £60 after riding through their frustration, or support, af- said police. He lost consciousness bery in Eden Road. to Crimestoppers anonymously
a “non designated area” of Lon- ter the arrest and fine. and was helped to safety by some “This was a completely unpro- on 0800 555 111.
don’s Kensington Gardens. One user said: “What a comple-
The man was stopped by Royal te waste of time and resources”.
Parks Police in the gardens outsi- completely oblivious to their im- Man rushed to hospital after shooting
But another said “Cyclists -
de Kensington Palace.
Police said he “refused to pro- pact on pedestrians!”
vide satisfactory details” and was In May, Royal Parks Police is- in Hackney street
subsequently arrested. sued a reminder to cyclists that
Once officers were “satisfied it “continues to be an offence to POLICE man has been rushed
with details he eventually provi- cycle in Green Park or St James to hospital after being shot in a
ded” he was released, but not wit- Park - triable in the criminal street in east London.
hout a £60 fine. courts. Police were called to the shoo-
ting around 7.45pm on Tuesday
evening to reports of a firearm
Fatal collision in Pinner being discharged in Albion Drive,
Hackney. Police and paramedics
POLICE are appealing for wit- along with ambulance colleagues. attended and found a man, belie-
nesses to a fatal collision in Pin- The pedestrian – a man, aged in ved to be in his 20s, suffering from
ner. his 80s - was pronounced dead at a gunshot wound. He was rushed
Emergency services were called the scene. to hospital for treatment and po-
at 5.35pm on Sunday, 31 July, to The driver of the car stopped at lice said they are awaiting an up-
a report of a car in collision with the scene. date on his condition. There have
a pedestrian in Uxbridge Road, Any witnesses who are yet to been no arrests. Police said their
Pinner. speak with police are asked to call enquiries into the circumstances
Officers attended the scene 101, ref 5393/31jul. of the shooting are ongoing.