Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 04 August 2022 3
Judo star Açelya Toprak wins silver at the Commonwealth games
TURKISH Cypriot athlete Açe- age of 18, I moved to London and
lya Toprak continues to make us started living in the training area EXCULISIVE
proud. Talented star Açelya To- located outside the city. I regular-
prak picked up a silver medal in ly participate in national and in-
the Commonwealth games held in ternational competitions. For the
Birmingham, England, on Mon- first time in my life I participated
day, August 1st. in the Commonwealth games. It is
24-year-old Açelya, has been a great honour for me.”
representing Team England on the Touching on how important
international arena the European keeping active meant growing up
junior silver medallist Açelya is an in London she said: “I used to live
extraordinary talent with a bright in the Lewisham, my parents have
future ahead of her. Winning her been trying to get me involved in
silver medal in 2017 and has since different sports activities since I
grown stronger, gaining valuable was little. I didn't have time to be
experience at the 2022 European on the street because I was con-
Championships, where she picked stantly participating in sports ac-
up another silver medal. tivities.
Speaking to Londra Gazete Ace- I always had sports in my life
lya shared with us how she start- to stay away from bad friends or
ed her journey in the field of judo. habits, I was busy with sports
“I started judo at a club in south like swimming, running, judo
London when I was just 4 years and football. My advice to young Açelya Toprak
old. I was enthusiastic by watch- people is to be active and contin-
ing my brother and sister and I ue with the sport you enjoy, im- feel very good both physically and to study in a remote area. I had Thanks to judo, I had self-confi-
was the only one among the three prove yourself. Judo is a way to mentally. In the past, when I was to take the train at 11 am to get dence because I knew I could pro-
of us to continue with judo. At the get rid of stress, my mistake, I 15, I had to go two days a week home, but I wasn't afraid at all. tect myself.”
Tulunay : ‘I want to share my story of monkeypox’
HARUN Tulunay, 35, who was When my temperature increased, phasize sexual interactions raise
infected with the monkeypox vi- I called 5-6 times and each time I questions in the minds. Mon-
rus in London, shared his difficult told them the symptoms I was ex- keypox can infect anyone. It can
process with the Londra Gazete. periencing. At this point, my fe- spread through skin contact, as
Harun was hospitalized for ver was so high that I was passing well as through dirty surfaces,
monkeypox after initially think- out and I couldn't move. I asked unwashed linens, and even air-
ing it was covid. The education the same questions over and over borne saliva for short distances.
coordinator, speaker and advo- again. "The answers were always My case is really rare... The le-
British institutions condemn cate at the sexual health associ- the same. sion was so big and frightening
They said, 'Call us if you get I was crying thinking it would
ation Positively UK, emphasized
attacks on Cemevis in Turkey that people should be knowledge- bad,' and the next day every time leave scars, it was scary waking
able and sensitive about such is-
I got worse and I called them, up alone at night shivering and
sues after their illness. the answer was the same. So my not knowing if the medication
ON the first day of the Muharrem vas, Gazi, Gezi, 10 October, Suruç Speaking to Londra Gazete Ha- diagnosis was so late, but I don't they gave you in an isolated room
Fast, four attacks against Cemevis and dozens of similar massacres... run said: "I couldn't sleep and blame them." would work or when it would
and Alevi institutions took place in Adding “We will win our democracy was burning with a fever of 38 Harun embarked on his recov- work. My story is worrying for
Ankara, Turkey. and equal citizenship rights together degrees Celsius. The rash started ery journey and used social media some but the side effects of this
Close to a dozen non-governmen- by standing shoulder to shoulder as out as red and white, I didn't have to share updates on his condition. virus are not like this for every-
tal organizations operating in Eng- peoples, beliefs and identities! Ce- any blisters or anything. When I Tulunay stressed that Moneypox one, most are milder.
land came together and made a joint mevis are places of worship for mil- checked myself a few days later, is not sexually transmitted and There is no need to panic, just
press release. lions of Alevis. No one is asked about I was so sick that I wasn't well this perception should change “I take the necessary precautions,
Saying: “First of all, let me state his rank, language, religion or colour enough to get up and look in the wanted to share my story to ed- protect yourself and be careful.
that; Those who attack our souls, there. Attacking the cemevis is actu- mirror. I noticed a little legion on ucate people and normalize the Harun moved to London alone
cemevis, and institutions, and those ally an attack on the tolerance of the my nose but didn't think much conversation about Monkeypox. I in 2015 to escape discrimination
who plan and manage these attacks, Anatolian peoples and the millennial of it and had no idea it might be got a lot of messages, positive and and the hostile environment he
should know that; You will not be Monkeypox, I thought it was Pim- negative. faced back home as a gay man in
able to separate us from the struggle neighbourhood. ples or something else." Although the virus does not Turkey. He delivers public speech-
for democracy, freedom and equal- “We did not stand against anyone "When my fever and pain did fall under the sexually transmit- es and shares his life experiences
ity. Because we do not succumb to except oppressors, tyrants and rac- not change for a week, my friends ted disease (STD) category, news to tackle stigma and raise aware-
oppression, bullying and all kinds of ists. Throughout the history of the got very worried and I called 111. headlines and research that em- ness of HIV and mental health.
violence policies... Alevis, no attempt has been made to
“We have stood and will continue hurt the honour of any people. It will EXCULISIVE
to stand against policies that polar- be like that from now on. We strong-
ize, marginalize, conflict, and feed on ly condemn the attack on Alevi plac-
tension and violence. We know from es of worship in 4 different places in
Koçgiri, Dersim, Maraş, Çorum, Si- the capital of this country...”
Harun Tulunay