Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 35

6                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 04 August 2022

                                                                                   Tory leadership vote

                                                                       ‘delayed after hacking alert’

                                                                        RISHI  Sunak appears to have
                                                                      lost ground in the Tory leader-
                                                                      ship race but a reported ballot
                                                                      delivery delay over security con-
                                                                      cerns could give him more time to
                                                                      make an impression before votes
                                                                      are cast.
                                                                        A YouGov poll puts Liz Truss
                                                                      well ahead of Mr Sunak in sup-
                                                                      port from party members, with
                                                                      her lead increasing to 34 points.
                                                                        It shows 60 per cent of the par-
              Help house 10,000 Afghan                                ty members polled between July
                                                                      29 and August 2 say they intend
          refugees, minister tells councils                           to vote for the Foreign Secretary,   decided or will not vote.  In a further blow to Mr Sunak,
                                                                      up from 49 per cent since the pe-
                                                                                                       The Conservative Party has  YouGov data also showed 83 per
                                                                      riod July 20 to 21 when the rivals   delayed sending out ballots on  cent of those who currently say
          THE  refugees minister has ap-  and integrate in the local commu-  first  made  the  cut  for  the  final
         pealed to councils to help house  nity.                      two.                           the advice of the National Cyber  they intend to vote for Ms Truss
         10,500 Afghans currently living in   It is up to councils to find accom-  Support for Mr Sunak, the for-  Security Centre (NCSC), part of  also say they have made up their
         UK hotels at a cost to the taxpayer  modation, but many already face a   mer chancellor, has dropped from   GCHQ, the Telegraph reported.  mind.
         of £1m a day.                 dwindling housing stock.                                        The paper said it understands   Just 17 per cent say they might
          Lord Harrington told councils   The Home Office said homes have   31 per cent to 26 per cent accord-  there was no specific threat from  still change their mind  while 29
         the  government  had  fewer  than  already been found for more than   ing to YouGov, while the rest of  a hostile state and the concerns  per cent of Mr Sunak’s support-
         100 properties available in June,  7,000 Afghan evacuees.    the 1,043 Conservative party  were instead raised over the vul-  ers say they might still vote dif-
         but  expects  500  Afghan  arrivals   The Home Office said it faced   members polled say they are un-  nerability of the voting process.  ferently.
         each month.                   a "challenge" of insufficient local
          Several Afghans said living in ho-  housing accommodation in the UK
         tels had left them unable to settle.  - "not just for Afghans and those in   £400 energy payment: Fears
          Afghan families are being placed  need of protection but also British
         in  temporary  hotels  until  social  citizens who are also on a waiting
         housing can be found, according to  list for homes".           landlords to keep renters' rebate
         the Local Government Association.  "While hotels do not provide a
          Once housing is found, the gov-  long-term  solution,  they  do  offer
         ernment gives the relevant council  safe, secure and clean accommoda-  TENANTS whose bills are includ-  The National Residential Land-  holds with the rising cost of living,
         more than £20,000 per person over  tion," the Home Office added in its   ed in their rent could miss out on  lords Association (NRLA) also said  including a £400 discount on ener-
         three years to help them resettle  statement.                the government's £400 energy re-  that where a landlord was acting  gy bills.
                                                                      bate because it is paid to their land-  as an energy reseller, "they should   When  it comes to utility bills,
                                                                      lord, warn charities.          be passing on the savings to their  government guidance states that
                                                                        Housing charity Shelter said this  tenant  in  line  with  [the  regulator]  landlords who have  a domestic
         Labour frontbencher Lisa Nandy  group were "at the mercy of their  Ofgem's requirements".                                  electricity contract with a licensed
                                                                                                       The typical household energy bill  supplier and then resell the electric-
             pictured visiting picket line                            landlord passing on this much-need-  could hit £3,615 a year in January,  ity to their tenant, based on usage,
                                                                      ed support".
                                                                        An estimated 585,000 households  up from £1,400 a year in October  must comply with maximum resale
          LISA Nandy has visited striking   The Labour leader has said he   - 13% of private renters - have ener-  2021, according to a forecast from  price rules.
         workers on a picket line, despite  supports  people’s  right  to  strike,   gy bills included in their rent.  consultancy Cornwall Insight.  This means landlords are not al-
         party leader Sir Keir Starmer in-  but is seeking to contain a row with   The government said it expected   The government has announced a  lowed to make a profit on energy
         structing frontbenchers not to at-  unions and the left wing of his par-  landlords to pass on the discount.  package of measures to help house-  they are reselling.
         tend.                         ty over his decision to sack Sam
          A photograph tweeted by North   Tarry from the front bench after
         West  regional  secretary  of  the   he gave broadcast interviews from
         Communication  Workers  Union   a picket line.
         (CWU)  Carl  Webb,  appeared  to   Sir Keir accused Mr Tarry of
         show the shadow levelling up sec-  making up policy “on the hoof” in
         retary Ms Nandy meeting striking   defiance of the party’s “collective
         workers at Wigan picket line on   responsibility”, with the move pro-
         Monday morning.               voking fury on the Labour left.
          The  image  was accompanied by
         the caption: “Thanks @lisanandy   A member of Ms Nandy’s team
         for taking the time to visit the @  told  Sky  News  that  she  had  gone
         cwugmersey Wigan picket line this   to the picket line to “show her sup-
         moring (sic) to speak to #TheCWU   port for people campaigning for
         BT  &  Openreach  members  on   better pay and conditions at a real-
         strike and show solidarity”.  ly tough time, as you’d expect”.
                                         "As Keir said in the Mirror piece
          It comes in apparent defiance   yesterday, we support their right to
         of Sir Keir Starmer saying Labour  do that, and what they need now is
         must move from being a “party  a Labour government so they don’t
         of protest” to one that can win an  feel like they’re on their own when
         election.                     times are tough."
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