Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
P. 39

2                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 04 August 2022

         Turkish star Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu crowned

                                           winners of Love Island

          EKIN-SU  Cülcüloğlu and  Davide  musical theatre at the East 15 Acting  history and she became the first star   An industry insider told the Daily  is massive. She'll rack up £1m pretty
         Sanclimenti have been crowned the  School.                   this series to hit 1 million followers  Star: 'Ekin-Su is hot property. Plenty  quickly.'
         winners of Love Island 2022 during   Before making a name for himself  on Instagram.        of lucrative offers are already on the   Ekin-Su is the second person from
         the live final.               on Turkish TV, Ekin-Su also starred   An expert has also estimated that  table.              the UK’s Turkish speaking commu-
          Monday’s episode of the ITV dating  on  the small-budget  reality  show  she could receive a £1 million payday   'Quite a few make-up ¬companies   nity to win Love Island with their
         series saw the pair battle three other  Lancashore while studying at the  after the show, profiting from fash-  and clothing brands want to work
         couples to take home the £50,000  University of Central Lancashire,  ion endorsements and club appear-  with her and they're prepared to pay   couple. Winner of Love Island 2017
         prize.                        which focused on a group of students  ances.                  big money.                     Kemal Cetinay, the Turkish Cypriot
          Unlike in previous years, the win-  living in Preston.        A source also reported that Ekin-Su   'And then there are some TV offers   has gone on to be one of the most
         ning couple did not have to choose   Ekin-Su, who entered the villa on  had already sparked a 'bidding war'  as well. A bidding war has already  famous stars to come out of Love Is-
         whether to split or steal the prize  the third day as a bombshell, has  even before she left the villa.   started. Ekin-Su's earning potential  land.
         money.                        already had a taste of the spotlight,
          Ekin-Su and Davide won by a land-  having starred in Turkish soap operas
         slide after securing 63.7 per cent of  and reality shows before entering the
         the public vote, during voting across  Love Island villa
         Sunday and Monday.              The 27-year-old starred in Kuzey
          Runners-up Gemma Owen and  Yildizi (North Star), starring Ismail
         Luca Bish scored 14.5 per cent, while  Demirci as Kuzey and Aslihan Güner
         third placed Indiyah Polack and Dami  as Yildiz.
         Hope claimed 11.8 per cent.     Ekin-Su appeared in seven epi-
          Meanwhile, Tasha Ghouri and An-  sodes of the soap as a character called
         drew Le Page were fourth with 10.1  Isil, making her debut in the second
         per cent.                     season as the blogger from London.
          ITV also said Monday’s episode   While on Love Island, Ekin-Su also
         secured the highest ratings for a fi-  revealed that she played a serial killer
         nal  since  201  - 3.4  million  viewers  on a Turkish show, though it is not
         watched the Love Island final across  known whether this was in Kuzey
         ITV2 and ITV Hub              Yildizi, or another series.
          Who is Ekin-Su?                What's next for Ekin-Su?
          Born in north London, Ekin-Su is   Even before she had left the villa,
         of Turkish descent and relocated to  Ekin-Su was being tipped to become
         Essex at the age of 10, later studying  the show's highest earning star in   Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu
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