Page 40 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1117
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Londra                                                                                                 monkeypox virus in London, shared his difficult
                                                                                                                     Tulunay : ‘I want to share

                                                                                                                      my story of monkeypox’

                                                                                                                      HARUN Tulunay, 35, who was infected with the

                                                                                                                     process with the Londra Gazete.  Harun was hos-
                                                                                                                     pitalized for monkeypox after initially thinking it
                                                                                                                     was covid. The education coordinator, speaker and

                                                                                                                     ly UK, emphasized that people should be knowl-
                                                                                        Gazete                       advocate at the sexual health association Positive-
                                                                                                                     edgeable and sensitive about such issues after their
                                                                                                                     illness. Speaking to Londra Gazete Harun said: "I
         Thursday 04 August 2022          Issue 1117  50p                                   couldn't sleep and was burning with a fever of 38
                                                                                                                     degrees Celsius. The rash started out as red and
                                                                                                     020 8889 5025   white, I didn't have any blisters or anything. When
                    twitter@LondraGazete  020 8889 5025  I checked myself a few days later...  Page 3m



                                                                                                                              EKIN-SU  Cülcüloğlu and Davide Sancli-
                                                                                                                             menti have been crowned the winners of Love
                                                                                                                             Island 2022 during the live final.
                                                                                                                              Monday’s episode of the ITV dating series
                                                                                                                             saw the pair battle three other couples to take
                                                                                                                             home the £50,000 prize.
                                                                                                                              Unlike in previous years, the winning couple
                                                                                                                             did not have to choose whether to split or steal
                                                                                                                             the prize money.
                                                                                                                              Ekin-Su and Davide won by a landslide after
                                                                                                                             securing 63.7 per cent of the public vote, dur-
                                                                                                                             ing voting across Sunday and Monday.
                                                                                                                              Runners-up  Gemma  Owen  and Luca  Bish
                                                                                                                             scored 14.5 per cent, while third placed Indi-
                                                                                                                             yah Polack and Dami Hope claimed 11.8 per
                                                                                                                             cent. Meanwhile, Tasha Ghouri and Andrew
                                                                                                                             Le Page were fourth with 10.1 per cent.
                                                                                                                              ITV also said Monday’s episode secured
                                                                                                                             the highest ratings for a final since 201 - 3.4
                                                                                                                             million viewers watched the Love Island final
                                                                                                                             across ITV2 and ITV Hub
                                                                                                                              Who is Ekin-Su?Born in north London, Ek-
                                                                                                                             in-Su is of Turkish descent and relocated to
                                                                                                                             Essex at the age of 10, later studying musical
                                                                                                                             theatre at the East 15 Acting School. Before
                                                                                                                             making a name for himself on...  Page 2m

         Judo star Açelya Toprak wins silver  Thousands of small firms go bust owing
               at the Commonwealth games                                              millions in bounce back Covid loans

          TURKISH Cypriot athlete Açelya Toprak  us how she started her journey in the field   MORE  than 16,000 businesses which  of  taxpayer  money  given  to  companies
         continues to make us proud. Talented star  of judo.  “I started judo at a club in south   took  out  a  type  of  government-backed  which have since become insolvent. The
         Açelya Toprak picked up a silver medal  London when I was just 4 years old. I was   Covid loan have gone bust without paying  majority  of  those  businesses  went  bust
         in the Commonwealth games held in Bir-  enthusiastic by watching my brother and   the money back, according to the BBC.  for legitimate reasons, however there is
         mingham, England, on Monday, August  sister and I was the only one among the   In an article the stated that “Hundreds  increasing evidence that a proportion of
         1st. 24-year-old Açelya, has been repre-  three of us to continue with judo. At the   of directors, who got loans they were not  bounce back loans were misused. However
         senting Team England on the internation-  age of 18, I moved to London and started   entitled to, have also been disqualified.”  the BBC has said based on the details they
         al arena the European junior silver medal-  living in the training area located outside   Addinf “The cost to the taxpayer of these  have seen that hundreds of company di-
         list Açelya is an extraordinary talent with  the city. I regularly participate in nation-
         a bright future ahead of her. Winning her  al and international competitions. For the   insolvencies could be as much as £500m,  rectors have so far been disqualified from
         silver medal in 2017 and has since grown  first time in my life I participated in the   and is likely to grow as more companies go  running businesses. And many of those
         stronger, gaining valuable experience at  Commonwealth games. It is a great honour   under.” The figures, obtained by the BBC  companies were not eligible to receive the
         the 2022 European Championships, where  for me.” Touching on how important keep-  under a Freedom of Information request,  loans in the first place. Previous research
         she picked up another silver medal. Speak-  ing active meant growing up in London she   who has been investigating what will hap-  shows that 45% of successful applicants to
         ing  to Londra Gazete Acelya shared with  said: “I used to live in the...  Page 2m  pen to the hundreds of millions of pounds  two banks showed no...  Page 7m
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