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Tag: union

THE Turkish Cypriot Youth Union (KTGB), which was founded by young people born in the UK or by those who came to the UK to study from Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot Youth Union announced that they have arranged a trip to Cardiff whereby the youth from London will come together...
DEMOCRATIC Union Power organised a public meeting on 25 November on suicide and conflict. The public meeting was held in Kirkisraklilar Association on Sunday. At the meeting, suicide among the community and mobbing events where discussed. Thus, these matters has been described as the bleeding wounds of the community, especially...
CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, bir takım görüşmeler yapmak üzere gittiği İngiltere’de, dünyaca ünlü münazara platformu Oxford Union’ı ziyaret etti. Burada Türk öğrencilerle bir araya gelen CHP Lideri, gündem ile alakalı soruları cevapladı. Fakat Türk öğrencilerin soruları, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun istediği doğrultuda sorulmadı. AK PARTİ’DEN HİÇ BİR DERS ÇIKARMADINIZ 16 senedir her seçimden...
CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu beraberindeki heyet ile birlikte Oxford Union’un özel daveti üzerine Londra’ya geldi. CHP GENEL Başkan Yardımcısı Ünal Çeviköz, Türk Hava Yolları (THY)’na ait uçakla Londra’ya giden Kılıçdaroğlu’nun İngiltere temasları hakkında bilgi verdi. İNGİLİZ GAZETECİLERLE BİR ARAYA GELECEKLER CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun Londra sehayati ile ilgili...
The government has survived an attempt by pro-EU Conservative MPs to change its post-Brexit trade strategy. The MPs wanted the UK to join a customs union if it does not agree a free-trade deal with the EU. However, the government, which says a customs union would stop it striking new...
The government has survived an attempt by pro-EU Conservative MPs to change its post-Brexit trade strategy. The MPs wanted the UK to join a customs union if it does not agree a free-trade deal with the EU. But the government, which says a customs union would stop it striking new...
INTERNATIONAL Workers Day was celebrated in London with the participation of thousands of people. A large number of public and private sector workers, trade union members, NGO representatives, students and pensions from London, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, gathered in the Clerkenwell neighbourhood of the city for activities in...
An update of the customs unions agreement with the European Union will be beneficial for ties between Turkey and the EU, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said on Sept. 27.