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Tag: protest

ABD Yüksek Mahkemesinin kürtaj hakkını anayasal güvence altına alan yaklaşık 50 yıllık kararı bozmaya hazırlanması İngiltere’nin başkenti Londra’da protesto edildi. ABD Yüksek Mahkemesinin kürtaj hakkını anayasal güvence altına alan yaklaşık 50 yıllık kararı bozmaya hazırlanması İngiltere’nin başkenti Londra’da protesto edildi. Parlamento Meydanı’nda toplanan kürtaj hakkı savunucuları, ABD’de anayasal olarak garanti...
Extinction Rebellion promises ‘Mass action’ across London EXTINCTION Rebellion has promised unspecified “mass action” in London as the climate activist group continues a week of protests in the capital. It comes after XR activists blocked the entrance to Lloyd’s of London on Tuesday to protest against the insurance sector’s backing...
THE photography exhibition named ‘Protest’ by Vehbi Koca will be open to visitors at Gorki House between March 28 and May 24. Photographer Vehbi Koca shared a statement about the exhibition saying “Protest isn’t a gift from the State – it’s our fundamental right. It is meant to be disruptive...
Communities joined together with the Turkish Cypriot residents living in Waltham Forest expressed their anger towards the local council leader’s decision to remove the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) flags and then state “…In the future flags of territories not recognized by the UK will not be hung.” The...
THE Prime Minister was involved in a crash this afternoon after a protester ran towards his convoy outside the gates of Parliament. A protester was in the road outside the Palace of Westminster as Boris Johnson’s convoy left after Prime Minister’s Questions. The lead car was forced to stop, with an escorting vehicle,...
Londra bugün şok bir protestoya sahne oldu. Extinction Rebellion adlı çevre örgütü, Londra Moda Haftası’nın düzenleneceği binanın çevresini ‘kana buladı.’ İngiltere’de bugün kapılarını açmaya hazırlanan Londra Moda Haftası, sıra dışı bir eyleme sahne oldu. Organizasyon için son hazırlıklar tamamlanırken, defilelerin yapılacağı binanın önüne gelenler şok bir görüntüyle karşılaştı. Extinction Rebellion...
  A protest was organised in front of Tottenham Park Cemetery on Saturday, 3 November led by the Tottenham Park Action Group. The Tottenham Park action group have asserted that they found bones scattered in the cemetery. Hence, a member of the action group Tünay Hüseyin expressing that a change...
Protesters seeking a referendum on the final Brexit deal have attended a rally which organisers say was the “biggest” demonstration of its kind. Young voters led the People’s Vote march to London’s Parliament Square, which supporters say attracted around 670,000 protesters today (October 20). Tweeting:  “670,000 are on the #PeoplesVoteMarch...
  AN anti-monarchy group has sent a letter to the police to ask for peaceful protest to be permitted near the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor. Graham Smith, leader pressure group Republic, set out the royal wedding on 19 May as “PR for the monarchy”. He...
IN reaction to the administrators of Pir Sultan Abdal Culture Association being arrested in Turkey, the British Alevi Federation protested in front of the Turkish Embassy. A black wreath was left in front of the Turkish Embassy by the British Alevi Federation and it was stated: “We gathered here today...
İngiltere'nin Avrupa Birliği üyeliğinden çıkmasını protesto eden yüzlerce kişi, İşçi Partisi'nin Brigton'da düzenlediği kongrede gösteri düzenlendi.
Alevi federations throughout Turkey and Europe, including British Alevi Federation are set to protest the education system in Turkey.
A teenager has been charged with attacking two police officers during clashes in east London.
Environmentalists protest tramway construction in Istanbul’s Belgrade Forest