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Tag: jail

A money launderer who was caught trying to smuggle almost £2 million out of the UK in her suitcases has been jailed for almost three years. The National Crime Agency’s investigation into Tara Hanlon, age 30 and from Leeds, began in October 2020 after she was stopped from boarding a...
A trio of kebab shop workers who left a suspected burglar with a broken cheek, eye, jaw and arm after accusing him of targeting their restaurant have been jailed. Zafar Ahmed, 35, alongside brothers Asmat Khan, 33, and Mohammed Khan, 25, were each handed two-year sentences after the incident at...
A man who was wanted for five years has been sentenced to five years and two months imprisonment for driving and drug offences. Ali Hussain, 32 was sentenced on Monday, 12 October at Isleworth crown court to five years and two months imprisonment after pleading guilty to the following seven...
A man has been jailed for 12 years for firearms and drugs offences, following a Trident investigation launched after a call about dogs abandoned in a property. Coskun Coskun, 33  was sentenced to a total of 12 years at Wood Green Crown Court on Wednesday, 7 October after admitting to...
A student who punched a hole in a £20 million Picasso painting at the Tate Modern in a bid for his “five minutes of fame” has been jailed for 18 months. Shakeel Ryan Massey, 20, armed himself with metal padlocks and wrapped his hands in scarves to smash through protective glass and damage the...
32-year-old  Erdogan Turkmen, was sentenced to 14 weeks custodial for common assault. In a post shared by Enfield Police they said Turkmen was issued with a CBO (Criminal Behaviour Order), Not to enter parts of N9 and N18, Not to associate with named people, Not to be in possession of more than one...
Shane O’Brien, one of the world’s most wanted men, who went on the run for three-and-a-half years after murdering 21-year-old Josh Hanson in Eastcote, has been jailed for life. An Old Bailey judge sentenced O’Brien on Wednesday, 23 October and recommended he spend at least 26 years in prison. The Judge...
Julian Assange will remain in prison after his jail sentence finishes because of fears he may run away. The WikiLeaks founder was told this morning that he would not be freed when his current term for skipping bail expires on September 22. Assange, 48, was handed a 50 week jail sentence in May following...
A killer who stabbed a new father to death before fleeing the country and living under a false name in northern Cyprus was today facing life in jail. Charles Riddington, 37, was arrested on the island last August, nearly two years after the frenzied attack on George Barker, 24, at...
Sixteen gang members have been jailed for more than 61 years for running Class A drugs through County Lines across the South East. The following all pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs (crack cocaine and heroin): – Connell Bamgboye, 25 (21.6.1994) of New Park...
A car repair worker has been sentenced to jail for stealing customers’ personal data from his former employer. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) stated that it is the first time someone will go to prison due to a case it has prosecuted. Mustafa Kasim stole accident information and the names, phone numbers...
The four ringleaders behind the Hatton Garden raid must pay a total of £27.5m or serve another seven years in jail.
A BMW salesman who helped to steal cars worth more than £200,000 broke down in tears as he was jailed for more than five years.
Two businessmen have been jailed for their part in a £200,000 conspiracy to pass off horsemeat as beef.