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Tag: crimes

NEIL Billany, the Chief Inspector with responsibility for Neighbourhoods policing in Enfield and Haringey made an announcement to the recent crimes occurring over the weekend in Edmonton. Billnany stated: “The levels of violence used none of the injuries inflicted over the two evenings are life threatening, however this does not...
The threat posed by organised crime in the UK is now greater than terrorism, the National Crime Agency has said. Its latest report said there were 4,600 serious and organised crime groups, committing offences including child abuse, trafficking and drug dealing. Director general Lynne Owens said that crime cost the...
THE Met Police takes nearly twice as long to respond to “priority crimes” than set time targets, figures show. Officers took up to two hours to respond in some boroughs to “significant” calls that guidelines say should be reached in under 60 minutes. The figures, obtained by the Liberal Democrats,...
Enfield Council has unveiled a £100,000 package of measures designed to tackle a big increase in the level of youth violence in the borough in recent months. Planned activities will include football, boxing, horticulture and cookery sessions but will also give youth workers an increased opportunity to do more work...
RECENT research has revealed the most dangerous constituencies of London for moped crimes. A Freedom of Information (FOI) has outlined that the quantity of offences committed by criminals on mopeds has increased by 30 times since 2012. Additionally exposed that the worst boroughs in London are Camden and Islington, where...
  A decrease in police numbers has possibly subscribed to an increase in vital violent crimes, in reference to a leaked document. Officials stated that a insufficiency of resources and small charges may have stimulated offenders to commit crimes. As a result of a great amount of crimes being commit...
LONDON Police Agency (Scotland Yard) said it would not open investigations into crimes in the city such as store theft, vehicle stealing, or damage to property.