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Police to enforce further stop and search in Enfield

Police to enforce further stop and search in Enfield

NEIL Billany, the Chief Inspector with responsibility for Neighbourhoods policing in Enfield and Haringey made an announcement to the recent crimes occurring over the weekend in Edmonton.

Billnany stated:

“The levels of violence used none of the injuries inflicted over the two evenings are life threatening, however this does not detract in any way from our response.

At this time we believe the two incidents are linked and the investigation is being led by Trident Area and Crime Command. By way of explanation, Trident are responsible for tackling gang violence and the prevention and investigation of all non-fatal shootings in London. Both attacks appear to have been targeted against specific individuals.

In response to these incidents we have secured additional resources above and beyond routine borough policing for today, this includes officers from the TSG and the Violent Crime Task Force. To be clear, these are not rebranded ‘extra’ Enfield officers, but are officers with Pan-London responsibility who would not routinely be working here.

These officers are out in both Edmonton and Tottenham now in response to current intelligence. We also have authorisation to use S60 powers of Stop and Search. This enables officers to search people and vehicles in a defined area for offensive weapons.”

Police are keen to hear from anyone who witnessed this incident but has not yet come forward or anyone who can identify the suspects.

Anyone with information that may assist police should call 020 8201 2713

To remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online via…/forms/give-information-anony…


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