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Tag: stop

GAMBLING firms have agreed to stop all TV and radio advertising for games and products during the virus lockdown. The Betting and Gaming Council said firms have voluntarily agreed to remove all advertising for at least six weeks. The move comes amid criticism that the industry is exploiting people who...
NEIL Billany, the Chief Inspector with responsibility for Neighbourhoods policing in Enfield and Haringey made an announcement to the recent crimes occurring over the weekend in Edmonton. Billnany stated: “The levels of violence used none of the injuries inflicted over the two evenings are life threatening, however this does not...
A series of stabbings on the streets of London has led to a renewed focus on knife crime and how to reduce it. One power available to the police is stop and search, and Home Secretary Sajid Javid has recently emphasised its importance in tackling violence: “If stop and search...
A new one-stop-shop for adult social care services and advice called MyLife Enfield was officially launched at the Civic Centre. The portal provides information on improving residents’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing so they can live as independently as possible. It was created with the expertise of Enfield’s adult social...
WOMEN’S life expectancy from birth remains 82.9 years and for men it is 79.2, the figures from the Office for National Statistics, for 2015-17, show.Life expectancy in the UK has stopped improving for the first time since 1982, when figures began. In fact in some parts of the UK, life...
NHS England is putting an immediate curb on mesh operations after safety concerns. It has accepted the advice of a new review looking at harm reported by women who received the treatment for stress urinary incontinence. The review’s chair, Baroness Julia Cumberlege, said she was “appalled at the seriousness and...
BMW is expanding a UK recollect of its cars after the BBC Watchdog discovered that vehicles could stop completely whilst they are being driven. Thus, BMW is recollecting 312,000 vehicles: the BMW 1 Series, the 3 Series, the Z4 and its X1 petrol and diesel models made between March 2007...