Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 37

4                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 18 August 2022

                                                                               Thames Water confirms

                                                                       when hosepipe ban in London

                                                                        THAMES Water has confirmed
                                                                      a hosepipe ban will come into
                                                                      force on August 24.
                                                                        More than 15 million customers
                                                                      will have restrictions on water us-
                                                                      age imposed on them in response
                                                                      to drought conditions across
                                                                      parts of England.
                                                                        The  firm,  which  supplies  Lon-
                                                                      don and some surrounding areas,
         Money launderer apprehended                                  becomes the latest to announce
                                                                      emergency measures this summer
           with £250,000 under his bed                                after months of extreme weather.
                                                                        Britain has experienced some of
                                                                      the hottest and driest months on
          A  brazen  money  launderer  had  (£41,000) worth of Chinese Yuan   record, pushing water networks
         a quarter of a million pounds  into foreign currencies each year,   into the red zone.
         stuffed under his bed when police  many Chinese nationals use this   An official drought was declared
         searched his home.            system of underground banking   in eight areas of England last
          Lin  Guo, 32,  was stopped by  to transfer money out of the coun-  week by an expert body made up   It  said  reservoir  storage  levels  unprecedented levels and we now
         officers at Canning Town Station  try.                       of representatives from govern-  are at the lowest levels seen in the  have to move into the next phase
         in November 2019 carrying a     Guo was using his home as a   ment, environment agencies and   region in 30 years.         of our drought plan to conserve
         black rucksack with £20,000 cash  cash house, where money was   water companies.              While much of the country has  water, mitigate further risk and
                                                                        Thames Water says the ban
         wrapped in a Chinese newspaper  stored and counted before being   covers: Watering your garden,   seen some heavy downpours in  future-proof supplies.’
         inside.                       deposited.                     allotment or plants, Filling or   recent days, experts have warned   Thames Water loses more than
          He also had £1,200 in Scottish   Messages found on his phone   maintaining your paddling pool,   it could take several months for  600 million litres of water a day
         banknotes stuffed into his pocket.  dated throughout 2019 talked   swimming pool or hot tub, Clean-  water levels to return to normal.  to leakage – that’s almost a quar-
          When police searched that ad-  about currency exchange, de-  ing your vehicles, Cleaning win-  Sarah  Bentley, Thames Water  ter of all the water it supplies it
         dress they found £252,000 in a  tails of bank transfers in China   dows, walls, paths, patios and   CEO, said: ‘Implementing a Tem-  says it’s doing everything it can to
         drawer under the bed in a spare  and screenshots showing money   other artificial outdoor surfaces   porary Use Ban for our customers  fix leaks.
         room, hidden underneath some  transfers as well as messages from   like artificial grass and Recrea-  has been a very difficult decision   Six water company’s have an-
         reusable shopping bags.       individuals  asking  for  exchange   tional use like water fights and   to make and one which we have  nounced hosepipe restrictions:
          There was £6,300 more in cash  rates. Guo, of Bywell Place, Can-  water slides.            not taken lightly...           South West Water, Welsh Water,
                                                                                                       ‘Despite investing in the largest  Southern Water, South East Wa-
                                                                        The  ban  applies  to  hosepipes,
         in a bedside table, along with two  ning Town admitted two counts   and anything attached to them,  leakage reduction programme in  ter, Yorkshire Water and Thames
         cash-counting machines and a de-  of money laundering and was sen-  like sprinklers and jet washers.  the UK, customer demand is at  Water
         vice used to check for fake notes.  tenced to two years prison, sus-
          Several mobile  phones were  pended for 18 months, at Inner
         found and with the help of a Chi-  London Crown Court.
         nese  interpreter,  officers  discov-  He must also complete 200 hours   3 days of strikes on bus, train
         ered they were being used in Chi-  unpaid work within 12 months.
         nese Underground Banking.     His phones and cash-counting
          Because the Chinese Govern-  machines will be destroyed and all                  and rail services
         ment  does  not  allow  its  citizens  cash found in his address has been
         to exchange more than $50,000  seized by police.               LONDON  bus  drivers  will  join  more than 1,600 workers, based  and 400 Overground workers are
                                                                      London Underground and Over-   mainly in west London.         to walk out. The strike will last all
                                                                      ground workers on their strike on   Drivers at Fulwell, Hounslow,  day, causing significant disrup-
          UK first country to approve                                 August 19.                     Hounslow Heath, Park Roy-      tion for commuters.
                                                                                                                                     While The RMT has organ-
                                                                        Tube  workers  are  striking  in  al, Shepherd’s Bush, Stamford
                   dual-strain vaccine                                an ongoing dispute over pen-   Brook, and Tolworth depots will  ised strikes on  August 18  and
                                                                      sions and jobs between the RMT  walk out.
                                                                                                                                    August 20. The major walkouts
                                                                      union, TfL and London Under-     Workers on London Under-     are expected to include 40,000
          THE  UK has become the first  tated substantially, with a stream   ground management. Meanwhile,  ground are set to stage a 24-hour  workers,  including  signalling
         country to approve a dual vaccine  of new variants emerging that can   Overground union members, em-  strike on Friday 19 August. Over-  and track maintenance workers,
         which tackles both the original  dodge some of our immune defenc-  ployed by Arriva Rail London, will  ground workers employed by Ar-  with  20,000  from  Network  Rail
         Covid virus and the newer Omi-  es. They have caused large surges in   strike over pay.     riva Rail London will stage a sepa-  and the remainder from 14 other
         cron variant.                 cases around the world.          London’s bus drivers, represent-  rate walkout on the same day.  train operating companies across
          Ministers say the vaccine will   Cases of coronavirus are current-  ed by Unite union, are striking   Around 10,000 Tube workers  the country.
         now form part of the autumn  ly falling in the UK. In mid-to-late   over a pay offer which the union
         booster campaign.             July, around 2.5 million people   says is a pay cut when considering
          Moderna thinks 13 million doses  tested positive for coronavirus.  the current rates of inflation.
         of its new vaccine will be available   Moderna's latest vaccine - called   This action is the latest in a se-
         this year, but 26 million people are  Spikevax - targets both the orig-  ries of strikes that have disrupted
         eligible for some form of booster.  inal strain and the first Omicron   the UK’s rail network this sum-
          Health officials say people should  variant (BA.1), which emerged last   mer.
                                                                        In July, thousands of RMT un-
         take whichever booster they are of-  winter. It is known as a bivalent   ion  members  who  work  for Net-
         fered as all jabs provide protection.  vaccine as it takes aim at two forms   work Rail and 14 train operators
          The original vaccines used in the  of Covid.                walked out on Wednesday, result-
         pandemic were designed to train   The UK's Medicines and Health-  ing in only one in five trains run-
         the body to fight the first form of  care Products Regulatory Agency   ning.
         the virus which emerged in Wu-  has considered the evidence and   Bus drivers plan to strike on
         han, in China, at the end of 2019.  given the vaccine approval for use   Friday  19  August  and  Saturday
          The Covid virus has since mu-  in adults.                   20 August, the strike will include
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