Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 39
2 Londra Gazete, 18 August 2022
Love Island winners Ekin-Su and
Davide land their own travel series
EKIN-SU Cülcüloğlu and Da- has signed the biggest clothing ‘Ekin has met with countless
vide Sanclimenti will star in their deal in the show’s history with brands this week, but she knew
own reality show, they both an- the brand Oh Polly. that Oh Polly was the perfect fit
nounced during an appearance on She was ‘inundated with offers’ for her, and the feeling was mu-
the Big Breakfast revival on Sat- by multiple retailers following tual.
urday. her landslide win with boyfriend ‘She’s signed an enormous deal
The Love Island winners, both Davide but wanted to ‘follow her worth over a million and now she
27, revealed they will be filmed by heart’ in signing with a company can’t wait to start collaborating
ITV2 cameras as they embark on that believes in her.
road trips together of their native According to the MailOnline an with the brand and working on
countries, Turkey and Italy. insider close to Ekin-Su revealed: her first ever collection.
Soap actress Ekin-Su joked that
TfL bosses urged to the pair would be ‘fighting and
cooking’ for audiences, claiming
reconsider bus changes the programme will be a ‘blend of
two cultures’.
Davide said on the morning pro-
gramme: ‘I can tell this. We are
PLANS for the biggest bus cuts rise in bus fares, to £1.90 from £1.65.
in the capital for decades would be Ms Berry added: "One third of going on a road trip to Italy and
"counterproductive", Transport for all bus journeys are made by peo- Turkey so one week in Italy, one
London (TfL) has been told. ple in households earning less than week in Turkey. We are going to
In June, TfL warned central Lon- £20,000 per year. be on ITV2 so it’s going to be like
don buses could be reduced by a fifth. "We are also concerned about the our own programme.’
A consultation to remove 250 bus- disproportionate impact of the pro- Ekin-Su added: ‘It will be all
es and 16 routes received an "excep- posals on disabled Londoners, con- real, fighting, I’ll be cooking for
tionally high" number of responses, sidering that 10% of daytime bus him, he’ll be cooking for me. It
according to London Assembly's passengers are disabled." will be two cultures.’
transport committee. The number of people using the af- Davide concluded: ‘We’ll be
Chair Sian Berry said there were fected routes has also been declining meeting family, it’s going to be
concerns "about the disproportion- since 2014, according to the trans- nice,’ before presenter AJ Odudu
ate impact... on the poorest London- port body. told them: ‘You’re going on the
ers". Its bus action plan published in trip and we get to go with you!’
As well as the proposed cuts, there March stated 96% of Londoners live It comes after MailOnline re-
is also the threat of a potential 14% within 400m (1,312ft) of a bus stop. ported that the Turkish soap star