Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 35

6                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 18 August 2022

                                                                           Shapps considering creating

                                                                       20mph speed limits for cyclists

                                                                        TRANSPORT  Secretary Grant
                                                                      Shapps has flagged changing road
                                                                      laws so cyclists have to abide by
                                                                      20mph speed limits or face pen-
                                                                        Less than a fortnight after vow-
                                                                      ing to create a “death by danger-
                                                                      ous cycling” law that will treat
                                                                      killer cyclists the same as motor-
                                                                      ists, Mr Shapps said he wanted
                                                                      to stop certain behaviour on the
         Truss and Sunak reject                                       roads.
                                                                        The Welwyn Hatfield MP told
                           indyref2                                   the Daily Mail: “Somewhere
                                                                      where  cyclists  are  actually  not
                                                                      breaking the law is when they
          LEADERSHIP  candidates  Liz  not allow another independence   speed, and that cannot be right,
         Truss and Rishi Sunak have re-  referendum if she was elected.  so I absolutely propose extend-  you actually track cyclists who do  Mail, adding: “It’s a fantastic way
         jected a second Scottish inde-  The SNP said it was "depressing   ing speed limit restrictions to cy-  break the laws.”    to travel. We’ve seen a big explo-
         pendence  referendum  at  a  hus-  watching for Scots".      clists.                          The Highway Code and Road  sion of cycling during Covid and
         tings in Perth.                 For nearly two hours, the final   “Particularly where you’ve got   Traffic Act speeding limits only   since, I think it has lots of health
          Mr Sunak said it's "quite frank-  two candidates pitched for the   20mph limits on increasing num-  apply to motor vehicles and their   benefits.
         ly  barmy"  that  any  government  votes of Scottish Conservative   bers of roads, cyclists can easily   drivers. While local authorities   “But I  see  no  reason why cy-
         would focus on an independence  members.                     exceed those, so I want to make                               clists should break the road laws,
         referendum during the cost of liv-  The  UK  will  find  out its  next   speed limits apply to cyclists.  can impose speed limits on cy-  why they should speed, why they
         ing crisis.                   prime minister in less than three   “That obviously does then lead   clists, it has been rarely done.  should bust red lights and be able
          And Ms Truss said she would  weeks on 5 September.          you into the question of: ‘Well,   The Department for Trans-  to get away with it.
                                                                      how are you going to recognise   port refused to provide comment   It comes after Mr Shapps
                                                                      the cyclist? Do you need registra-  to the PA news agency on Mr   pledged to create a “death by dan-
         Union anger over 26% cut to                                  tion plates and insurance? And   Shapps’ interview.           gerous cycling” law to “impress
                                                                      that sort of thing.’
                                                                                                       “I don’t want to stop people  on cyclists the real harm they can
         civil service redundancy pay                                 be a review of insurance and how  Transport Secretary told the  with lack of care”.
                                                                        “So I’m proposing there should  from getting  on their  bike,” the  cause when speed is combined
          TRADE unions have reacted an-  threat of 91,000 job cuts, these
         grily to government plans to cut  proposed cuts to our members'
         civil servants' redundancy pay by  redundancy terms add insult to   UK set to receive shipment of Australian gas
         an estimated 25.9%.           injury.
          It comes as ministers seek to re-  He added that his union would   THE UK is expected to take de-  a small fraction of its gas from  natural gas (LNG) cargo to Europe
         duce civil servant jobs by 91,000.  "fight these proposals as we did   livery of a shipment of gas all the  Russia before the conflict began,  in at least six years, according to
          The PCS trade union accused   in 2017". The plans to cut redun-  way from Australia next week, as  the country is connected to the  Bloomberg, which first reported
         the government of wanting "to   dancy pay, outlined in a govern-  the pressure on European energy  European gas network. Continen-  the news. Australia's decision to
         get job cuts done on the cheap".  ment  consultation  document,   supplies grows. The liquid nat-  tal Europe is much more reliant  sell to Europe could also be part-
          But a Cabinet Office spokesper-  include limiting payments to   ural gas (LNG) is due to arrive  on Russian gas, and deliveries via  ly due to reduced demand from
         son said that in a time of "high   three weeks' pay per year of ser-  on 22 August, according to com-  the Nordstream pipeline have al-  China, where Mr Cox said repeat-
         national debt and increasing cost   vice, down from one month, with   modities analysts Kpler. Austral-  ready been curtailed.   ed Covid lockdowns had reduced
         pressures" the Civil Service Com-                            ia doesn't usually sell gas this far   Moscow has been accused of us-  the need for energy. The UK gets
         pensation Scheme should be "af-  payments capped at 18 months'   afield,  but  European  countries  ing gas as a political weapon and  about half of its gas directly from
         fordable" to the taxpayer.    salary for voluntary redundancy   have been seeking alternatives to  there are fears it could cut sup-  the North Sea.
          The government previously    (down from 21) and nine months   Russian gas following the inva-  plies to European countries alto-  A further third comes via pipe-
         tried to reduce redundancy pay-  for  compulsory  redundancy  sion of Ukraine. The UK stopped  gether, if there is no resolution  lines from Norway and it also
         ments in 2017, but was forced to   (down from 12).           importing gas from Russia in  to the crisis. This is the first time  buys LNG from Qatar, the US and
         scrap its plan when unions suc-  Proposals to cut 91,000 civ-  April. While the UK bought only  Australia has shipped a liquefied  a handful of other countries.
         cessfully took court action.  il service jobs were announced
          PCS general secretary Mark  earlier this year, with the gov-
         Serwotka said: "Coming on top of  ernment saying it wanted to see
         a derisory 2% pay offer and the  staffing return to 2016 levels.  Labour loses nearly 100,000 members

                                                                        LABOUR lost nearly 100,000  dundancy packages to cut costs  ty had balanced the books, leav-
                                                                      members in 2021 and ended the  in the long-run contributing to  ing a small surplus of £17,000.
                                                                      year with a £5 million financial  the financial black hole. Labour's   The Conservative party, whose
                                                                      deficit, the party's newly-pub-  income  from  membership  fees  accounts were also published to-
                                                                      lished accounts show. A mass ex-  fell from £19.3 million in 2020  day, made a £319,000 surplus in
                                                                      odus of supporters saw the par-  to £16.2 million in 2021, a £3.1  2021. The Tories do not put their
                                                                      ty's membership – which stood at  drop in income which made up  membership numbers in their ac-
                                                                      523,332 at the end of 2020 – fall  the majority of its £5.2m deficit.  counts, but income from Conserv-
                                                                      to 432,213 by the close of 2021.  The size of the party's loss rep-  ative membership fees remained
                                                                      The party Treasurers' report de-  resents a significant increase on  broadly stable at £1,989,000 in
                                                                      scribes 2021 as a "difficult and  2020, when the party had a defi-  2021, compared to £1,999,000 in
                                                                      demanding year", with staff re-  cit of £1 million. In 2019 the par-  2020.
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