Page 40 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 40

Londra                                                                                                 Thames Water confirms when

                                                                                                                         hosepipe ban in London


         Thursday 18 August 2022          Issue 1119  50p
                                                                                                     020 8889 5025
                    twitter@LondraGazete  020 8889 5025                                     Page 4m


                                                                                                                              ASHURA Lokma were shared at the Alevi
                                                                                                                             Cultural Centre and Cemevi UK(IAKM). The
                                                                                                                             leading figures of the Alevi community, in-
                                                                                                                             cluding representatives of non-governmen-
                                                                                                                             tal organizations, politicians and members
                                                                                                                             of parliament, also attended the ceremony,
                                                                                                                             which was held on Sunday, August 14, in
                                                                                                                             north London.
                                                                                                                              In his opening speech at the event, Ibrahim
                                                                                                                             Has, Co-Chair of IAKM said, “Ashura, one of
                                                                                                                             the indispensable rituals of our institution,
                                                                                                                             has been held for years. We come side by side
                                                                                                                             to be one with the motto of peace and broth-
                                                                                                                             erhood, just like every berry in the ashura
                                                                                                                              “We boiled our Ashura with peace, friend-
                                                                                                                             ship, brotherhood and love.” Dilek İnce-
                                                                                                                             dal, co-chair of the British Alevi Federation
                                                                                                                             (BAF) and the Enfield Alevi Cultural Centre
                                                                                                                             (EAKM), said, "May our shared Ashura carry
                                                                                                                             Hüseyin's spirit of resistance to the present
                                                                                                                             day, let our struggle for peace, equality and
                                                                                                                             freedom develop and become stronger," said
                                                                                                                             İncedal.  İAKM-  Cemevi  Co-Chair  Filiz  Koç
                                                                                                                             said, "May the efforts of all our souls who
                                                                                                                             have worked hard for our Ashura to be ac-
                                                                                                                             cepted in their rightful place", while Cemevi
                                                                                                                             Yol and Erkan Board Member Meral Ateş
                                                                                                                             said, " Ashura is the secret of making less and
                                                                                                                             bringing abundance out of...  Page 2m

         Turkish Cypriots accuse Rishi                                                         March held in Haringey

           Sunak of "anti-Turkish bias" against the removal of bus cuts

          EKIN-SU  As the Conservative leadership  displayed an impartial stance in her letter were   THE march organized by the Unite Union  month  that  it  had  initiated  consultation
         candidates battle out their views and vision  she stated she the way forward is ‘reunify the   against the abolition of some bus services in  with the central government as it needed to
         for the UK, former chancellor  Rishi Sunak has  island and its people within the established   the Haringey took place on  Saturday, August  make "significant savings" amid continued
         been criticized by a number of Turkish Cypri-  UN framework of bizonal, binominal federa-  13.  The Turkish-Kurdish Solidarity Centre  funding shortages. A total of 78 bus routes
         ots, who accused him of "clear misinformation"  tion...” but claims have been made that Sunak   Day-Mer(Day-Mer) in London joined the  were  interrupted  as  a  result  of  the  'man-
         and "anti-Turkish bias" after a his letter on rela-  language and references that marginalized the   march that started at Manor House.   aged decline' scenario, and as many as 16
         tion with the UK and Cyprus was revealed. The  Turkish Cypriots, harmed their political equal-  Day-Mer used the following statement:  London bus routes could be cancelled alto-
         issue came to light after Conservative Friends  ity and democratic preferences, and caused   “The abolition of the bus lines is an attack on  gether. Route 349, which currently runs be-
         of Cyprus (CFC), the pro-Cypriot lobby group  great harm to the Turkish Cypriot community.     the public transportation right of us work-  tween Waltham Cross Bus Station and Man-
         in the Conservative Party, published letters  In his letter to the CFC, Sunak said, “First and   ers, and this attack can only be prevented  or House Station, is one of the routes that
         from two leadership candidates, Rishi Sunak  foremost, I want to acknowledge the pain and   by mass struggle. That's why we joined the  could be undermined. Meanwhile, routes
         and Liz Truss, on its website earlier this week.  hurt causes by the invasion of 1974...” going on   march.  “Proposals  to  lower  service  levels  259, 279 and 476 could face significant ad-

         Within the scope of the criticisms made by the  to say that he believes the “British government   on London's bus network could affect four  justments...”  Seb Dance, Deputy Mayor of
         Turkish Cypriots, it was claimed that Truss  should...             Page 3m   routes in Haringey. “TfL announced last  London Transport...       Page 3m
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