Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 38
Londra Gazete, 18 August 2022 3
Turkish Cypriots accuse Rishi Sunak
of "anti-Turkish bias"
EKIN-SU As the Conservative
leadership candidates battle out their
views and vision for the UK, former
chancellor Rishi Sunak has been crit-
icized by a number of Turkish Cypri-
Ashura Lokma was shared ots, who accused him of "clear mis-
information" and "anti-Turkish bias"
at İAKM after a his letter on relation with the
UK and Cyprus was revealed.
The issue came to light after Con-
servative Friends of Cyprus (CFC),
ASHURA Lokma were shared at Alevi Federation (BAF) and the En- the pro-Cypriot lobby group in the
the Alevi Cultural Centre and Ceme- field Alevi Cultural Centre (EAKM), Conservative Party, published letters
vi UK(IAKM). The leading figures said, "May our shared Ashura car- from two leadership candidates, Ri-
of the Alevi community, including ry Hüseyin's spirit of resistance to shi Sunak and Liz Truss, on its web-
representatives of non-govern- the present day, let our struggle for site earlier this week.
mental organizations, politicians peace, equality and freedom devel-
and members of parliament, also op and become stronger," said İn- Within the scope of the criticisms knowledge the pain and hurt causes AND Greek Cypriots. We are not one.
attended the ceremony, which was cedal. İAKM- Cemevi Co-Chair Filiz made by the Turkish Cypriots, it was by the invasion of 1974...” going on We exist.”
held on Sunday, August 14, in north Koç said, "May the efforts of all our claimed that Truss displayed an im- to say that he believes the “British The British Turkish Cypriot Associ-
London. souls who have worked hard for our partial stance in her letter were she government should support Cypri- ation wrote an open letter criticizing
In his opening speech at the event, Ashura to be accepted in their right- stated she the way forward is ‘reunify ots to reunite their island...” Sunak's views in Cyprus, describing
Ibrahim Has, Co-Chair of IAKM ful place", while Cemevi Yol and Er- the island and its people within the Adding “Thirdly, I believe that the his stance as "very one-sided and an-
said, “Ashura, one of the indispen- kan Board Member Meral Ateş said, established UN framework of bizon- Turkish Cypriot side should refrain ti-Turkish/Turkish Cypriot".
sable rituals of our institution, has " Ashura is the secret of making al, binominal federation...” but claims from provocative action that under- Young Turkish Cypriots said: “The
been held for years. We come side less and bringing abundance out of have been made that Sunak language mines trust and good will...” reference to the Turkish “invasion”
by side to be one with the motto nothingness. . and references that marginalized the On social Çiğdem Türkan, tweet- as well as the claims of Turkish Cyp-
of peace and brotherhood, just like It is possible for people to live Turkish Cypriots, harmed their polit- ed:“Him referring to just “Cyprus” riot “provocation” highlight @Rish-
every berry in the ashura cauldron. together with different but equal ical equality and democratic prefer- and “British Cypriots” vs. “Turkish iSunak limited knowledge on the
“We boiled our Ashura with peace, rights and under equal conditions ences, and caused great harm to the Cypriot side” is very frustrating. Cyprus issue. A worrying sign for the
friendship, brotherhood and love.” by keeping the colours alive like the Turkish Cypriot community. There is the Republic of Cyprus AND 300k British TCs living in the UK as
Dilek İncedal, co-chair of the British nuts in an ashura cauldron.” In his letter to the CFC, Sunak said, the Turkish Republic of Northern their next leader could be a Turko-
“First and foremost, I want to ac- Cyprus. There are Turkish Cypriots phobe #RishiSunak #Cyprus”
March held in Haringey against the
removal of bus cuts
THE march organized by the reduce the impact on passengers as available services or where travel-
Unite Union against the abolition much as possible. Changed routes lers will use the Mayor's 'Hopper'
of some bus services in the Harin- are where there are very similar fare to reach their destination.”
gey took place on Saturday, August
13. The Turkish-Kurdish Solidarity
Centre Day-Mer(Day-Mer) in Lon-
Karel Health Foundation don joined the march that started
at Manor House.
Day-Mer used the following
sends support to Sevalin statement: “The abolition of the
bus lines is an attack on the public
transportation right of us workers,
expensive drug Zolgensma. and this attack can only be prevent-
In the UK community members, ed by mass struggle. That's why we
business people and organisation joined the march.
started an aid campaign by joining “Proposals to lower service levels
hands, following the news of his on London's bus network could af-
passing organisers of the fundraiser fect four routes in Haringey.
establishment of Karel Health Foun- “TfL announced last month that
dation (Karel Sağlık Vakfı) on 15 it had initiated consultation with
December 2021 to extend a helping the central government as it need-
hand to people in need of health. ed to make "significant savings"
In a statement they said that do- amid continued funding shortages.
nation collected has been given to a A total of 78 bus routes were inter-
young child in need “The new board rupted as a result of the 'managed
is still working to formalize our decline' scenario, and as many as
Foundation. While these studies 16 London bus routes could be
were going on, Karel Health Foun- cancelled altogether. Route 349,
dation could not remain indifferent which currently runs between
to the petition from the Sevalin fam- Waltham Cross Bus Station and
LAST year members of the com- ily and undertook the operation of Manor House Station, is one of the
munity joined together in an effort Sevalin in Turkey. routes that could be undermined.
to help raise funds towards baby Ka- “Sevalin surgery was performed Meanwhile, routes 259, 279 and
rel’s SMA treatment. Tragically baby on August 5, 2022. These days he is 476 could face significant adjust-
Karel who lived in north Cyprus resting at home and preparing for ments...”
passed away in July before he was physical therapy. She thanked us Seb Dance, Deputy Mayor of Lon-
able to have the treatment which with this beautiful picture. We wish don Transport, said: “TfL has care-
has been said to be the world most her a speedy recovery.” fully studied the affected routes to