Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 33

8                                                                                         Londra Gazete, 18 August 2022

            Murder charge after man,                                             Woman ‘deliberately

         36, found dead in Lewisham
          A man has been charged with  identified, but Mr Booty’s next- pushed’ into road on Stoke

         murder after a 36-year-old was  of-kin have been informed.
         found dead at a home in Lewish-  Detectives from the Met’s Spe-    Newington High Street
         am. Police and ambulance crews  cialist Crime Command launched
         rushed to the property in Lo-  a probe into the incident.
         ampit Vale on Sunday morning,   On Monday morning, 53-year-    A woman in her 60s was taken
         after a report of a body inside.  old Christopher Baptiste, of Lew-  to  hospital  with  fractured  ribs
          A man, believed to be 36-year-  isham, was charged with murder.  after being “deliberately pushed”
         old Sonny Booty, was pronounced   He  appeared  in  custody  at   into a busy road.
         dead at the scene.            Bromley Magistrates’ Court on    Police have arrested a 32-ye-
          He has not yet been formally  Tuesday.                       ar-old man following the incident
                                                                       on Stoke Newington High Street
          Triple shooting in Brent                                     on Monday morning.
                                                                        The woman was allegedly  pus-
                                                                       hed into the road outside Sains-
          A teenage boy is one of three vic-  dition”.                 bury’s, sustaining a graze to her
         tims seriously injured in a triple   It  came  after  Kacey  Boothe  was   head and multiple fractured ribs.
         shooting in north London as resi-  named as the man shot dead out-  A passer-by ran into nearby
         dents fear for their children.  side a toddler’s first birthday party in   Stoke  Newington Police Station
          Armed officers rushed to Dog Lane  Walthamstow on Saturday night.  to alert officers.
         in Brent after reports a person had   In Hackney police said they will in-  Police and paramedics rushed
         been shot at roughly 7pm on Mon-  crease their patrols after two shoot-  to the scene, and the woman was
         day.                          ings within an hour on the same   taken to hospital with injuries
          They found a 17-year-old boy suf-  night.                    not described as life-changing or
         fering a gunshot wound.         The first incident occured about   life-threatening.        it is thought the woman was de-  arrested on suspicion of causing
          A police circular warned  parents  2.40am on Saturday when a man, in   A Met Police spokesperson said:  liberately pushed into the road.”  grievous bodily harm and is cur-
         that enhanced stop and search pow-  his 20s, was stabbed and shots were   “At this stage in the investigation   A 32-year-old man has been  rently in police custody.
         ers were operating across the whole  fired in Bohemia Place. His condition
         of Brent for 24 hours following the  is not life-threatening.
         shooting.                       Anyone with information should   `
          A 21-year-old man and another  call police on 101 with the reference    Man knifed to death yards
         gunshot victim, in his early 20s, were  6551/15AUG.
         found nearby.                   Information can also be provided
          Police said the gunman or gunmen  to Crimestoppers, anonymously, on   from shoppers in central London
         had fled the scene.           0800 555 111.
          All three victims were taken to a   fired in Bohemia Place. His condi-
         west London hospital, the Met said  tion is not life-threatening.  A man has been stabbed  London Ambulance Service  man believed to be a restau-
         in a statement.                 Anyone with information should   to death in a side road near  and London’s Air Ambulan-  rant  worker  was  stabbed  to
          The 17-year-old’s injuries have  call police on 101 with the reference   London’s Oxford Street, the  ce,” the spokesman said.  death outside a restaurant in
         been assessed as non-life changing,  6551/15AUG.                 Metropolitan Police said on   “A man was found with stab  front of horrified tourists and
         the 21-year-old has a potentially life   Information can also be provided   Monday.          wounds. Despite the best ef-  shoppers.
         changing injury and the final man  to Crimestoppers, anonymously, on   It  is  believed  it  happened  forts of the emergency servi-  Poland Street is a turning
         remains in a “serious but stable con-  0800 555 111.             after a row broke out near a  ces he was pronounced dead  off Oxford Street, which is
                                                                          restaurant.                 at the scene at 12:20hrs. His  one of the busiest shopping
                                                                           A police spokesperson said  identity has yet to be confir-  areas in Europe and attracts
            Appeal to find man                                            officers were called to Poland  med. A man has been arres-  tens of thousands of visitors
                                                                          Street in Soho at 11.40am to  ted  in  connection  with  the  per day, and runs into Soho,
         after woman raped in                                             reports of a stabbing.      incident.”                   another busy area known for
                                                                                                        Witnesses described how a  its nightlife.
                                                                           “Officers attended with the
               south Tottenham

          A  picture has been released of  matic  ordeal  for the  victim and   Missing Owami Davies ‘may
         a man police want to speak to af-  we are doing everything we can
         ter a woman was raped in South  to support her and bring the per-
         Tottenham.                    petrator to justice.            have been spotted on CCTV’
          The victim, who is in her 30s,   “We are very keen to speak to
         was seriously sexually assaulted  the man in the CCTV images we
         after being approached by a man  have released and we would ask   POLICE investigating the di-  Croydon on July 7.         appealed for the driver of a whi-
         she did not recognise on Hought-  anyone who can identify him to   sappearance of a student nurse   CCTV  released  last  week  te van that was parked in Derby
         on Road in the early hours of Sat-  come forward. We believe he can   have received new reports of so-  showed her in a dark jacket, red  Road when Owami was last seen
         urday, June 25.               help us with our enquiries into   meone matching her description  Adidas T-shirt,  light grey  jog-  to come forward. She and a man
          The suspect fled in the direc-  this offence and we wish to speak   in the south London area.  gers at 12.30pm walking north  crossed the road just as the van
         tion of West Green Road and  to him as a matter of urgency.”   Detective Chief Inspector Nigel  on London Road away from West  pulled out.
         police were alerted at 7.17am   Anyone with information is   Penney, leading the near six-week  Croydon towards Norbury.     Anyone   with   information
         the same day by a third party.  asked to contact police on 101 or   probe, reassured anyone helping   The  Met’s Specialist  Crime   should call the incident room on
         The Metropolitan Police said the  tweet @MetCC quoting reference   24-year-old Owami Davies they  Command is leading the inves-  020 8721 4622.
         woman is being supported by spe-  CAD  1632/25JUN.  Alternatively   are not in any trouble.  tigation into her disappearance,   Information can also be provi-
         cially trained officers.      you can contact the independent   Owami left her family home in  and has brought in support from  ded anonymously to Crimestop-
          Detective  constable  Daniella  charity  Crimestoppers  anony-  Chafford Hundred, Grays, was  the National Crime Agency.  pers on 0800 555 111, or online
         Biggins said: “This was a trau-  mously on 0800 555 111.     last seen in Derby Road, West    Investigators have previously  at
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