Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1119
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 18 August 2022                                                                                       9

         Rainwater no longer ‘safe to drink’                           Vegetarian women are a third

          RAINWATER  is  a  hugely  im-  lues, researchers say – and new
         portant  and  natural  feature  of   insight into just how toxic these   ‘more likely to suffer hip
         our planet’s ecosystem, it reple-  chemicals are to the human body
         nishes our ground water sources   has come to light.
         and it helps fuel access to drin-  “There has been an astounding          fractures later in life’
         king water in many places. Howe-  decline in guideline values for
         ver, a  new study by researchers   PFAS in drinking water in the last
         at the University of Stockholm   20 years,” says Ian Cousins, lead   VEGETARIAN  women have a
         has found harmful chemicals in   author of the study and professor   higher risk of breaking their hips
         rainwater, in most locations on   at the Department of Environ-  in later life compared to meat-ea-
         the planet. The study details that   mental Science, Stockholm Uni-  ters, research suggests.
         those harmful chemicals, named   versity. For the “cancer-causing   A study of more than 26,000
         “forever chemicals”, have reached   perfluorooctanoic  acid  (PFOA)”,   middle-aged women has revealed
         unsafe levels.                 water guideline values have dec-  those who  do  not  eat  meat  and
          Forever chemicals are scientifi-  lined by 37.5 million times in the   fish have a 33 per cent higher risk
         cally known as per and poly-flu-  US. Cousins  explains  that based   of hip fractures.
         oroalkyl substances (PFAS). They   on the latest US guidelines for   This could be because they have
         were given the term because they   PFOA in drinking water, rainwa-  a lower intake of nutrients that
         disintegrate extremely slowly.  ter everywhere would be deemed   are linked with bone and muscle
          The levels of PFAS in rainwater   unsafe to drink, so that includes   health, the researchers said.
         exceed the latest guideline va-  the UK.                       And it reinforces advice that
                                                                      vegetarians should fortify their
                                                                      diets with key nutrients, they ad-
         Binge-eating during lockdown                                 ded.                           elevated risk of hip fracture.  with some still being unhealthy.
                                                                        A team from Leeds University
          blamed for huge spike in gout                               investigated the risk of hip fra-  The team also discovered the   ‘Our study highlights potenti-

                                                                      cture in occasional meat-eaters,  average BMI among vegetarians  al concerns regarding risk of hip
          GOUT  has surged in England,   around an affected joint, and can   pescatarians - who eat fish but  was slightly lower than the avera-  fracture in women who have a ve-
         with unhealthy lifestyles during   affect hands, feet, knees, elbows   not meat - and vegetarians com-  ge among the regular meat eaters.  getarian diet,’ he said. ‘However,
         lockdown blamed for the rise.  and wrists. A flare-up can last for   pared to regular meat-eaters.  Previous research has shown a  it is not warning people to aban-
          Cases of the illness commonly   a week.                       Analysis, published in the jour-  link between low BMI and high  don vegetarian diets. As with any
         associated with a diet of wealthy   The condition was first iden-  nal  BMC  Medicine,  found  that  risk of hip fracture, which could  diet, it is important to unders-
         excess rose more than 15 per cent   tified in 2,640BC by the Egypti-  after adjusting for factors such  help explain the finding.  tand personal circumstances and
         in the three years to 2021/22 to   ans and was later referred to by   as smoking and age, vegetarians   Lead author James Webster  what nutrients are needed for a
         a total of 236,000, provisional   Hippocrates – the Ancient Gre-  were the only diet group with an  said vegetarian diets can vary,  balanced healthy lifestyle.
         NHS England data shows.        ek physician viewed as the fat-
          The data corresponds with     her of modern medicine – as the
         surveys that found people were   “unwalkable disease”.
         binge-eating more and exercising   It is associated with obesity,   Two-minute walk after a meal helps
         less in periods of lockdown from   bad diet and high blood pressure.
         March 2020 onwards.            Fatty foods and alcohol can fuel            fight diabetes experts say
          Gout is a type of arthritis that   the illness. World health chiefs
         causes severe joint pain. It can   say the UK will be Europe's fat-  GOING for a short walk after a  minutes every 20 to 30 minutes  in  the  journal Sports  Medicine,
         lead to hot, swollen red skin   test nation in 10 years.
                                                                      meal can reduce blood sugar and  over the course of a day.    said a mini walk of two to three
                                                                      lower the risk of type 2 diabetes,   All seven studies showed that  minutes is more practical during
         Monkeypox: Lack of vaccines                                  a review suggests.             just a few minutes of light-in-  the work day.
                                                                                                                                      People ‘aren’t going to get up
                                                                        Setting  off  60  to  90  minutes  tensity walking after a meal were
            sparks pause in UK rollout                                after eating is optimum as this is  enough to significantly improve  and run on a treadmill or run
                                                                      when blood sugar levels typically  blood  sugar  levels  compared to  around the office,’ he said, but
                                                                      peak and it allows the muscles to  sitting down.              they could get some coffee or
          THE UK's monkeypox vaccina-   vaccines" will have been given to   soak up fuel from the food, ex-  Aidan Buffey, lead author of  even go for a stroll down the cor-
         tion rollout is likely to be paused   vulnerable groups by the end of   perts say.          the review, which was published  ridor.
         for several weeks, with stocks of   the month, meaning there could   People should aim for a 15-mi-
         the jab set to run out in parts of   be several weeks without supp-  nute stroll but even ‘mini walks’
         the country.                   lies across the country.      of two to five minutes offer some
          An internal memo, seen by      Meanwhile an internal letter to
         the BBC, the UK Health Security   senior staff at the UKHSA, lea-  benefit, they add.
         Agency is said to hold back some   ked to the BBC, has detailed how   Researchers from the Univer-
         doses to give to people already   some  of  that  stock  will  be  held   sity of Limerick in Ireland loo-
         exposed to the virus.          back  for  'post-exposure'  -  where   ked at seven studies that compa-
          Many clinics, including Lon-  people who have been exposed   red the effects of sitting versus
         don's  busiest,  say  stocks  have   to the virus are given a vaccine   standing or walking on measures
         already run out and new appoint-  in the hope of reducing severe sy-  of heart health, including insu-
         ments have ceased.             mptoms.                       lin and blood sugar levels. They
          The UKHSA says it's trying to   So far there have been 3,017   found that light walking after a
         "expedite  delivery"  of  a  further   cases in total across the UK, with   meal had a significant impact in
         100,000 doses.                 officials noting that the outbreak   moderating blood sugar levels.
          In its latest update on the mon-  is beginning to slow.       In five of the studies, none of
         keypox outbreak, the UKHSA has   The latest data shows 29 cases   the participants had pre-diabetes
         predicted all of the UK's current   a day confirmed on average, com-  or type 2 diabetes. The remaining
         supplies of vaccine will have been   pared to 52 cases a day during   two looked at a mix of people
         distributed to providers by the   the last week in June. More than   with and without such illnesses.
         middle of August.              25,000  people  have  received  a   Participants were asked to eit-
          It goes on to say "all available   dose of the vaccine.     her stand or walk for two to five
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