Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 37

4                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022

                                                                      Anglo-Turkish Concert to be

                                                                                           held in London

                                                                        EMRE  Aracı joins the Chamber
                                                                      Ensemble of London in a concert
                                                                      to introduce and conduct his orig-
                                                                      inal string arrangements, select-
                                                                      ed from this lost world of musical
                                                                      ephemera, to create in the words
                                                                      of The Gramophone “an unexpect-
                                                                      edly  attractive collection”, and  in
                                                                      doing so brings back the glories of
                                                                      a vanished and elegant past, which
                                                                      once flourished along the banks of
                                                                      the Bosphorus in the nineteenth
            Suna Alan to take the stage                               century. Composer, conductor and
                                                                      music  historian Dr  Emre  Aracı’s
                      at Mildmay Club                                 research interests cover Euro–Ot-
                                                                      toman musical exchange in the
                                                                      nineteenthcentury. A graduate of
             THE  Neighbours will take  ish folk songs, her repertoire   the University of Edinburgh, he is  Pasha,master of music to the sul-  Anglo-Turkish  Concert  with  the
           you on a musical journey with  also includes Armenian, Greek,   based inthe United Kingdom and  tans,and a history of the Naum  Chamber Ensemble of London will
           the songs, dance and food at  Sephardic, Arabic and Turkish   has recorded numerous CDs in this  Theatre, Istanbul’s long-vanished  be hled on 20 April 2022 at Conway
           the Mildmay Club.            songs.                        field in Londonand Prague,released  operahouse. Dr Aracı pursues a  Hall 25 Red Lion Square, London
             Perfomers will also includ-  Music will also be performed   by Warnerand Brilliant Classics.  freelance music career, under the  WC1R 4RL, for more information
           ed Suna Alan a Kurdish-Alevi   by the SOAS Rebetiko Band is a   He has alsowritten several books,  patronage of the Çarmıklı family of  and tickets visit www.conwayhall.
           singer based in London. Her   group of Greek musicians and   includingabiography of Donizetti  Turkey.         
           family moved to Smyrna (Iz-  singers who play the music of
           mir) in her early childhood   Greece known as Rebetiko, a
           which meant that much of her
           formative years were spent   genre that has been called the     Teenagers jailed for life
           surrounded   by   traditional  ‘urban blues’ of Greece.
           Kurdish dengbêj (*bard) mu-   The event will take place on
           sic and Kurdish-Alevi laments   Saturday April 7th and to get   over Rambo knife murder
           within a rich cosmopolitan cul-  tickets and book your place you
           tural environment. Although  can visit
           her main focus remains Kurd-
                                                                        TWO boys who murdered an in-  knives?”                        Eren handed himself in to police
                                                                      nocent teenager in the shadow of   Mr Vandev was in the centre of  two days later after learning he was
                                                                      the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium  the violent melee, trying to “calm  wanted.
                                                                      as he remonstrated with them for  things down”, said the judge.  The court heard both killers had
                                                                      carrying knives have been jailed for   “You, Ali Tasyurdu, said to him  no criminal history and came from
                                                                      life.                          ‘do you think I won’t shank you’  “decent, supportive families” who
                                                                        Ali Tasyurdu, 18, and Huseyin  and  moments later  you  did  just  were shocked to learn what they
                                                                      Eren, 16, had armed themselves  that.”                        had done.
                                                                      with fearsome Rambo knives when   He said Eren was “plainly part of   When questioned in custody by a
                                                                      a social media spat over a girl  the joint criminal enterprise”. He  probation officer, Tasyurdu said he
                                                                      spilled over into a physical con-  added: “You left Nikolay Vandev to  would now tell teenagers carrying
                                                                      frontation.                    die moments later.”            knives: “Put it down, go to univer-
                                                                        Judge Dodd agreed to lift report-  Eren, then still a schoolboy from  sity, and play football.”
                                                                      ing restrictions on Eren’s identity  Tottenham, and Tasyurdu, of Is-  Tasyurdu and Eren were both
         National Insurance rise starts                               in spite of his young age in a bid to  lington, ditched one of the knives  found guilty after a trial of murder
                                                                      deter others from carrying deadly  in  Tottenham marshes but  it was  and causing grievous bodily harm.
                     to hit pay packets                               knives.                        discovered by a dog walker and   They had both admitted posses-
                                                                        He added: “If only you and oth-  linked to the stabbings.   sion of a knife.
           EMPLOYEES, businesses and the  self-employed pay it on their profits.  er young men who think it’s clever   Tasyurdu was arrested on the day   Tasyurdu was ordered to serve a
         self-employed will pay an extra 1.25p   In September, the government   to take murderous weapons out on  of the murder after he confessed  minimum of 16 years in prison and
         in the pound. The government says  announced the rise in contributions   to the street would stop and think  to a family member that he had  Eren was jailed for at least 14 years
         it will spend it on health and social   from 6 April, in part to help ease the   instead of the wonder of life before  stabbed someone.  of his life sentence.
         care.                         burden on the NHS.             going on to destroy it, so much
          Opposition MPs said it exacerbat-  It means that, instead of paying   pain would be avoided.”
         ed cost of living pressures, but miti-  National Insurance contributions of   The murder happened on March
         gation will be introduced in July.  12% on earnings up to £50,270 and   8 last year, close to the Spurs sta-
          Experts are urging people to check   2% on anything above that, employ-  dium and in a spot in Penshurst
         their status as a new tax year starts.  ees will now pay 13.25% and 3.25%   Road, Tottenham, where pupils at
          Earnings levels at which people                             Haringey Sixth Form college – on
         start to pay income tax have been   respectively. The self-employed will   its first day back after lockdown –
         frozen, increasing  the  chances  of   see equivalent rates go up from 9%   would regularly gather.
         employees being dragged into a new   and 2% to 10.25% and 3.25%.  After they had stabbed his friend,
         band - with a higher rate of tax - if   From now, employees will pay Na-  Nikolay Petrov Vandev, 19, tried to
         they receive a pay rise.      tional Insurance contributions on   act as a peacemaker, bravely stand-
          Employees pay National Insurance  earnings above £9,880 a year. From   ing in front of Tasyurdu and Eren
         on their wages, employers pay ex-  July, it will be paid on earnings above   with  his  arms  outstretched,  ask-
         tra contributions for staff, and the  £12,570 a year.        ing: “Why on earth have you used
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