Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 33

8                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022

                                                                                Cannabis sweets warning

                                                                       following death of Ilford woman

                                                                        OFFICERS  have warned the
                                                                      public about the dangers of ta-
                                                                      king illegal substances in the
                                                                      form of cannabis sweets and si-
                                                                      milar products following the de-
                                                                      ath of a 23-year-old woman from
                                                                        On 29 March, the woman purc-
                                                                      hased what she thought were can-
                                                                      nabis sweets also known as gum-
                                                                      mies via a messaging app on her
                                                                      phone. The items were delivered
         Met Police officer charged with  to her home address.
                                                                        The woman and a 21-year-old
             sexual assault of colleague                              friend each ate one sweet, and
                                                                      both immediately felt unwell. Of-
          A Met Police officer has been   The Met said the assault was   ficers and ambulance colleagues
         charged with sexually assaulting   alleged to have happened when   were called to an address in South
         a colleague while on duty.     PC Demir was a student officer at   Park  Drive, Ilford  at  around
          PC Joseph Demir was charged   Hendon Training School.       11.30pm on 29 March. Both wo-
         on 9  March with sexual assault,   PC Demir, who has been placed   men were taken to an east Lon-  seriously unwell after eating can-  Friday, 1 April. He was found to be
         which is said to have happened   on restricted duties, was charged   don hospital.          nabis sweets, gummies and simi-  in possession of a large quantity
         on 10 March, 2020, the force   following an investigation by the   Sadly, the 23-year-old woman  lar products.             of cash and what were believed to
         said.                          Met’s Directorate of Professional   died at hospital on Saturday, 2   Officers  are  aware  of  one  po-  be edible cannabis products. The
          He appeared at Willesden Ma-  Standards.                    April. The second woman has  tentially linked case in which a  man was charged the following
         gistrates’ Court on Tuesday, 5   A misconduct hearing will take   been discharged from hospital  woman was taken unwell earlier  day  with  possession  with  intent
         April, where he pleaded not gu-  place once criminal proceedings   following treatment.     in March after eating a cannabis  to supply Class B synthetic can-
         ilty.                          have concluded.                 Urgent enquiries are under  sweet in Tower Hamlets. She was  nabinoid, being concerned in the
                                                                      way to establish the full circums-  taken to hospital and later disc-  supply of a synthetic cannabino-
                                                                      tances and to identify any other  harged.                     id, and possession with intent to
         Man found guilty of Tottenham murder                         cases where people have become   A man was arrested by police on  supply a psychoactive substance.

          A  man who  chased his unar-
         med former friend down the
         street and fatally stabbed him in                             Four convicted of the murder of
         Tottenham has been found guilty
         of murder.                                                            Daniel Laskos in Romford
          Momodu Samura, 23, was
         found guilty on Thursday, 31
         March of the murder of 21-ye-                                  FOUR males have been convic-
         ar-old Tyreke Watson following                               ted of their parts in the murder of
         a  trial  at  Wood  Green  Crown                             Daniel Laskos in Havering.
         Court. He was also found guilty                                The  four  appeared  for trial  at
         of possession of a bladed article.                           the Old Bailey where on Friday,
          The court heard how on 22 Feb-                              1 April they were convicted as
         ruary 2021 Tyreke saw Samura  sed after the victim stabbing his   follows:  Joshua Kerr, Rakeem
         outside  a  shop  on  West  Green  in the chest.             Green-Matthews both aged 19,
         Road, near to his home address.   Tyreke managed to cross the   Callum Hands, 20 and a 16-ye-
         Samura was there to buy back the  road to the block of flats where   ar-old boy have been convicted of
         PlayStation he had pawned the  he lived and he collapsed in the   murder.
         week before.                   communal area. The security gu-  All four are remanded in cus-  on Friday, 7 May 2021 outside  knife wound to his neck.
          Samura asserted that  the two  ard called 999 at 3.56pm nearly   tody to appear for sentencing  a shop on Church Road, Harold   London's Air Ambulance were
         men were friends, however their  an hour later he was pronounced   at the same court on Thursday,  Wood. When officers and London  also called, but despite the ef-
         phone contact stopped in No-   dead at the scene.            7 April. During trial the court  Ambulance Service [LAS] arrived,  forts of the public and emergen-
         vember 2020. It is not known    Following an investigation poli-  heard how police were called to  members of the public were admi-  cy services, Daniel, aged just 16,
         why they stopped speaking.     ce using CCTV and phone recor-  reports of a fight between ar-  nistering first aid to the victim,  was sadly pronounced dead at the
          The jury heard that Tyreke ap-  ds traced Samura and a serch was   med groups of males at 6.41 pm  Daniel Laskos, who had a serious  scene.
         proached Samura and they spo-  carried out at this home address.
         ke for a few minutes outside the  A flick-knife, later found to have
         that the men seemed relaxed, like  in a kitchen cupboard. Officers  Man charged with Newham murder
         shop.  A  witness  told  the  court  Tyreke’s blood on it, was found

         friends talking.               also found a large machete in the
          Samura then showed Tyreke  garden under Samura’s bedroom      FOUR  A man has been charged  London’s Air Ambulance. Despite  as stab wounds to the chest.
         an object from his pocket, whi-  window and notebooks contai-  with the murder of a woman in  the efforts of emergency services,   An urgent investigation was la-
         ch  seemingly  prompted  Tyreke  ning rap lyrics that glorified the   Manor Park. Police were called at  80-year-old Shotera Bibi was pro-  unched and officers searched the
         to reach for the pocket, and led  use of knives as weapons.  9.56am on Saturday, 2 April, to a  nounced dead at the scene. Ms Bibi  surrounding area. A man was deta-
         to the two men struggling in the   Samura was located and ar-  woman with stab injuries at an add-  lived at the address in Landseer Ave-  ined nearby and taken into police
         doorway of the shop.           rested just after midnight on 24   ress in Landseer Avenue, E12.  nue. Her family were informed, and  custody.
          Tyreke broke free and backed  February 2021 at a friend’s house   Officers attended along with  a post-mortem examination held on   On Sunday, 3 April, Subell Ali, 33,
         away from Samura who then cha-  in Bow.                      London Ambulance Service and  Sunday, 3 April, gave cause of death  was charged with murder.
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