Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 34
Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022 7
New rules on gambling adverts
ban celebrities and sports stars
FOOTBALLERS celebrities and
social media influencers will be
banned from gambling adverts un-
der new rules.
From October, gambling compa-
UK Treasury to regulate some nies will not be allowed to use stars
to target under-18s, The Committee
Cryptocurrency for Advertising Practice said.
Anyone with a "strong appeal"
for young people, such as footballer
THE Treasury has announced that businesses of tomorrow - and the
it will regulate some cryptocurren- jobs they create - here in the UK, and Cristiano Ronaldo and Love Island
cies as part of a wider plan to make by regulating effectively we can give star Chris Hughes, must not appear
the UK a hub for digital payment them the confidence they need to in the adverts.
companies. think and invest long-term." The body representing betting
So-called "stablecoins" will become The Treasury has not yet con- firms said it welcomed the new
recognised forms of payment to give firmed which stablecoins will be rules.
people confidence in using digital regulated; well-known ones include Michael Dugher, chief executive
currencies, it said. Tether and Binance USD. of the Betting and Gaming Coun-
Stablecoins are designed to have a The UK's Treasury said regulating cil (BGC) said the changes built on
stable value linked to traditional cur- stablecoins would ensure they could industry-led measures designed to ing or being associated with youth said: "By ending these practices, our
rencies or assets like gold be used "safely" by the public. "drive up standards and ensure fur- culture." new rules invite a new era for gam-
They are considered less volatile Cryptocurrencies are virtual or ther protections in advertising." References to video game con- bling ads, more particular to the
than cryptocurrencies such as Bit- digital currencies that can be traded The Committee for Advertising tent and gameplay popular with adult audience they can target and
coin. or used to buy goods and services, al- Practice (CAP) said the "tough" new under-18s are also against the new more befitting of the age-restricted
The Treasury also said it planned though not many shops accept them rules were part of its commitment rules. product they're promoting."
to consult on regulating a much wid- yet and some countries have banned to safeguarding young people and There is opposition to gambling Lord Don Foster, chairman of
er range of digital currencies later them altogether. vulnerable audiences. advertising amongst some politi-
this year, without saying which they They are exchanged via "peer-to- The new rules state that gambling cians, parents and groups that cam- Peers for Gambling Reform wel-
might be. peer" transactions, meaning there and lottery ads must not "be likely paign for awareness around gam- comed the CAP's step but warned
Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: "We are no banks or other third parties to be of strong appeal to children or bling addiction. it would not block all advertising
want to see the [cryptocurrency] involved. young persons, especially by reflect- Shahriar Coupal, director of CAP, reaching young audiences.