Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 35
6 Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022
Business Secretary orders scientific
review of fracking impact
THE government has ordered
a new report into the impact of
fracking, days ahead of publish-
ing its energy supply plan.
Business Secretary Kwasi
Kwarteng has given the British
Geological Society (BGS) three
months to assess any changes to
the science around the controver-
Ex-government ethics chief sial practice.
Fracking was halted in the UK
admits to lockdown party fine in 2019 amid opposition from
green groups and local concerns
over earth tremors.
THE government's former head policy is the first person to be
But senior Conservatives have
of ethics has apologised after re- named as part of the Met Police's been calling for a rethink in re-
ceiving a fine from the police for investigation into lockdown par- cent weeks.
attending a party in the Cabinet ties in Downing Street and across They claim fracking would give At the time of the moratori- certainly have no effect on prices
Office during lockdown. Whitehall during Covid lock- the country a "competitive and um, ministers said they would in the near term.
Helen MacNamara was report- downs in 2020 and 2021.
ed to have gone to a leaving do for The prime minister has been reliable source of energy" amid not change their minds without "However, there will continue
concerns over security of access "compelling new evidence".
a fellow civil servant on 18 June accused of misleading the House Mr Kwarteng insisted the gov- to be an ongoing demand for oil
2020. of Commons over his remarks - and rising energy prices. ernment "must be led by the sci- and gas over the coming decades
It is one of 12 events being in- which would break the ministeri- But other MPs and campaign- as we transition to cheap renewa-
vestigated by the police. al code - but No 10 has insisted ers have warned against a change ence" in its approach to fracking. ble energy and new nuclear pow-
He said: "It remains the case
The former official said she had that "at all times he has set out in direction, with Labour's Ed er.
"accepted and paid the fixed pen- his understanding of events". Miliband saying the new report that fracking in England would "In light of Putin's criminal in-
alty notice", adding: "I am sorry Brexit opportunities minister had "nothing to do with the en- take years of exploration and vasion of Ukraine, it is absolutely
for the error of judgement I have Jacob Rees-Mogg also defended ergy needs [and] everything to do development before commercial right that we explore all possible
shown." his boss's comments on Monday, with the Conservatives bowing to quantities of gas could be pro-
Ms MacNamara who is now saying Mr Johnson had been giv- their backbenchers". duced for the market, and would domestic energy sources."
the Premier League's director of en the "wrong information".
Government immigration plan suffers
Truss: West must hit Russian House of Lords defeat
economy even harder
THE government has suffered next few weeks, ministers must further, stating that it should
FOREIGN secretary Liz Truss The foreign secretary is urging a defeat in the House of Lords decide whether they need to of- no longer have to inform people
vowed to push Russia’s economy EU allies to go further in cracking over its plans to change immi- fer more compromises in order before their citizenship is re-
“back into the Soviet era”, as she down on Russian banks, go after gration law. to get the bill into law before moved, but minority groups say
urged European allies to go fur- Russia’s dependence on gold, ban The Nationality and Borders time runs out - or hope that they could become "second-class
ther on sanctions and hasten the Russian ships from ports, and to Bill would allow the UK author- peers give up. citizens" if this becomes law.
end of their dependence on Mos- agree “a clear timetable” to elim- ities to strip someone of their The government has been able Under the 1948 Universal
cow’s oil and gas. inate the imports of Russian oil British citizenship without to revoke people's UK citizen- Declaration of Human Rights,
ship for more than a century, if
Ms Truss is set to announce and gas. everyone has the right to a na-
But crossbench peer Baron-
they pose a threat to national
that the west has now frozen Ms Truss also says that Putin’s ess D'Souza, who argued this security or where this is deemed tionality, so people cannot "arbi-
more than $350bn of Putin’s “war forces have now set their sights would be "unjust", submitted an to be in "the public interest", trarily" be left stateless.
chest” – making around 60% of on the east and south of Ukraine amendment which was passed and the home secretary decides But the British government
the regime’s $604bn foreign cur- with the same “reckless disre- by a majority of 44 votes. each case. says it is possible to strip peo-
rency reserves unavailable. gard” for civilian lives and their The bill will now go back to the In 2019, for instance, the cit- ple of their citizenship if they
Speaking on a trip to Poland, nationhood. House of Commons. Until the izenship of British-born Sham- have another nationality to fall
she will say sanctions have had a The foreign secretary has con- two Houses can agree on the fi- ima Begum, who had travelled back on - for example if they
“crippling impact” on Putin, but demned the alleged Russian mas- nal wording of the bill, it cannot to Syria to join the Islamic State have dual citizenship, or if it is
will urge allies to commit to a sacre of Ukrainian civilians in Bu- pass into law. group in 2015, was revoked on possible to get citizenship some-
“tough new wave” of action ahead cha – saying “these are appalling With the parliamentary ses- security grounds. where else, such as the country
of meetings with G7 and Nato acts of the kind that we thought sion expected to end within the The government's bill goes their parents come from.
foreign ministers. we left in the 20th century”.
Government expected to sell Channel 4
THE THE government has de- and Amazon". The government has been
cided to push ahead with plans A spokesperson for Channel 4 pushing the idea of privatising
to privatise Channel 4, the cul- said it was "disappointed" with Channel 4 in recent months.
ture secretary has confirmed. the decision but would "contin- Confirming the sale, Ms Dor-
Nadine Dorries said she had ue to engage" with the govern- ries said: "A change of ownership
concluded "that government ment on the process to "ensure will give Channel 4 the tools and
ownership is holding Channel that Channel 4 continues to play freedom to flourish and thrive
4 back from competing against its unique part in Britain's cre- as a public service broadcaster
streaming giants like Netflix ative ecology and national life". long into the future."