Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 39

2                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022

                                                          Güner Gümüş:

         "The new law offers freedom to couples"

           THE launch of no-fault divorc- step in to resolve disputes over
         es for England and Wales comes  children, maintenance or the
         after years of campaigning by  just division of wealth. As Lon-  EXCULISIVE
         family lawyers.  Under the old  dra Gazete, we discussed the new
         rules in England and Wales, an- law with Güner Gümüş. Güner
         yone who wanted to split swiftly  Gümüş, who graduated from the
         had to accuse their partner in a  highest level in education, fin-
         divorce  petition  of desertion,  ished the year with a high degree
         adultery or unreasonable behav- and gained the title of becoming
         iour. If not, they had to spend  a lawyer, explained the effects of
         two years apart if both partners  the  new  law. Gümüş  made  the
         agreed, or five, if one of the cou- following statement:  “People
         ples objected to the split.    have been struggling to file for
                                        divorce in family law for the last
           WHAT'S THE NEW DIVORCE       half-century.  According to  the
                   SYSTEM?              old law, couples who wanted to
          One partner or both acting  divorce had to prove in some way
         together, can file for divorce,  that their relationship could not
         without having to give a reason  improve.  Couples have some-    ‘NEW LAW WILL ENSURE       have a reason, such as adultery,   Finally, this new law gives cou-
         or apportion blame. A statement  times had to wait years before   COUPLES SAVE TIME AND     to dissolve the marriage. In the  ples time to reflect, but the new
         that their marriage is over will,  starting a divorce, or have stuck    MONEY’              UK this new law will save couples   law lessens the phrase "divorce
         in most cases, be all the proof the  to 'irrational behaviour' even in   The new rules under the Di- time and money and will end the   is at the judge's discretion" and
         court needs. There is a 20-week  cases of mutual separation. This  vorce, Dissolution and Separa- blame game culture in divorces.   gives couples the confidence to
         period between starting pro- often led to anger and resent- tion Act 2020 came into effect  I should point out that the 'per-  decide whether their marriage is
         ceedings and applying for a con- ment towards each other. The  on Wednesday, April 6, so that  fect' divorce law, in addition to
         ditional order, and a further six- new law removes the need to  this years-long 'crime game' will  eliminating the need for proof,   over, after all, it takes the power
         week period before a divorce is  identify any of these five facts,  end with the introduction of the  allows individuals to file for di-  away  from  the  judge  and  gives
         granted. The same no-fault rule  allowing couples to elegantly di- 'perfect' divorce. This change will  vorce even if one of the parties  the couples the power to decide
         applies to the dissolution of civ- vorce without blaming each oth- make it easier for couples to di- does not want to. Buddha offers  whether their marriage is over or
         il partnerships. Judges will still  er for permanently separating.  vorce. By eliminating the need to  couples more freedom.  not. '
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