Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 38

Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022                                                                                        3

          TWPA held Mevlit remembering those

                                               lost to Coronavirus

            THE Turkish Women’s Phil-  members living in the UK were
         anthropic Association (TWPA),  also affected heavily by Covid.
         organized a Mevlit remembering  Known figures of deaths within
         for community members who  the Turkish-speaking communi-
         lost their lives due to coronavi- ty are around 337 based on Lon-
         rus. On Friday, April 1, the Mev- dra Gazete’s data however, real
         lit was held in the TWPA building  figures are believed to be much
         in Wood Green, north London  higher than this.
         with great participation. Prayers   A  number  of  members  of  the
         were read by the President of  TWPA sadly passed away during
         the Cyprus Islamic Society and  the  pandemic  most  due  to  the
         Imam Hüseyin Haşim El Bakayi.  coronavirus. TWPA members,
          In the UK over 185,000 coro- Samime Bilginer, Şerife Şakır,
         navirus-related  deaths  have Akile Işın and Pelin Değirmen-
         been marked on death certifi- cioğlu were all commemorated in
         cated to date, worldwide over  the Mevlit. Also at the Melvit Dr  lost her life in January 2020, af- as well as the Council of Turkish  ple, and was also the president
         6.1 million people have died  Tahsin Bilginer who lost his wife  ter her battle with cancer, was  Cypriots Association for many  of  the  International  Federation
         during the pandemic. London  and TWPA member to Covid-1      commemorated. Yılmaz had  years. She was well  known  for  of Women in London, between
         Turkish-speaking  community     In addition, Aysin Yılmaz who  been the former chair of TWPA  her positive approach to peo- 2000 and 2002.

                                                                       Can Arslan found guilty of murdering neighbour
           “We will not vote for those who
                                                                                                       After killing Mr Boorman, he
                                                                        CAN  Arslan, who stabbed his
                            poison us…”                               neighbour Matthew Boorman to  then forced his way into the home
                                                                      death, has been found  guilty of  of Peter Marsden and knifed him
            MILLIONS of voters in the UK  monton Green who anticipate polit-  murder.                eight times, however he survived
           go to the polls on Thursday, May 5,  ical change. The Independent Soci-  Arslan, 52, attacked Matthew  the attack.
           to choose their local governments.  ety Coalition is a group of ordinary   Boorman  with  a  knife,  stabbing   Before the trial, Arslan had
           Campaigning has been accelerated  people from diverse backgrounds.   him 27 times on his front lawn in  already admitted the attempt-
           for the local elections to be held next  We feel that our neighborhood has   Walton Cardiff, Gloucestershire,  ed  murder of  Mr Marsden,  and
           month. As the local elections ap-  been failed by the current manage-                     causing grievous bodily harm to
           proached, candidates for councillor  ment of Enfield Council. We are not   in October.
           candidates to compete in the elec-  a political party. Neither main polit-  His trial heard that Arslan am-  Mrs Boorman. He also admitted
           tions began to emerge.      ical party serves the interests of our   bushed his victim after a 12-year  affray but denied murder on the
            Many Turkish and Cypriot candi-  societies and we have lost all trust   dispute with several neighbours  grounds of diminished responsi-
           dates affiliated with political parties  in them. We oppose the Edmonton   over anti-social behaviour.  bility.
           will participate in the elections in Is-  Incinerator. In Edmonton, we want   Mr  Boorman’s  wife  was  also   The  defendant  has  been
           lington, Haringey, Hackney and En-  the streets to be clean all year, not   stabbed as she tried to save her   brought to the court from Broad-  Trial judge Mrs Justice Cutts
           field. In addition, independent coun-  just election time. We demand more   husband, and one of his three  moor maximum security psychi-  said she wanted a further psychi-
           cillor candidates  are also  preparing  council houses to solve the housing   children  saw  the  attack  unfold  atric hospital in Berkshire every   atric report prepared on him be-
           to compete in the elections.  and rent problem. We want to elim-  from an upstairs bedroom, the  day – accompanied by six psychi-  fore sentencing, and set a hearing
            Oktay Cinpolat and Telesha Reid  inate youth unemployment and cre-  trial heard.         atric nurses.                  for two months’ time. She told
           announced that they are candidates  ate more youth services. And much                                                    him: ‘I am not going to sentence
           for independent councillors  in the  more. We became independent lo-  Arslan attacked Mr Boorman as   Two  forensic  psychiatrists
           Edmonton Green area. Young can-  cal community council nominees in   he arrived home from work on 5   agreed Arslan was not psychotic  you today; I am going to sentence
           didates called "Let's vote for candi-  Edmonton Green because, unlike   October last year, with the killing  or mentally ill; however, he was  you on June 9 when I will have
           dates who defend the interests of the  current and previous managers, we   the culmination of 12 years of  diagnosed with a paranoid, un-  an  additional  report  on you.  In
           people, not the party". Telesha Reid  care and value the residents who live   threats  from  Arslan  against  his  stable and antisocial personality  the meantime you will remain in
           and Oktay Cinpolat, who live in the  here.”                neighbours.                    disorder.                      Broadmoor.’
           Edmonton  area of North  London,   Cinpolat said: “As an individu-
           emphasized that they are very deter-  al living in the area for more than
           mined to take care of the problems  20  years,  we  will  demand  increase   Heavyweight support as Okan Baysan sets off again
           of the people of the area  and develop  funding to hospitals and schools
           the Edmonton Green.         and to stop all cuts to public servic-  THE  Reading  Half  Marathon,  David Haye. It was noteworthy
            Reid and Cinpolat shared a joint  es. Amongst this is the controversial   which was held for the 40th time  that at the start of the marathon,
           statement saying: “We call on all  expansion of the Edmonton inciner-
           members of the community in Ed-  ator, which we will oppose...”   this year on Sunday. Taking his  the weather was dry and the tem-
                                                                      place at the race was Okan Bay-  perature was 7 degrees, creating
                                                                      san, once again flying The Turk-  an  ideal  environment  for  more
                                                                      ish Republic of Northern Cy-   than 15,000 runners.
                                                                      prus’s flag across the finishing   We were very proud to be among
                                                                      line, with fellow Turkish Cypriots  these runners and to participate
                                                                      and heavy weight support.      with our Turkish Cypriot identity.
                                                                        Speaking  to  Londra  Gazete,  We would also like to thank the
                                                                      Baysan said: “As three Turkish  Turkish Cypriot diaspora, who
                                                                      Cypriots, we successfully com-  live in England and whose heart
                                                                      pleted the 21.1km course, taking  beat  with  us,  for  their  support,
                                                                      our place in the race, which was  and we are determined to carry
                                                                      started by the world heavyweight  our own identity and our flag to
                                                                      boxing champion and long-time  the place it deserves in other rac-
                                                                      friend of  the  Turkish Cypriots,  es to be held throughout 2022."
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