Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1100
P. 32
Londra Gazete, 07 April 2022 9
NSH struggling to met cancer
diagnose target MPS warn
THE NHS in England is strugg-
ling to make progress on its flags-
hip target to diagnose three-qu-
arters of cancer cases at an early
stage, MPs are warning.
The Health and Social Care
Committee said staffing shorta-
ges and disruption from the pan-
demic were causing delays.
Some 54% of cases are diagno-
sed at stages one and two, con-
Nine new Covid-19 symptoms sidered vital for increasing the
chances of survival. By 2028, the
added to official list aim is to diagnose 75% of cases
in the early stages, but there has
THE official list of Covid symp- It was known from the early days been no improvement in six ye-
toms has been expanded to include of the pandemic that this trio was ars.
another nine signs of a coronavirus just the tip of the iceberg. The World If the lack of progress continu- diagnosed can make a difference Currently, the NHS is failing to
infection. Health Organization and other es, the committee warned that it to a patient's chances of survival. hit its target to start treatment
The UK Health Security Agency’s countries, including the US, have could lead to more than 340,000 For example, 90% of people diag- within two months of an urgent
updated guidance now lists symp- used a longer list of symptoms for people missing out on an early nosed at stage one for bowel can- referral.
toms including a sore throat, muscle some time. cancer diagnosis. cer live for a further five years, Moreover, three million fewer
pains and diarrhoea. However, there has been debate in The Department of Health said
The move comes more than two it recognised "business as usu- compared to just 10% of those people were invited for screening
years into the pandemic, and just the UK about precisely which symp- al is not enough" and said it was diagnosed at stage four. during the pandemic than would
days after free testing ended in Eng- toms should be recognised and qual- developing a new 10-year cancer The cross-party group of MPs have been expected - an essenti-
land. ify somebody for a Covid test. plan. But a spokesman said prog- said the push to improve early al route for the early detection of
However, the NHS cautions that But now the list of symptoms in- ress was already being made, with cancer diagnosis was being un- cancer. Cancer diagnoses over the
many of the new symptoms “are very cludes a further nine: shortness of a network of 160 new diagnostic dermined by long waiting times past two years - with an estima-
similar” to those for colds and flu. breath, feeling tired or exhausted centres being opened. and disruption caused by the ted 45,000 missed cases across
The original signs of a Covid infec- aching body, headache, sore throat, The stage at which a cancer is pandemic. the UK.
tion that were recognised in the UK blocked or runny nose, loss of ap-
were: fever, new continuous cough petite, diarrhoea and feeling sick or
and loss of sense of smell or taste. being sick. `
Study spots another 42 genes thought
to trigger Alzheimer
ANOTHER 42 genes linked to ments for patients. They analysed genomes, the to-
Alzheimer's have been found by Dr Rebecca Sims, co-author tal genetic instructions that make
scientists in what they claim is a from Cardiff University, claimed a person who they are, of just over
major discovery from the biggest the findings more than 'double 111,000 people with Alzheimer's
study of its kind. the number of identified genes' disease and 677,000 healthy cont-
Alzheimer's is the most com- thought to influence the risk of rols. The researchers published
mon form of dementia, and slowly Alzheimer's. their genetic findings — dubbed a
She said: 'It provides exciting 'major discovery' — in the journal
Ofsted: robs people of their memories and new targets for therapeutic inter- Nature Genetics.
independence. No cure exists yet,
Young child development worrying although drugs can help alleviate vention and advances our ability Around 850,000 Britons have
some of the symptoms. to develop algorithms to predict Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's
YOUNG children's development, will have been surrounded by adults But experts say the new fin- who will develop Alzheimer's in disease is most common in people
following the pandemic, has been wearing masks for their whole lives dings could open the door to new later life.' The UK experts carried over the age of 65, although pe-
"particularly worrying", the chief in- and have therefore been unable to ways of treating the disease. out the research alongside colle- ople can develop it earlier.While
spector of Ofsted has said. see lip movements or mouth shapes An international team of scien- agues from the French National there is no cure, medications are
In a report on the recovery of chil- as regularly," the Ofsted briefing tists discovered 75 regions of DNA Institute of Health and Medical available to combat some of the
dren, Amanda Spielman said there said. linked to the cruel disease. These Research. symptoms.
were "lingering challenges". One nursery said children were included 42 genetic quirks never
The report said nurseries flagged talking in voices of cartoons they before linked to Alzheimer's.
babies with "limited vocabularies" spent so much time watching. They have also developed a ge-
and struggling to understand facial Ms Spielman said: "I think it's netic risk score to evaluate which
expressions. at risk patients are most likely to
Ofsted's report was based on in- about talking and interacting direct- go on to develop the disease wit-
spections of 70 early years providers ly with children, and introducing hin three years.
in England in January and February. them to the kind of activities where Experts welcomed the new
The report said a few early years they're interacting with other chil-
care providers suggested face masks dren and adults. study as providing another 'piece
of the puzzle' of what causes the
were having a negative impact on She added nurseries were report-
young children's language and com- ing delays accessing speech and lan- disease but added it will take more
munication skills. guage therapy and mental health work to turn this into new treat-
"Children turning two years old services.