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Tag: staff

Frontline NHS staff in England will start being tested this weekend to see whether they have coronavirus. Workers with symptoms or those who live with people who have symptoms will be checked – starting with critical care doctors and nurses. It follows criticism over a lack of testing for health...
NHS parking fees for thousands of disabled patients, visitors and staff working overnight will be abolished from April 2020, the health secretary will outline today. First trailed in the Conservative manifesto, the policy will apply to blue badge holders and patients who most regularly attend appointments for long-term conditions. All...
More than 550 calls about bullying and harassment have been made by staff to Parliament helplines in the nine months since they were set up. The figure was confirmed by a lead Commons advisor, Sarah Petit, who told the Women and Equalities Committee 35 investigations had now been launched. The...
BUSINESSES looking for new employee are being hit by labour shortages, with a “reversal” in the number of migrants in UK workplaces, says HR body the CIPD. With the Brexit deadline approaches, the CIPD says the shortage of both EU and non-EU migrants reflect a falling interest in the UK...
NEW measures to protect NHS staff are to be introduced to try to reduce the thousands of assaults on them that take place every year. Staff are to be given better training in dealing with violent situations and offenders will be prosecuted more quickly. Health Secretary Matt Hancock will set...
ON Monday, Theresa May announced that restaurants will be legally barred from keeping tips from staff under plans. The notion follows a public outcry in 2015, when it emerged that many High Street chains routinely took up to 10% of tips paid by credit and debit card. Most chains have...
EXPERTS described the situation as at risk of becoming a “national emergency” given the rising demands on the NHS. It comes after sustained efforts by ministers and NHS bosses to tackle the shortages, including a new pay deal and recruitment and retention campaigns. The latest figures have been published by...
OVER one million NHS staff will be offered a pay rise of at least 6.5% over three years with some getting almost 29%. It’s been noted that this pay rise is inclusive of nurses, porters and paramedics. This pay rise deal has been formally consented by union leaders and ministers...
OXFAM is being criticised over the way it has managed sex abuse allegations after it was contended staff hired prostitutes in earthquake-torn Haiti.
The NHS in Haringey could lose 333 staff from the EU as a result of Theresa May's extreme version of Brexit, the Liberal Democrats have warned.