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Tag: russia

NATO members have agreed to strengthen support for Ukraine, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said. “We discussed what more we will do, including cyber security assistance, and providing the equipment to help Ukraine protect against chemical and biological threats,” he said. Speaking at a news conference, he said allies are...
A security guard at the British embassy in Berlin has denied spying for Russia. British national David Smith, 57, is accused of collecting information from the embassy and passing it to a person he believed was a Russian representative, among other allegations. He pleaded not guilty to nine offences under...
 Turkey has now responded to the peace talks it has been hosting between Ukraine and Russia in Istanbul today (29 March). The country’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the talks the first face-to-face meeting between the two sides in more than two weeks had seen the most significant progress since...
THE UK government has placed an export ban on luxury goods to Russia and hiked up import tariffs from the country on iconic products such as vodka. British vehicles, high-end fashion and art are some of the luxury goods that will no longer be exported to Russia as the West...
Boris Johnson has announced an additional £175m in UK aid for Ukraine, bringing the total to almost £400m. Mr Johnson also said that in the coming days he will set out a new energy supply strategy to explain how the UK will ensure that consumers’ needs are met as prices sky-rocket due to...
It is “almost certain that Russian actors sought to interfere in the 2019 general election” through illicitly acquired government documents, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, has said. He said any effort to interfere in UK democracy is “completely unacceptable”. The documents refer to leaks of a UK-US trade discussions found on-line...
Instagram’daki Crazyinrussia isimli hesap, Rusların en ilginç, en komik hallerini bir araya topluyor. Crazyinrussia, paylaşımlarıyla kimi zaman dumur ediyor kimi zaman ise gülmekten kırıp geçiriyor. İşte Rusların daha önce hiç görmediğiniz o halleri…
IN RUSSIA a panel was held by Day-Mer for the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.
Passports issued under ‘Golden- Visa’ scheme has raised over €4bn since 2013, according to papers seen by the Guardian.
Russia hopes to finalize all necessary licenses and permits for Akkuyu, Turkey’s first nuclear plant, by the end of the year, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak has said.
Fewer than 90 email accounts with weak passwords are believed to have been hacked in ‘sustained’ attack.