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Tag: results

Rapid coronavirus tests of the kind trialled in Liverpool in recent days are to be rolled out in cities including London, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, Nottingham and Bristol as part of an Operation Moonshot-type bid to allow parts of life to return to normal. And following a vaccine candidate by Pfizer being hailed as a...
Head teachers are warning of “volatility” in this year’s A-level results and that some lowered grades seem to be “unfair and unfathomable”. In England, 36% of entries had a lower grade than teachers predicted and 3% were down two grades, in results for exams cancelled by the pandemic. But the...
GPs in England have been told to start changing their way of communicating with patients. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has set 2021 the target for commutation to be digitally sent via email rather than letters posted to patients. He said there was no reason why doctors could not email a...
GCSE pass rates in England have risen this year – despite an overhaul to make the exams more demanding. The proportion of students reaching the pass levels – England’s new grade 4 and grade C in Wales and Northern Ireland – is up by 0.5% to 66.9%. For the first...
A-level students have been awarded the highest proportion of As and A*s since 2012, amid changes toughening the exams in England. Some 26.4% of exams have been awarded these top grades this year – but the proportion gaining A* to C dropped to 78.4% from 79% last year. England’s exams...
The highest proportion of As and A* have been awarded to student since 2012. This week A-level students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were given there result and for the first time in 6 years they were awarded top grades, with some 26.4% of exams being As or A*....
THE Turkish and Kurdish Community Center (DAY-MER) has published a press release in regards to the recent elections in Turkey on Sunday, 24 June. The statement emphasized that the elections in Turkey consisted of all kinds of tricks and noted that there is a significant decrease of AKP votes. The...
Theresa May has said sorry to the Tory MPs and ministers who lost their seats as a result of her decision to call a snap general election which cost the Conservatives their majority.