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Tag: race

THE Reading Half Marathon was held for the 40th time this year on Sunday. Taking his place at the race was Okan Baysan, once again flying The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’s flag across the finishing line, with fellow Turkish Cypriots and heavyweight support. Speaking to Londra Gazete, Baysan said:...
Voting in the contest to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader has closed. Rebecca Long-Bailey, Lisa Nandy or Sir Keir Starmer will be announced as the new leader on Saturday. The party’s next deputy leader – replacing Tom Watson who resigned in December – will also be revealed. It is...
TURKISH Cypriot runner Okan Baysan completed the Windsor and Cardiff half-marathons, which are held annually on September 29th and October 6th. On Sunday 29 September the 37th Windsor half- marathon took place with some 6,000 runners taking part in. Speaking about the race Baysan said “I completed this race in...
COMPLETING The Great North Run, the largest half-marathon in the world, Okan Baysan took part this year’s 39th race on September 8, in Newcastle. With some 58,000 runners taking part in this year race, with the support and cheers of over 200,000 spectators lining the barriers of the course helping...
WITH over 10,000 runners taking part in this year’s annual ASICS London 10K on Sunday 21 July Okan Baysan was flying the flag for Northern Cyprus once again. Completing the race, Baysan took part in the race with is organised every year by Virgin Sports and the main sponsorship of...
Conservative MPs are due to choose the two men who will contest the final stage of their leadership race later. The remaining field of four candidates will be whittled down to three in another secret ballot, with the result expected at about 1 pm. There will then be a further...
THE LONDON Art Forum, created with the aim of bringing together artists living in many parts of the UK and bringing art to society, was introduced at a reception held at the TRNC representation.