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A New London Art Forum

THE LONDON Art Forum, created with the aim of bringing together artists living in many parts of the UK and bringing art to society, was introduced at a reception held at the TRNC representation.

A New London Art Forum


THE LONDON Art Forum, created with the aim of bringing together artists living in many parts of the UK and bringing art to society, was introduced at a reception held at the TRNC representation.

TRNC London Representative Zehra Basaran as support for the establishment of such a platform and a reception given by opening its representative office door, Turkey’s London Consul General Cinar Ergin, his wife Deniz Ergin, TRNC London Consul Ulku Alemdar, Cyprus Education and Culture Attaché Gülgün Ozcelik, Turkey’s Culture and Tourism Office in London Financial clerk hope Bozdag, Yunus Emre Institute Director Dr Mehmet Karakuş, representatives of various associations and foundations of our society, many artists and art lovers from different countries participated.

Başaran, who pointed out the significance of the establishment of the art forum by our society and made the opening speech of the night, explained why art and artist are always with them and why they support it in launching such a forum:

“The core team meeting with me a few times said that they needed an art platform in London and that they thought it would be beneficial for me to create it. I support that there is no association, no president, no board, just an initiative aimed at bringing the arts and art lovers of the community together in art. This invitation is open to all art-related and art lovers. Representation is here, it’s just being hosted. You are the ones who will walk it and bring it to you. ”

The current staff of the London Art Forum is as follows; Author Sociologist and Documentary Producer Semra Eren Nijhar, Educator and Music Teacher Erkan Pastırmacıoğlu, Painter Mehmet Salih Öksüzoğlu, Poetry and Writer Arife Retvan and Poetist Sonay Yakup Yakupsoy.


The content and dates of the first events planned by the established art forum and which will take place every last Thursday of the month will be as follows;

22 February / Commemoration of Cypriot poet Osman Türkay

March 29 / Women and Art

April 26 / Music and Literature

31 May / Visual Arts

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