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Tag: london

Hackney’de çıkan yangın sonrasında bir kadının cansız bedeni bulundu. Londra İtfaiye Teşkilatı, Hackney’deki Homerton High Street’te saat 08:20 civarında çıkan yangına çağrıldığını ve yaklaşık 30 itfaiyecinin müdahale ettiğini belirtti. Beş katlı binanın içindeki daireden çıkan yangın, saat 09:40 civarında kontrol altına alındı. İtfaiye ekipleri, kadını dairede bulduklarında olay yerinde ölü...
King’s College London’da 3 öğrenci temsilcisinin, Gazze’ye desteklerini duyurdukları için görevden alındığı bildirildi. King’s College London Öğrenci Birliğinde (KCLSU) temsilci olarak seçilen Hassan Ali, Sadaf Abbas Cheema ve Alizeh Abrar’ın sosyal medya paylaşımına göre, temsilciler, Gazze‘de ateşkes ilan edilmesini talep eden bir açıklamayı sosyal medya hesaplarında paylaştı. Söz konusu açıklamayı, 27...
The Table of Love and Loss was organised by the cousin of Mihrican Mustafa, a Canning Town woman whose body was found in a freezer in 2019. Mihrican, also known as Mary Jane and Jan, was murdered by Zahid Youniswho also killed Ilford rough sleeper Henriett Szucs, up until the...
CITIES across the UK were ranked according to; affordability, education quality, availability and frequency of public transportation, range of dining options at different price points, social life and universities with the highest employment rate. London was named The 4th Best City for Students in the UK for 2022 after Edinburgh in...
ISLAMIC Community Milli Gorus UK (ICMG) held their fifth iftar dinner at the Grand Palace Banqueting in Wood Green North London on Monday, April 18. With guests including the diplomats, local council members, businessmen, representatives of different religions and non-governmental organizations from 17 different countries. Including Turkey’s London Consul Utku...
Boxer Amir Khan has revealed he had his £71,000 watch stolen at gunpoint outside an east London restaurant on Monday night. Two suspects ran towards the former world champion in the street and one pointed a gun in his face before snatching the diamond-encrusted Franck Muller Vanguard Chronograph timepiece. Police...
Brits can look forward to the “warmest day of the year so far” tomorrow as a “warm southerly airflow” lifts temperatures on Good Friday in time for the Easter bank holiday. With temperatures reaching up to 22C in the southeast, Friday’s weather will beat March’s hot spell according to the Met Office. Richard...
HUNDREDS of reports of parents and carers being attacked by their teenage or young adult children are received by the Metropolitan police every year, a ground-breaking report revealed Tuesday. The analysis of child-to-parent violence and abuse – primarily young adult men attacking their mother – unearthed 846 allegations in 2018,...
Extinction Rebellion promises ‘Mass action’ across London EXTINCTION Rebellion has promised unspecified “mass action” in London as the climate activist group continues a week of protests in the capital. It comes after XR activists blocked the entrance to Lloyd’s of London on Tuesday to protest against the insurance sector’s backing...
Around a third of office workers in London plan to quit their jobs, research has found. Researchers surveyed more than 2,000 workers in the capital and found that 33 per cent are actively looking for new roles. Employees cited a lack of flexibility, poor work/life balance and wanting a higher...
INITIAL take-up of Covid jabs was lower in the capital because some Londoners had a “critical” lack of trust in the new vaccines and in the authorities promoting and administering them, a study has found. It also pointed to “barriers” in getting the vaccines to zero-hour and shift-workers, many of whom felt there were more “costs than benefits”...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak will be fined by the police for breaking lockdown laws. The PM’s wife, Carrie Johnson, will also be given a fixed penalty notice. Officials confirmed the three had received notification of the fines from the Met, following an investigation into illegal parties...
DETECTIVES are appealing for the public’s help to find a man wanted in connection with a stranger rape. The offence happened after a women reported getting into a white Toyota Prius at about 2.15am on Thursday, 7 April in the area of Upper Street, Islington. The man drove the woman...
A man who drove to London in order to attack a stranger has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 36 years for the murder of primary school teacher Sabina Nessa. Koci Selamaj, 36, killed Ms Nessa in a park in Kidbrooke, south-east London in September 2021. CCTV...
Night Tube services will return to the Jubilee line on 21 May, Transport for London (TfL) has announced. Trains will run through the night on Fridays and Saturdays, joining the Central and Victoria lines which resumed night services in November. The Northern and Piccadilly line night services will return in...
EMRE Aracı joins the Chamber Ensemble of London in a concert to introduce and conduct his original string arrangements, selected from this lost world of musical ephemera, to create in the words of The Gramophone “an unexpectedly attractive collection”, and in doing so brings back the glories of a vanished...
THE Neighbours will take you on a musical journey with the songs, dance and food at the Mildmay Club. Performers will also include Suna Alan a Kurdish-Alevi singer based in London. Her family moved to Smyrna (Izmir) in her early childhood which meant that much of her formative years were...
MILLIONS of voters in the UK go to the polls on Thursday, May 5, to choose their local governments. Campaigning has been accelerated for the local elections to be held next month. As the local elections approached, candidates for councillor candidates to compete in the elections began to emerge. Many...