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Tag: Met office

Haziran, resmi meteorolojik yazın başlangıcını işaret ederken, Met Office, Afrika’dan gelmesi beklene sıcak hava dalgasının Birleşik Krallık’ta etkili olabileceğini aktardı. British Weather Services’te kıdemli meteoroloğu Jim Dale, birçok raporun önümüzdeki günlerde Afrika kaynaklı sıcak hava dalgasının gelmesi üzerine spekülasyon yaptığını belirtti. Haritalar, sıcaklıklarda bir artış gösterse’de, İngiltere’nin kuzey Afrika’dan gelen...
Met Office’i hava tahminleri ne göre günler içinde devasa kar bulutları gösterdiğinden, Londra için birkaç gün soğuk olacak. 7 Aralık Çarşamba gününden 9 Aralık Cuma gününe kadar Birleşik Krallık’ta kar yağabileceğini gösteriyor. Tahmincilerin haritaları WX Charts, kar bulutunun Newcastle, Leeds, Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff ve hatta Plymouth kadar güneye ulaşmadan önce...
İngiltere’de Temmuz ayında yaşanan sıcak hava dalgasının ardından bu hafta havaların yeniden 35 santigrat dereceye yükselmesi bekleniyor. Bugün başlayacak sağlık uyarısı, ülkede bir ay içinde sıcak hava dalgasıyla ilişkili verilen ikinci uyarı. 19 Temmuz’da İngiltere’de hava sıcaklıkları ilk defa 40 derecenin üstüne çıkarak rekor kırmıştı. Başkent Londra’da ‘olağanüstü durum’ ilan...
Brits can look forward to the “warmest day of the year so far” tomorrow as a “warm southerly airflow” lifts temperatures on Good Friday in time for the Easter bank holiday. With temperatures reaching up to 22C in the southeast, Friday’s weather will beat March’s hot spell according to the Met Office. Richard...
The UK could see snowfall this week with temperatures set to drop dramatically in the coming days, forecasters have said. After enjoying warmer weather and experiencing the hottest day of the year so far in March, the country will become colder, cloudier from Monday. The daytime will see temperatures halve...
The country has been basking in hotter-than-average temperatures since late last week. It has exceeded 30ºC in some parts, the Met Office released its first ever extreme heat warning, and Northern Ireland had its hottest ever day on Saturday. However, the weather is set to become a little more unsettled from tomorrow, before rain and...
Flood alerts have been placed across parts of London with intense rainfall expected on Tuesday amid the ongoing heatwave. Areas in and around the capital could see flooding during this afternoon’s downpour with heavy rain forecast for around 3pm. Last Tuesday, flash flooding wreaked havoc in Notting Hill, damaging shops, homes and railways in...
Temperatures will continue to soar across the UK after a weekend which saw all four nations record the hottest day of the year. Sunseekers have been flocking to beaches to soak up the sun as a high of of 31.6C (88.9F) was recorded at Heathrow in London. Forecasters predict the...
Temperatures are set to soar up to 32C this weekend as people are urged to stay safe in the heat. Forecasters believe Sunday could be the hottest day of the year – and that this could be the warmest weekend so far. A health alert has been issued in England with high...
Large parts of the UK could be hit by thunderstorms this week, the Met Office has warned. A yellow warning has been issued covering much of the country from Monday to Thursday for thunderstorms that could be “significant and disruptive”. Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said: “For England and Wales...
  The Met Office said the warmer weather, starting on Thursday, could reach a blistering 37C (98.6F) in some areas and is expected to last until Sunday. This would mean parts of Britain could pass the threshold for an “official heatwave”, which requires three days of temperatures over 25C (77F)...
The Met Office has confirmed today (July 31) is the hottest day of the year. Temperatures reached 36.8C at Heathrow Airport at 2pm, surpassing the previous record for 2020 of 33.4C set on June 25. A spokesperson for the Met Office said the sunny weather and increased cloud throughout the...
The hottest day of the year so far across the UK has been recorded after temperatures reached 31C at Heathrow Airport. In a statement, the Met Office said: “It is officially the warmest day of the year so far across the UK. “Temperatures have reached 31.0°C at Heathrow Airport and...
The met office has confirmed that today (Wednesday 20 May) is the hottest day of the year so far with 27.8 Celsius recorded at Heathrow. People have been enjoying the warm weather with parks and beaches across Britain now busy as people enjoy the sunshine according to the new social...
Storm Dennis could be worse than Ciara, an expert has warned, as Britain braces for a “perfect storm” of heavy rain, strong winds and melting snow. The new named weather front is set to batter large swathes of Britain this weekend, with 70mph winds and up to 140mm (5.5inches) of rain in some...
A series of weather warnings have been issued with the UK set to be battered by heavy rain and thunderstorms over the coming days. The remnants of Hurricane Humberto began moving over the country on Saturday night, putting an end to days of sunshine and warm temperatures. The Met Office has issued warnings for...
The Met office has issued a yellow weather warning for the next two days saying” Thunderstorms may develop bringing torrential rain, hail and lightning to a few places, with potential disruption to travel and flooding.” Last week saw the Linchore town of Wainfleet flooded with over 580 home and some...
The UK is set to be battered by strong winds from Storm Gareth this week, starting from today the Met Office has warned. Yellow weather warnings are in place for today covering all of Wales and Scotland and the vast majority of England. The Met Office says there could be...