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Tag: fall

A young child has died after falling from a building in east London. Emergency services were called to Haberdasher Street, Hoxton, at  4.20 pm on Thursday over reports that someone had fallen from a height. Police and paramedics arrived and the toddler died at the scene. No further details have...
Employment in the UK fell by the largest amount in over a decade between April and June, official figures show. The number of people in work decreased by 220,000 on the quarter, said the Office for National Statistics. This was the largest quarterly decrease since May to July 2009, the...
The number of coronavirus deaths in Spain has fallen for the third day in a row – a glimmer of hope in the hard-hit country where more than 12,400 have died. The fall is part of a pattern seen in other European countries which imposed a stringent lockdown several weeks...
DOMESTIC homicides fell by nearly 50% in London last year as police used “Clare’s Law” to warn hundreds of more women about their new partner’s abusive history. Scotland Yard’s new online portal made it easier for potential victims, or concerned relatives, to ask officers to disclose if an individual poses a serious risk. Last...
Police were called to Stellar House in High Road, Tottenham, north London, at around 11 am on Thursday(31 October), and found the boy, aged around 18 months, in a critical condition. The London Ambulance Service, London Fire Brigade and Air Ambulance attended and the child was taken to a north...
Polices and Ambulance services were call to the scent this morning after a woman in her 50’s fell to her death at Croydon town center car park. The police have released this statement : “Police were called at 10:28hrs on Friday, 28 September to reports of a woman falling from...
Immediately after PM, Theresa May delivered her statement today (Friday 21 September) on the reject of her Chequers plan, the pound fell 1% against the euro and 1.3% the US dollar. May stated that: “In the meantime, we must and will continue the work of preparing ourselves for no deal.”...
WAGE growth surprisingly dropped to 2.8% from 2.9% within the last three months since April, although unemployment decreasing by 38,000 to 1.42 million, official figures illustrate. Economists had predicted wage growth to continue steady at 2.9%. The declaration is possible to dampen assumptions of an interest rate increase in August....
RECENT data demonstrate that annual UK house prices drop for the first time in six years at the beginning of 2018 among a decline in demand.