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Tag: England

The country has been basking in hotter-than-average temperatures since late last week. It has exceeded 30ºC in some parts, the Met Office released its first ever extreme heat warning, and Northern Ireland had its hottest ever day on Saturday. However, the weather is set to become a little more unsettled from tomorrow, before rain and...
Travellers returning from red list destinations could be facing paying an extra £500 to pay for their quarantine hotel stay. Under plans reportedly being considered, the price could increase to more than £2,250 in a bid to stop people from making ‘unnecessary trips’ to high-risk countries. Ministers are said to...
  PAVEMENT dining and outdoor pint licences will continue for another year in England as part of a government plan to get hospitality back on its feet. Hospitality has been one of the hardest-hit sectors during Covid but rebounded strongly in recent months. But the industry is still facing challenges...
Clinically vulnerable children and those living with at-risk adults will be offered a Covid-19 vaccine – but most teenagers will not, Nadhim Zahawi has announced. The vaccines minister told MPs that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JVCI) has recommended that children “at an increased risk of serious Covid-19...
Temperatures will continue to soar across the UK after a weekend which saw all four nations record the hottest day of the year. Sunseekers have been flocking to beaches to soak up the sun as a high of of 31.6C (88.9F) was recorded at Heathrow in London. Forecasters predict the...
Three people have died in a crash on the A1(M) which involved six vehicles, police said. Two lorries and four cars were caught up in the crash at Bowburn, County Durham, at about 18:20 BST on Thursday. Durham Police said three people from two of the cars died at the...
Nijerya’nın petrol zengini eski Delta Eyaleti Valisi James Ibori döneminde, İngiltere’ye kaçırılan 4,2 milyon euro’nun ülkeye iade edileceği bildirildi. İngiltere’nin Abuja Büyükelçisi Catriona Laing ve Nijerya Adalet Bakanı ve Başsavcı Abubakar Malami, başkentteki Adalet Bakanlığında mutabakat anlaşması imzaladı. Büyükelçi Laing, anlaşmayı imzaladıktan sonra yaptığı açıklamada, Ibori’nin İngiltere’ye kaçırdığı 4,2 milyon euro’nun ailesi ve arkadaşlarından...
Bars and pubs across Lancashire will close after local leaders agreed the county should move into Tier 3 of England’s lockdown system. It means towns such as Blackpool, Blackburn and Fleetwood join the Liverpool City Region in the highest level of coronavirus restrictions. The Department of Health and Social Care has issued...
More restrictions have been announced for people living in the north-east of England, including “legal restrictions on indoor mixing between households in any setting”. Addressing MPs in the Commons, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the number of coronavirus cases in the region “continues to rise sharply”. “The incident rate across...
Over 1 million downloads of the England and Wales’ the Covid-19 app have been made its launched today. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the app “helps us to find more people who are at risk of having the virus” that human contact tracers are unable to find. “Everybody who downloads...
BUSINESSES and organisations and hospitality venues will be legally required to log details of customers, visitors and staff for NHS Test and Trace and from today (Thursday 24 September) they will be required to display official NHS QR code posters under law ahead of the NHS COVID-19 app being rolled...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged Britons to “summon the discipline and the resolve” to avoid a second national lockdown after warning there have been “too many breaches” of coronavirus rules. In a televised address to the nation, Mr Johnson called on the public to “get through this winter together”...
People in England should work from home “if they can” to reduce social mixing and slow the spread of the virus, Michael Gove has said. The Cabinet Office Minister also told some news channels this moring that trials of spectators at sports fixtures would be “paused”. It comes as pubs,...
Travellers arriving in England from Slovenia and Guadeloupe after 4am on Saturday will have to isolate for two weeks. The two countries are being added to the quarantine list, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced. But Thailand and Singapore are being removed from the list. Mr Shapps tweeted: “A reminder that...
A new Covid-19 contact-tracing app will be launched across England and Wales on 24 September, the government has announced. The app will let people scan barcode-like QR codes to register visits to hospitality venues and will implement Apple and Google’s method of detecting other smartphones. Businesses are being asked to...
The business secretary, Alok Sharma, has said there are no plans to review the wearing of face masks in English schools despite a plea from headteachers. The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), a trade union that represents more than 19,000 senior staff, has called on the government to...
Bailiffs are resuming operations in England and Wales chasing unpaid council tax after a five-month suspension owing to coronavirus. Debt charities have warned of a surge in cases, prompting financial and health risks. But a trade body for the sector said vital public services would be affected if councils were...
THE ban on evictions in England should be extended in order to prevent a “homelessness crisis”, Labour has said. The government introduced the ban in March to help those financially hit by the coronavirus lockdown. Homeless charity Shelter estimates 227,000 private renters have fallen into arrears since the pandemic and...