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Tag: crisis

Venezuelans woke up to a show of military strength broadcast on national TV after two days of opposition protests. President Nicolás Maduro, surrounded by troops at the Caracas military base, held forth on the theme of absolute loyalty amidst claims that some in the high command were prepared to turn...
A disused health centre will be transformed into vital housing and a “crisis café” for people with mental health issues, under new plans unveiled by Haringey Council. Cabinet gave the thumbs up to proposals to buy Canning Crescent Health Centre in Wood Green and repurpose the building into a multi-use...
SCIENTISTS have made the most crucial warning yet in regards to the dangers of rising global temperature, they added it’s the final call. The report which is formulated on keeping the rise under 1.5 degrees C, outlines that the world is totally off track, advancing towards 3C. Sticking to the...
A decade after the financial crisis and the effects are still being felt on people’s finances. Workers are £800 poorer than 10 years ago. The substantial impact of the financial crisis has also left people’s wages 3% below what they were 10 years ago, new research reveals. Analysis carried out...
TURKEY’S reaction to boost tariffs on US imports has helped to increase its weakened currency. A decree signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the tariffs on cars to 120%, on alcoholic drinks to 140% and on leaf tobacco to 60%. The lira increased 3%, also helped by measures aimed...
THERESA May’s new-look cabinet came together on Tuesday for the first time after a string of resignations over her Brexit strategy left her government in crisis. Mrs May was pressured to carry out a transformation of her top team after Boris Johnson and David Davis both resigned. The prime minister...
THERESA May has been forced to give MPs vote on single market. The prime minister will have to prove MPs a vote in regards to leaving the single market due to a shock defeat in the House of Lords. Brexit legislation indicated to outline a timeline for leaving the EU...
PRIME Minister Theresa May has denies that the NHS is in a crisis, even with the health service positioning some 55,000 operations due to the Christmas period.
A panel that tackled Qatar under the name “Qatar in invasion”, took place at the Porticullis House of the House of Commons that discussed Qatar’s current situation as an outcast in its region.