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London started to celebrate the 7th Alevi Festival

The annual Alevi Festival of London that is celebrating its 7th year this year, comprised festive moments.

London started to celebrate the 7th Alevi Festival

The annual Alevi Festival of London that is celebrating its 7th year this year, comprised festive moments. The festival that lasted for days with different celebrations taking place in various spots in London, came to an end with a special park celebration.

Hundreds of Alevis from all over the World like Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and more attended the event by enjoying the enduring festivities along with remembering the importance of solidarity and togetherness. The festival welcomed an estimated number of 25 thousand people.

Due to the rising terror attacks and threat suspicions, the festival that took place on Hackney Downs Park saw a huge number of security measures. Many police and security staff were present at the festival to keep the area safe.

Despite the overwhelmingly strong heat wave, thousands of people enjoyed the festive activities with company representatives also attending like Advantage Solicitors, ESL Insurance and Caria Holidays.

Talking to Londra Gazete, Britain Alevi Federation President İsrafil Erbil and Britain Cemevi and Alevi Culture Centre Tugay Hurman said:

“We would like to thank everyone who came and made today an unforgettable one at our 7th Alevi Festival. We are looking forward to organising more festivals in the future.” Said Mr Erbil.

Mr Hurman on the hand, referred to the latest terror attacks taking place in London.

“We were never scared of terror whether it would affect our festival – we knew the people’s support would be enduring. “

The festival also saw well known musician and bands like Gülcihan Koç, Tuncay Balcı, Cengiz ve Engin Sağlam, Grup Zemheri and Grup Seksendört performing.


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