Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1106
P. 37

4                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 19 May 2022

                                                                       Watchdog to probe Mayor

                                                                         Crossrail announcement

                                                                        CITY  Hall’s official watchdog
                                                                      has started to look into an allega-
                                                                      tion that Sadiq Khan broke rules
                                                                      when Crossrail’s opening date
                                                                      was announced a day before the
                                                                      local elections.
                                                                        Grant Shapps, the Tory trans-
                                                                      port secretary, has accused the
                 Queen beams as she                                   Labour mayor of breaching
                                                                      pre-election period restrictions
            officially opens Crossrail                                on making official announce-
                                                                      ments for “political purposes”.
                                                                        He said it was his “strong be-
             ON Tuesday May 17 the Queen  attending today's event to mark   lief” that the announcement
            visited  the  new Elizabeth line,  the completion of the Elizabeth   the Elizabeth line was to open
            named after her to open the line  line.                   on May 24 was “in breach of the
            ahead of its official  opening tot   “Her Majesty was aware of the   rules governing the pre-election
            the public next week.       engagement and the organisers
             Her Majesty visited Paddington  were informed of the possibility   period (purdah)”.    ing  his  delight  “that  our  world-  A spokesperson for the mayor
            station to mark the completion of  she may attend."         The announcement was made    class new Elizabeth line will be  said: “The announcement date
            the £20 billion rail link, which will   Earlier, Boris Johnson said: “I’m   by Transport for London on the   opening to passengers later this  for the Elizabeth Line was deter-
            transform cross-London travel.  sure all of us agree that in this   morning of May 4 - a day before   month”. City Hall said the DfT  mined for operational reasons by
             The 96-year-old monarch was  unique Jubilee year there is no fig-  the polls opened. Elections were
            joined her youngest son the Earl  ure who more deserves the hon-  being held in all of the 32 London   had been informed in advance  Transport for  London,  not the
            of Wessex for the official visit.  our of having this wonderful new   boroughs and elsewhere across   of the opening date announce-  Mayor, and the Department for
             A Buckingham Palace spokes-  line named after them.”     the country on May 5.          ment and raised no complaint.  Transport was made aware that
            woman said: “In a happy develop-  Passenger services are set to   Mr Khan was not quoted in the  Delaying the announcement until  the Elizabeth Line opening date
            ment, Her Majesty The Queen is  start on the line next Tuesday.  TfL press release. But moments  polling day or the following day,  announcement could take place
                                                                      later his press office issued a  when results were being declared,  in the pre-election period, well in
                                                                      statement on his behalf express-  were ruled out.             advance...”
          Met officer filmed hitting a man

              was under attack, force says                             Four fox cubs rescued from old car

          ONE A Met Police officer who was  ping Centre with one officer appear-  wheels in a month in London
         filmed hitting a man in east London  ing to repeatedly hit a man on the
         while making an arrest was himself  head while he was on the ground.
         allegedly under attack along with   The force said the officers in the   FOUR  fox cubs have been res-
         other officers. Police were in Dalston  footage had been under attack.  cued from old car wheels in London
                                                                      in a single month.
         on Saturday "targeting e-scooters   After viewing the footage, the   The RSPCA has issued a warning
         and moped-enabled crime" when   Met's Directorate of Professional   that foxes can push their heads
         they stopped a man over alleged im-  Standards (DPS) made a referral to   through wheels looking for food.
         migration offences.           the Independent Office for Police   However, their ears prevent them
          As they arrested him a crowd gath-  Conduct (IOPC).         from getting out again.
         ered in an attempt to stop them and   Det Ch Supt Marcus Barnett said:   Cubs have been rescued from
         a number of officers were allegedly   "These charges follow a routine,   Haringey, Newham, Orpington and
         assaulted.                    planned operation to protect the   Bethnal Green.
          Eight people were charged with   public, which escalated into signifi-  The animal welfare charity is urg-
         offences including assaulting a police   cant disorder.      ing people to store their old wheels
         officer.                        "Police officers are aware that any   carefully and check them regularly.
          Videos posted on social media                                 Animal welfare officer Nick Jo-
         show several officers standing beside   use of force must be proportionate   nas has rescued two fox cubs from
                                                                      wheels in east London less than a
                                       and reasonable, and they understand
         a police van outside Kingsland Shop-                                                          "With both the recent incidents I
                                       that their actions will be scrutinised   week apart.          attended, I found that gently eas-
                                       as they go about their work.     He got one out from a garage in   ing the little foxes' ears one-by-one
                                         "It is only right that officers are   Newham on 5 May and another   back through the hole made it easy
                                       accountable for their actions and we   from an car repair garage in Bethnal   to free the animals."
                                                                      Green on 10 May.
                                       will fully support the IOPC's assess-  Both foxes were taken to the   Mr Jonas said: "Young foxes are
                                       ment of the material that has been   South Essex Wildlife Hospital to be   incredibly curious and we quite of-
                                       referred to them."             rehabilitated before they can be re-  ten get called out to deal with ones
                                         He added: "It is important to re-  leased back into the wild.  that have got themselves in a pick-
                                       member that footage shared on so-  "In situations like this, there's no   le. "But in my experience, it's quite
                                                                                                     unusual to get four 'head stuck in
                                       cial media only shows a small part   time to spare," he said. "They may   wheel' incidents in just one month.
                                       of a much larger and more complex   have been trapped for several days   "We're asking the public to be ex-
                                       incident or series of incidents.  without food or water, so need to   tra vigilant if they keep wheels on
                                                                      be freed as soon as possible.
                                         "We would urge people to remem-  "There's a bit of a knack to freeing  their premises. Please store these
                                       ber that such videos rarely provide a   fox cubs when they get their heads  items carefully and check them reg-
                                       full and accurate picture of what is   caught, as it's their ears that are the  ularly, just in case another fox cub
                                       taking place."                 problem.                       traps itself."
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