Page 39 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1106
P. 39

2                                                                                            Londra Gazete, 19 May 2022

         Citizens are waiting for a solution from the TRNC authorities

          TURKISH Cypriots living in the   In September of last year, a social
         UK have complained about being  media post by the Representative                                                                               EXCULISIVE
         unable to reach the Turkish Republic  office stated that “telephone lines
         of Northern Cyprus’s (TRNC) Lon-  are extremely busy on a daily basis”
         don  Representative  Office,  while  and the quickest form of contact
         officials express they are struggling  would be emailing to book appoint-
         to meet the intense demand of the  ments.
         citizens.                       Speaking to Londra Gazete Erol
          Citizens who have been trying   Memiş said “I want to certify a doc-
         to make an appointment from the   ument, I am old, I have health prob-
         TRNC London Representation are   lems, and I do not know how to use
         able to do as their phone calls have   social media or send mail. I have
         been unanswered. Our readers   been  calling the representative for
         who reached out to us stated that   a long time every day to set up an
         they called the representative of-  appointment, but no one answers.
         fice  "hundreds  of times" to get an   It is not easy for me to go out and
         appointment, but could  not reach   go there, I thought of taking this   TRNC London Representative Çimen Keskin and the TRNC London Consul Namık Cafer
         them. Upon these complaints, we,   risk and going to the representative
         as Londra Gazete, contacted the   office...”                 ble to speak to anyone.        provide services even on weekends  order to obtain information. This
                                         While Ali Hasan said to as he was
         TRNC London Representative Of-  unable to book an appointment:   In  an  interview with the TRNC  when necessary. "Sometimes we get  situation  causes  a  backlog  in  our
                                                                                                     a hundred phone calls an hour, we  telephone exchange and makes it
         fice for a response                                          London Representative Çimen Ke-
                                       “I couldn't complete my power of   skin and the TRNC London Consul   can't keep up with that," he stated.    difficult to reach our Representative
                                       attorney process and eventually I   Namık Cafer on this subject, the   Keskin said to Londra Gazete  Office via telephone.”
                                       chose to go to Cyprus. Why can't we   officials express that some 300,000   express their top priority is ensur-  Going on to say that for this rea-
                                       reach our representative by calling?   or more Turkish Cypriot live in the   ing  that  citizens are  able to reach  son, they recommend anyone trying
                                       Why is it so difficult? It will take one                      the  services they  need  but due to  to  book  an  appointment  to  email
                                       day for us to go to central London   UK, according to unofficial figures,   a backlog of requests following the  their contact details and the details
                                       in a busy work schedule. However,   and stated that the representative   pandemic: “This increase continues  of  which  services  they  require.  “...
                                       we cannot reach anyone to set up an   office has difficulties in keeping up   at a high rate today, 'normalization'  Our citizens are kindly requested
                                       appointment...”                with  the  intense  demand  with  its   has not yet been fully reached.  In  to send their information and ap-
                                         Londra Gazete also called the   current staff.              this context, there has been a sig-  pointment requests to the london@
                                       TRNC Representative office over a 2   Cafer stated that the representa-  nificant increase in the number of e-mail address instead
                                       week period, on different days and  tive office was working overtime to  our citizens trying to reach our Rep-  of contacting our Representative
            Erol Memiş                 times thought the day but was una-  complete the documentation and  resentation Office via telephone in  Office by phone.”
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