Page 36 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1106
P. 36
Londra Gazete, 19 May 2022 5
Universal credit claimants surge by 13% in three months
THE number of people opening the cost of living crisis because the
universal credit claims each week government has failed to increase
has surged by 13 per cent in the last benefits in line with the rate at which
three months, new figures show, as prices are rising.
the cost of living crisis hits families New research meanwhile shows
across the UK. that an estimated 1.8 million fami-
Official data shows that on average lies on the benefit are having to live
33,000 claims were opened between on significantly less than they are
January and April 2022, compared entitled to because the Department
with 29,000 the previous quarter. for Work and Pensions (DWP) is de-
Overall, 5.6 million people were on ducting debt repayments from their
the benefit in mid-April, of whom 3.8 benefits at an unaffordable rate.
million were children – up 200,000 in Ministers are being urged to scrap
November 2021. “draconian” deductions rules to stop
Campaigners warn that these chil- families from falling into deep hard-
dren could be suffering the effects of ship as costs soar.
Job vacancies outpace ‘Over 1,000 London homes still unsafe‘
unemployment for first time THE head of London Fire Bri-
gade (LFB) has said more than
THERE are more job vacancies The data showed that there was a 1,000 residential buildings in the
than unemployed people in the UK rise in the number of people moving city still have serious safety fail-
for the first time since records began. from economic inactivity - classed as ings almost five years after the
The unemployment rate fell to those aged 16-64 who haven't been Grenfell Tower fire.
3.7% between January and March, working or seeking a job - into em- LFB commissioner Andy Roe
its lowest for almost 50 years, as job ployment. At the same time, people said structures needed to be
openings rose to a new high of 1.3 moving from job-to-job also reached made safe and occupants needed
million. However, wages, excluding a record high "driven by resigna- to know how to escape.
bonuses, failed to keep pace with ris- tions rather than dismissals", said Home Secretary Priti Patel has
ing prices, a problem expected to in- the ONS. "Total employment, while announced a new Fire Reform
tensify because of growing food and up on the quarter, remains below White Paper to incorporate rec-
fuel costs. its pre-pandemic level," said Darren ommendations from the Grenfell
public inquiry.
The figures show "a mixed picture" Morgan, director of economic statis- Mr Roe also warned rogue prop-
said the Office for National Statis- tics at the ONS. erty owners that the brigade
tics. Ben Harrison, director of the "Since the start of the pandemic, would crack down on them under
Work Foundation think tank at Lan- around half a million more people new powers granted in the Fire "So we are again reiterating our what has brought us to this day
caster University, said: "Despite em- have completely disengaged from Safety Act 2021, which came into calls that they need to take ur- and that is the 72 people who died
ployment continuing to rise, today's the labour market," he added. force this week. gent action to fix their buildings at the Grenfell Tower fire and all
figures underline the challenges fac- "However, job vacancies are still He added: "We have already if there are serious failings. those affected."
ing workers who are seeing inflation rising, reaching yet another record warned London's building own- Mr Roe also urged the govern-
eat away at their living standards." high." ers and managers that this was "We still need to see a culture ment to prioritise the outlining
coming and we will use these new change in the industry when it of evacuation plans for buildings
powers if they aren't meeting comes to fire safety in residential so that residents know what to do
Tube staff set to hold strikes their legal responsibilities. buildings. We must never forget in the event of a fire.
over Jubilee weekend Inflation reaches fresh record high at 9 per cent
LONDON Underground work- General secretary Mick Lynch
ers based at two Tube stations are said those based at the two sta- PRICES rose at their fastest keep pace with rising prices said
to strike for one day over the Ju- tions had "suffered years of sus- rate in more than 40-years in the the Treasury could not shelter
bilee bank holiday in a row over tained bullying and intimidation 12 months to April as households people from global price pres-
bullying. struggle with a sharp increase in sures.
Members of the Rail, Maritime by a manager". energy bills. “Countries around the world are
and Transport union at Euston Transport for London (TfL) Inflation climbed to a fresh re- dealing with rising inflation. To-
and Green Park will walk out on urged the union "not to take cord high of 9 per cent last month, day’s inflation numbers are driv-
Friday 3 June. strike action". up from 7 per cent in March, fol- en by the energy price cap rise in
lowing a £700 increase to energy April, which in turn is driven by
bills, the Office for National Sta- higher global energy prices.
tistics reported on Wednesday. “We cannot protect people
Around three-quarters of the completely from these global
overall surge in inflation came
from higher energy bills. challenges but are providing sig-
It comes after Andrew Bailey, nificant support where we can,
governor of the Bank of England and stand ready to take further
(BoE), warned of “apocalyptic” imported into the UK. action.”
food prices in the months ahead Mr Bailey said he and other Measures taken by the Treas-
due to the war in Ukraine. The interest rate setters at the BoE ury to address the cost of living
central bank has said that in- felt “helpless” in the face of price crisis, including such as a £150
flation likely to keep rising to growth generated overseas and rebate on council tax payments
around 10 per cent this year. imported into the UK. for some households have been
Mr Bailey said he and other The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, called a “postcode lottery” by
interest rate setters at the BoE who has come under pressure charity leaders, as it may fail to
felt “helpless” in the face of price to offer more support to poor- reach some of the most vulnera-
growth generated overseas and er households as benefits fail to ble households.