Page 32 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1106
P. 32

Londra Gazete, 19 May 2022                                                                                          9

         4.7million trips to A&E as patient’s                          NHS prescription charges

            struggle to get advice from GPs
         pital accident and emergency  they had not managed to see,  in England to be frozen
                                       were almost twice as likely to say
          UP to 4.7 million visits to hos-

         units in the past year may have  speak to or chat online with a
         been due to people being unable  health worker as those who rang   NHS  prescription charges in
         to see their GP, an official study   111.                    England  are  to  be  frozen  for  the
         suggests.                       The CQC’s findings were based  first time in 12 years, the govern-
          Research by health watchdog   on interviews with 422 patients   ment has confirmed.
         the Care Quality Commission   just before Christmas at two     Single prescription charges, whi-
         (CQC) found  almost one  in five   A&Es in East London – King   ch the Department of Health said
         A&E patients surveyed had re-  George Hospital in Ilford and   would normally rise "in line with
         sorted to emergency departments   Queen’s Hospital in Romford.   inflation", will remain at £9.35 un-
         because  they  couldn’t  get  advice   If repeated across England, the   til next year.
         or treatment elsewhere.                                        Health Secretary Sajid Javid said
                                       results would mean up to 4.7 mil-
                                       lion of the record 24.4 million   freezing the costs would "put mo-
          Of those, the research found,                               ney back in people's pockets".
         around one third (35 per cent)   A&E attendances in the past year   Campaigners  welcomed  the
         said there were no appointments   were because people had no other   move but pointed out that 90% of
         available and 30 per cent said   options.                    prescriptions dispensed are already
         they were not able to get through   The findings come after del-  free of charge.
         to or access the service.     egates  at  last  month’s  British   People eligible for free prescripti-
          Not all of those who sought   Medical Association conference   ons include those on state benefits,
         help before going to A&E tried  voted in favour of plans to slash   pregnant women and new mot-  indicated in March that prescrip-  The  freeze  also  applies  to  the
         their GP, with slightly more opt-  the number of patients they see   hers, people with specified medical   tion charges in England, which  £30.25 for a three month prescrip-
         ing to phone the NHS’s 111 line.   each day to lower their ‘intolera-  conditions or disabilities, the over-  are  reviewed  annually,  would  not  tion prepayment certificate (PPC),
          But those who did seek help  ble’ workload.                 60s and under-16s.             be increased this year and Sun-  and the 12-month charge, which
                                                                        Prescriptions are free for ever-  day's announcement confirms that  can be paid in instalments, will stay
                                                                      yone in Scotland, Wales and Nort-  move.                      at £108.10.
                                                                      hern Ireland.                    The Department of Health and   "The rise in the cost of living has
                                                                        The cost of a single prescription   Social Care (DHSC) said the freeze  been unavoidable as we face global
                                                                      in England has risen from £7.65   meant prescription charges would  challenges and the repercussions of
                                                                      in 2012-13 to £9.35  in 2021-22,  not increase until at least April  Putin's illegal war in Ukraine," Mr
                                                                      including an increase of 20p from  2023 and would save patients who  Javid said. "Whilst we can't comp-
                                                                      2020-21.                       pay prescription charges in Eng-  letely prevent these rises, where we
                                                                        However, the government had  land £17m.                     can help - we absolutely will."

                                                                          Study: Half cup of blueberries daily

                                                                           could help stave off dementia later

                                                                           EATING just half a cup  small sample size.              blueberries or the placebo.
                                                                          of blueberries a day in your   In the study published      Dr Robert Krikorian, the
           More cases of monkeypox                                        late 50s could help stave off  in the journal Nutrients  psychologist who led the
                                                                          dementia,  a  new  study  fin-
                                                                                                                                   study, and others said in the
                                                                                                      showed the finds of scien-
                 diagnosed in the UK                                      ds.                         tists that recruited 33  paper: 'The cognitive findin-
                                                                                                      adults in their late 50s from  gs indicated improved exe-
                                                                           Researchers at the Univer-
                                                                          sity of Cincinnati tracked  around the Cincinnati area  cutive ability in this midd-
          FOUR additional cases of mon-  treated in specialist infectious di-  13  obese  adults  with  mild  who had gained weight in  le-aged sample [who had
         keypox have been detected in the   sease units at the Royal free hos-  memory decline who ate the  their middle age.      blueberries].
         UK, bringing the nationwide to-  pital and Guy’s  and St Thomas’   berries for three months,   Half were then given a       'The demonstration of
         tal to seven, health officials have   in London, and the Royal Victo-  and found a significant im-  'blueberry' sachet to mix  these benefits in middle-a-
         announced.                     ria  infirmary  in  Newcastle  upon   provement in their memory  with water every day, conta-  ged individuals with insulin
          Three of the cases have been de-  Tyne.                         compared to others who had  ining the equivalent of half  resistance  and  [subjective
         tected in London, and one in the   UKHSA added that all four of   no fruits.                 a cup of the fruits. The rest  cognitive  decline]  suggests
         North East of England, the UK   the most recent cases are men     The team suggested ber-    received a placebo sachet,  that    ongoing   blueberry
         Health Security Agency (UKHSA)   who identify as gay or bisexual.  ries may have a protective  which contained an inert   supplementation may cont-
         announced on Monday.            The health body is therefore as-  effect because they conta-  powder.                     ribute to protection against
          The health agency is working to   king these groups “to be alert” to   in anthocyanins, a type of   The trial was double-blind,  cognitive decline when imp-
         find links between the latest four   possible symptoms, which inclu-  flavonoid which can reduce  meaning  participants  and  lemented early in at-risk in-
         cases, which all appear to have   de rashes or lesions on any part   inflammation.           researchers did not know  dividuals.'
         been infected in the capital.  of their body, especially their ge-  But they admitted it was  who was receiving the 'blue-  They added: 'In summary,
          Dr Colin Brown, Director of Cli-  nitalia, and to contact a sexual   difficult to determine whet-  berry' or placebo sachets.  this  study  demonstrated
         nical and Emerging Infections,   health service if they have con-  her the blueberries had tri-  Before the experiment be-  that  blueberry  supplemen-
         UKHSA, said: “It is important to   cerns.                        ggered  the  improvement  gan tests were performed to  tation has neurocognitive
         emphasise that monkeypox does   The health agency also said that   because the study was ob-  measure  participant's  me-  benefit in middle-aged in-
         not spread easily between people   initial symptoms of monkeypox   servational meaning it could  mory.                    dividuals with insulin resis-
         and the overall risk to the general   include fever, headache, muscle   not tell if the result was due   These were repeated again  tance  and  elevated  risk  for
         public is very low...”         aches, backache, swollen lymph    to other factors and had a  after 12 weeks of eating the  future dementia.'
          Those needing care are being   nodes, chills and exhaustion.
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