Page 38 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1106
P. 38

Londra Gazete, 19 May 2022                                                                                          3

                                                                       THE Association of Turkish Women

                                                                            celebrated its 20th Anniversary

                                                                        THE Association of Turkish
                                                                      Women (BTKD) visited the Turk-
                                                                      ish Ambassador to London and the
                                                                      London Consul General on its 20th
                                                                        BTKD members, have now start-
                                                                      ed to return to their face-to-face
                                                                      activities after two years after the
                                                                      pandemic  measures,  made  their
                                                                      first visit to the Turkish Ambassa-
                                                                      dor Ümit Yalçın and Consul Gener-
                                                                      al Bekir Utku Atahan.
                                                                        BTKD President Servet Hassan
         Mother's Day event held by                                   and Association Board Members
                                                                      Funda  Aksanoğlu, Mihrişah Safa,
             Limassollar Association                                  Itır Sökmen and Deniz Harput vis-
                                                                      iting the Ambassador’s office and
                                                                      gave comprehensive information   economic and cultural relations  ful history of 20 years.
          LIMASSOLLAR  Association UK  taché Metin Harper, non-govern-                               between Turkey and the United   Followed by this they also vis-
         held a special dinner and dance to  mental organizations and associa-  about the activities and aids the As-  Kingdom are at the best possible  ited the Turkey’s London Consul
                                                                      sociation has carried out in twenty
                                                                                                     level, Ambassador Yalçın added  General his wife, Embassy Under-
         celebrate International Mother's  tion members, and members of the   years. Ambassador Yalçın, who met  that more than three million tour-  secretary Özge Demirkurt Atahan
         Day. Guest fill the Grand Palace Ban-  were present at the ball.    with the managers of the associa-  ists are expected from the Unit-  at their residences, relaying the
         queting Suite in London, was held on   Arife Retvan, President of the As-  tion for the first time after the pan-  ed Kingdom to Turkey this year.  association activist and talking
         Friday, May 13.               sociation of Limassolians UK, made   demic,  expressed  his  satisfaction  Noting that they closely follow the  about the problems experienced by
          The program started with the food  the following statement: “As Limas-  with the slow return of social life to  work of BTKD, the Ambassador  the Turkish society in England and
         served to the guest, after the meal,  sol People's Association UK, our   normal.            congratulated the association and  exchanged views on how to help
         there was entertainment accompa-  20th Anniversary and Mother's Day   Noting  that the diplomatic,  its executives, which has a success-  women and children in particular.
         nied by music. The mother of the  Celebrations brought all our friends
         year awards was also chosen at the  and loved ones together, and the cel-
         ball, with members of the Limasollar  ebration was magnificent. A heart-  Cops who took pictures of murdered sisters
         association gave a choir performance  felt thank you to everyone who was
         and an number of activities where  with us. We wish success and hap-        lose appeal against sentences
         attends enjoyed themselves into the  piness to Hale İsmail, the mother of
         night.                        the year, on our last night accompa-
          Among the guests was The Turk-  nied by the magnificent service of                                                        with colleagues and friends on
         ish  Republic of Northern  Cyprus’  the Grand Palace and the wonderful                                                     WhatsApp.
                                                                                                                                     Judge Mark Lucraft handed each of
         (TRNC) Education and Culture At-  musical feast of DJ Ahmet."
                                                                                                                                    the men jail terms of two years and
                                                                                                                                    nine months.
                                                                                                                                     Appeal  judges Dame Victoria
           Hertford Road Cemetery made                                                                                              Sharp, Mrs Justice McGowan and
         available to the Alevi community                                                                                           Mrs Justice Farbey considered argu-
                                                                                                                                    ments at a Court of Appeal hearing
                                                                                                                                    in London on Wednesday. They said
          THE  British Alevi Federation  Cemevi and Enfield Alevi Cultural                                                          they will give their reasons at a later
         (BAF) announced that a plot of land  Centre for these important and his-                                                   date. Neil Saunders, who represent-
         in  Hertford  Road Cemetery, North  torical initiatives and services. As a                                                 ed Jaffer, said he has been attacked
         London has been allocated for the  result of the meeting of our council                                                    three times by three different in-
         use of the Alevi community by the  officials and institution managers at                                                   mates. Luke Ponte, for Lewis, said he
         local council.                the cemetery, all agreements have                                                            has been assaulted twice.
          In a statement BAF shared: “The  been concluded and it will be ready                                                       Bibaa, 46, and Nicole 27, were
         burial place for the use of us Alevi  for the use of our society in two   TWO former policemen jailed for  stables were assigned to guard the   killed in a random, horrific attack by
         has been allocated by Enfield Council  weeks. This agreement, which was   taking pictures of murdered sisters  scene after Bibaa Henry and Nicole   Danyal Hussein, 19, who had written
         in North London. As a result of long  made  with  the  awareness  of  sensi-  at a crime scene they were protecting  Smallman were found dead in bush-  a pledge in blood to a demon to kill
         applications and negotiations, the  tivities such as the ordering of our   have lost appeals against their sen-  es in Fryent Country Park, Wembley,  women every six months, in order to
         successful conclusion of this service  souls  walking  towards  the  truth  in   tences. Deniz Jaffer, 47, and Jamie  north-west London, in June 2020.  win the lottery.
                                                                                                                                     He was given a life sentence, with
         will meet an important need. We  our Alevi belief and the fact that it is   Lewis, 33 were imprisoned for over  Instead, the officers moved from
                                                                      two years at a hearing last December  their posts to take ‘inappropriate’  a minimum term of 35 years, in Oc-
         would like to thank our community  very important to have a permanent   after pleading guilty to misconduct  and ‘unauthorised’ photographs  of  tober after being found guilty of the
         members who are involved in po-  place, traditional tomb structure   in a public office. The police con-  the bodies, which were then shared  women’s murders.
         litical activities in the municipality,  features and close proximity, will be
         the managers of our Federation, the  put at the service of our entire Alevi
         British Alevi Cultural Centre and the  community.”
                                                                      Journalist Timur Öztürk to hold book launch

                                                                        JOURNALIST Timur Öztürk's  he went through while he was
                                                                      new book "The Story of 40 Years  reporting in various countries of
                                                                      - Unforgettable" will available to  the world for 40 years between
                                                                      readers on Sunday, May 22.     1980-2020, covering 27 topics.
                                                                        Öztürk's journalistic new book,   The book launch on Sunday will
                                                                      released by the UK-based pub-  be held at 5pm in  Chemen Cafe,
                                                                      lishing house Press Dionysus  is  185 Stoke Newington Road Lon-
                                                                      a reflection of Timur Öztürk's 40  don N16 8AA, where reader will
                                                                      years in his professional life. Öz-  be able to meet with the author
                                                                      türk, in this book, gathered what  and pick up their signed copy.
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