Page 35 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1098
P. 35

6                                                                                          Londra Gazete, 24 March 2022

                                                                        Rishi Sunak unveils mini spring budget

                                                                        THE chancellor says the most "sig-
                                                                      nificant impact" will be on the cost of
                                                                        The package is being announced
                                                                      after the pain for families was under-
                                                                      lined with inflation hitting a new 30-
                                                                      year high of 6.2 per cent.
                                                                        Fuel duty cut by 5p
                                                                        Sunak outline measures to help.
                                                                      First up will be a 5p cut to fuel duty -
                                                                      "the biggest cut to all fuel duty rates
                                                                      ever". The cut will come into force at
                                                                      6pm on Wednesday night and last
                                                                      until March next year, he says.
                                                                        The average price of a litre of petrol
                                                                      has risen more than 40p a litre since   household support fund, money  difficult, including Covid and the
                                                                                                     for councils to support vulnerable  Ukraine crisis, he added: ‘My final
                 Nazanin Zaghari-                                     last year’s Spring Statement, which   households - will be doubled to £1bn  announcement today is this: I can
                                                                      means the government is getting an
                                                                                                                                    confirm, before the end of this Par-
                                                                                                     from April.
             Ratcliffe: ‘I should’ve                                  extra 7p per litre in VAT.       NI minimum threshold         liament, in 2024, for the first time
                                                                        Diesel prices are up by nearly 50p
                                                                                                       The Chancellor has announced a  in 16 years, the basic rate of income
         been back six years ago’                                     a litre, almost 9p of which is VAT.   big increase in the National Insur-  tax will be cut from 20 to 19p in the
                                                                      Motoring group, the RAC, says cut-
                                                                                                     ance minimum threshold - the level  pound.
                                                                      ting fuel duty by 5p will take £3.30
                                                                                                                                      Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves
                                                                      off the cost of filling a typical 55-litre   at which people start paying the tax   continues: "The truth is people can
                                                                                                     on wages.
          NAZANIN      Zaghari-Ratcliffe  had called on the Commons For-  family car.                  From July, the threshold will now  no longer afford the Conservatives
         has questioned why she was left  eign  Affairs  Committee  to  look   0% VAT on energy-saving materi-  rise by £3,000 to £12,570, bringing  - working families can't, pensioners
         in Iranian detention for six years,  into her ordeal and in particular,   als Sunak says for the next five years,   it in line with the income tax thresh-  can't." She points to "weak" growth
         during a press conference on  why Britain’s debt to Iran for mil-  homeowners will pay 0% VAT on en-  old.                 forecasts, and says the Conservatives
         Monday March 21.              itary  equipment  could  not  have   ergy saving materials, such as solar   While announcing  the Employ-  have to take the blame, having "been
          Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe returned  been settled sooner.        panels or heat pumps. The chancellor  ment Allowance will increase to  in government for 12 years, not 12
         to the UK, and to her husband   “I feel Nazanin could have been   says he can make the move as a re-  £5,000, claiming it is a tax cut worth  hours".
         Richard and daughter Gabriella,   home a long time ago if we had   sult of Brexit.          up to £1,000 for half a million small   She attacks the chancellor for rais-
         on Friday morning after the UK   paid the historic debt of £400   Doubled household support fund  businesses. Outlining various eco-  ing taxes more than any chancellor
         paid an almost £400million debt   million earlier,” Ms Siddiq said.  Next, Sunak says the government's  nomic issues which made the move  in the last 50 years.
         to Iran.                        Fellow British national, Anoo-
          In an impassioned statement   sheh Ashoori also returned to the
         during the press conference, she   UK after being detained in Iran
         criticised previous foreign secre-  last week.                High Court to hear legal challenges over
         taries for their lack of action in   A second man, Morad Tahbaz,
         securing her return to the UK.  who holds UK and US nationality,         use of WhatsApp by ministers
          Although her husband praised
         Liz Truss for bringing his wife   was released from prison but is
                                       not yet allowed to leave Iran. His
                                                                        THE High Court is due to hear  government business is unlaw-
         back home, Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe,                            two legal challenges over the use  ful.                       over millions of pounds’ worth
         43, said her release “should’ve   daughter was at the press confer-  of WhatsApp and other messag-  In their claim against the De-  of antibody test contracts, the
         happened six years ago”.      ence.                          ing apps by ministers.         partment for Culture, Media and   Good Law  Project previously
           “I have seen five foreign secre-  Former foreign secretary Jer-  Campaign groups All the Citi-  Sport and the Cabinet Office,   asked the High Court to order
         taries changed over the course of   emy Hunt defended her com-  zens and the Good Law Project  the group also argued that there   searches of former health sec-
         six years. That is unprecedented   ments, writing on Twitter: "Those   have both brought claims relat-  was a previously undisclosed   retary Matt Hancock’s Govern-
         given the politics of the UK.” She   criticising Nazanin have got it so   ed to the use of the programs, in-  policy which required messages   ment email accounts and his
         said                          wrong. She doesn't owe us grati-  cluding over deleting messages  sent on the instant messaging   “non-Government  communi-
          “...But that never  happened. I   tude: we owe her an explanation."  and the use of private accounts  services to be deleted.  cations systems” used for Gov-
         mean,  how  many  former  secre-  Both the UK and Iranian gov-  for government business.      In their separate claim against   ernment business – thought to
         taries does it take for someone  ernments have said the two is-  In a hearing in October last  Prime  Minister Boris  Johnson,   include WhatsApps.
         to come out? Five? It should have  sues should not be linked but Ms   year, All the Citizens argued  the Good Law Project is ex-  The claims are due to be heard
         been one.”                    Zaghari-Ratcliffe said she had   that the use of the instant mes-  pected to argue over the use of   over three days before Lord Jus-
          Beginning the press confer-  been told by her captors that her   saging apps such as WhatsApp  non-Government communica-  tice Singh and Mr Justice John-
         ence, Tulip Siddiq, Labour MP for  imprisonment was connected to   and Signal that allow messages  tion channels.          son, with a decision expected at
         Hampstead and Kilburn, said she  the unpaid debt.            to automatically be deleted for   As  part  of  a  different  claim  a later date.

         Man made appointment before killing Sir David Amess MP court told

          NAZANIN  AN alleged terrorist  by unarmed police officers, trial  and healthcare to get a meeting  ment.                  wearing a long khaki jacket with
         accused of murdering Sir David  jurors at the Old Bailey in London  with the Southend MP, prosecutor   Mr Ali had also researched cab-  a black backpack over his right
         Amess MP booked an appoint-   heard.                         Tom Little QC said.            inet minister Michael Gove, MP  shoulder, blue trainers and black
         ment claiming to be interested in   The 26-year-old from London   On Tuesday, Mr Little took the  for Finchley and Golders Green in  trousers.
         Christianity, a court was told.  denies murder and preparing acts  jury through a timeline of events  London, Mike Freer and Labour   Around the time of the attack on
          Sir David, MP for Southend  of terrorism.                   leading up to the 69-year-old's  Leader Kier Starmer in Septem-  Sir David, Mr Ali sent a message to
         West, was stabbed during a con-  Mr Ali, 26, exchanged a series  death.                     ber, jurors heard.             family and friends which appeared
         stituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea,  of emails with Sir David's office in   He said Mr Ali searched for in-  The jury was shown CCTV foot-  to have been drafted days before,
         Essex, on 15 October.         which he claimed to be moving to  formation  about  Sir  David on  22  age of Mr Ali travelling from his  the court was told.
          Ali Harbi Ali stabbed Sir David  the area. In his correspondence Mr  July last year and three hours later  home in Kentish Town to Leigh   In it, he said the attack was "for
         21 times before being restrained  Ali feigned an interest in churches  he was near the Houses of Parlia-  on Sea on September 30th. He was  the sake of Allah", jurors heard.
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