Page 33 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1098
P. 33
8 Londra Gazete, 24 March 2022
Appeal following stabbing Man charged with Clerkenwell murder
stabbing in Ilford DETECTIVES investigating March, where 19-year-old Sabita
the death of Sabita Thanwani in was found suffering serious inju-
Clerkenwell have charged a man ries. She was, sadly, pronounced
ce Service attended but despite
their best efforts the man died at with murder. dead at the scene.
the scene. He has been identified Maher Maaroufe, 22 has also A post-mortem examination
as 30-year-old Imran Isat. Mr been charged with assaulting an carried out at Whittington Hos-
pital on Monday, 21 March gave
emergency worker. He will appe-
Isat’s family are being supported ar in custody at Highbury Corner cause of death as sharp force tra-
by specialist officers. Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, uma to the neck.
An investigation was launched
by homicide detectives from the 22 March. Detectives from the Met's Spe-
Officers were called to Arbour cialist Crime Command are inves-
Met’s Specialist Crime Command. House in Sebastian Street at tigating and continue to provide
A post-mortem examination about 5.10am on Saturday, 19 support to Sabita's family.
held on 20 March gave cause of
death as shock and hemorrhage
and a stab wound to the chest.
Two males who were arrested ‘Dangerous’ suspected knife killer flees on
in connection with the investiga-
further action. Enquiries into the Eurostar as police offer £20,000 reward
tion have been released without
circumstances remain ongoing.
Anyone with information that THE moments a “dangerous” shared house in Alfred Road, Ac-
may assist police or any witnes- suspected knife killer flees the ton at 10.15am on January 27,
POLICE are renewing appeals ses who are yet to come forward UK on a Eurostar train depar- 2019. Police attended the address
for information and witnesses as are urged to make contact as ting from St Pancras Internatio- after concerns were raised for Mr
they continue to investigate a fa- soon as possible. nal have been realised by police. Malysz’s welfare.
tal stabbing in Ilford. You can contact police on 101 Patryk Makuch, 37, mingles with The Polish national was pro-
Police were called at approxi- or tweet @MetCC and quote CA- unsuspected travellers heading to nounced dead at the scene and a
mately 01:25hrs on Saturday, 19 D466/19Mar. Alternatively, you Europe, just 12 hours after alle- post-mortem examination found
March, to reports of a man stab- can provide information anony- gedly stabbing Kamil Malysz to the cause of death to be haemorr-
bed at a residential address in mously to the independent cha- death in west London. Detectives haging due to a stab wound.
Springfield Drive, Ilford. rity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 appealed for public help to find Under the European Arrest
Officers and London Ambulan- 111. Polish national Makuch who is Warrant, anyone visiting or living
wanted under a European Arrest in Europe can contact local police
Warrant. A £20,000 reward is of- with information about Makuch’s
Teenagers found guilty for fered for information leading to whereabouts and could be eligible
his capture.
for the reward if their tip leads to
south London murder Poland or anywhere in northern Anyone with any information
Makuch could be in his native his arrest.
Europe. The family of Mr Maly- is asked to call the Operation Ra-
A teenager has been found gu-
ilty of murder after stabbing a sz, 34, are distraught nobody has cine incident room on 020 8785
19-year-old to death in front of faced justice three years after the 8244 or Crimestoppers anony-
his family in south London. brutal killing. He was found in a mously on 0800 555 111.
Romello Harley, also 19, was
convicted on Monday at Inner
London Crown Court of the mur- CCTV released as part of appeal
der of Tashawn Watt.
The court heard police were cal-
led around 9.30pm on June 25
after Tashawn was found collap- following Croydon murder
sed in Miall Walk, SE26.
He had been stabbed in the DETECTIVES investigating the perately need.
chest and died at the scene despi- Police Station and was arrested murder of Leroy Mitchell in Croy- “We know that he went to a num-
te the attempts of an ambulance on suspicion of murder. don are releasing new CCTV foota- ber of bars before he went on to the
crew to save him. Detective Chief Inspector Chris ge of the night he was killed. house party and we are releasing
Detectives from the Met’s Spe- Wood, who led the investigation, Leroy, aged 35, was fatally shot this footage in the hope that so-
cialist Crime Command found said: “My thoughts remain with at around 05:00hrs on 2 October meone will remember speaking or
Harley had been involved in a row Tashawn’s family as they conti- 2021 after leaving a silent disco at seeing him that night.
with one of Watt’s relatives at the nue to come to terms with the a house on Birdhurst Road, Croy- “You may think the details you
family home that night and been loss of their loved one in such aw- don. have are irrelevant but nothing is
asked to leave, but came back ar- ful and needless circumstances. The footage and a reconstruc- too small and could be a vital piece
med with a knife. “I am pleased that as a result tion of the incident have now fe- of information which will help us
After failing to lure Tashawn to of our investigation we have de- atured on the BBC’s Crimewatch progress our enquiries.”
an alleyway, he stabbed him in livered justice for them by ensu- Live programme in the hope that A Crimestoppers reward of up to
front of his family before drop- ring the person responsible for someone will come forward with £20,000 is being offered for infor-
ping the knife and fleeing but not Tashawn’s killing will spend a information that could help the in- mation received that leads to the
before being seen by several wit- considerable time behind bars.” vestigation. conviction of the person or people
nesses to the attack which was A post-mortem examination car- Detective Chief Inspector Kat- responsible for Leroy’s murder.
also caught on CCTV. ried out after Tashawn’s death herine Goodwin, from the Met’s Anyone with information should
Harley initially went into hiding found he had died from a stab Specialist Crime Command, said: call the incident room 020 8785
as officers launched a manhunt wound to the chest. Harley will “Leroy’s family remain devastated 8244 or independent charity Cri-
for him but three days later he be sentenced at the same court by his loss and we are committed mestoppers completely anony-
handed himself in at Lewisham on a date to be set. to getting the answers they so des- mously on 0800 555 111.