Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1098
P. 37

4                                                                                          Londra Gazete, 24 March 2022

                                                                       Rubbish left for days on the

                 When do the clocks go

            forward for summer 2022?                                               street across Enfield

                                                                        PILES of uncollected rubbish lit-
             EACH  year in the UK we     The first clock change of the   ter the streets as missed collection
           change our clocks twice to en-  year will happen on Mothering   means waste being left on the roads
           sure we're making the most of  Sunday, March 27, marking the   for days in Enfield, North London.
           our daylight hours.          start of British Summer Time.  As commercial bag prices rise busi-
             And as the weather gets     The clocks will go forward at   nesses face an increase in their
           warmer and summer 2022 ap-   1am on the Sunday, meaning    weekly collections, while residents
           proaches, we prepare to move  we lose an hour of sleep.    see their household wastes and re-
           from Greenwich Mean Time      Most phones and digital de-  cycling collection every fortnight
           (GMT) to British  Summer  vices will jump from 1am to      and for those who wish to use the
           Time (BST).                  2am automatically, however,   green bin service paying £65 per
             As we come to the end of  be sure to change any watches   year, rubbish still seems to be litter-
           March, and spring is finally  and house clocks.            ing our streets.   Bags left on the side
           upon us, the UK will be putting   When do the clocks go back   of the main roads for days have now  left to complain in order for them to   As the council campaigns on the
           the  clocks forward  so  we  can  in 2022?                 become normal art of our view. As  be collected. At Londra Gazete, we  ‘War on Rubbish’ stating that ‘We
           experience lighter evenings,   Clock changes always hap-   people walk by enjoying the warm  have this year twice had to contact  are  taking rubbish  dumping seri-
           perfect if there's a heatwave to  pen on the last Sunday of the   weather this past week, they also  Enfield Council twice after days of  ously and dedicating resources to
           enjoy.                       month, to ensure as little dis-  enjoy the sight and smell of rubbish  having our rubbish left on the main  clearing our borough of unsightly
             So when exactly do the clocks  ruption as possible.
           go forward? And are we about   This year, clocks are due to   alone the main roads. As as local  road, while near our office pass by  and illegal dumping...” issuing 134
                                                                      council workers such as parking en-
           to lose an hour of sleep?    go back an hour, back to Green-  forcement officers and street clean-  overfill bin with bags week in week  fines for those caught dumping
             When do the clocks go for-  wich Mean Time, on October                                  out. May residents have shared the  rubbish, it raises the question will
           ward?                        30.                           ing pass by a number of times a day,  angry over their  missed collection  the council fine its self for failing to
                                                                      as well a bin collection van pass by,  across social media, as well as imag-  collect rubbish and leave it on the
                                                                      local businesses  and residents  are  es of streets littered with rubbish.    street for days.

                                                                       £19bn in old UK banknotes and

                                                                                         coins not cashed in

                                                                        ALMOST  £19bn in old bank-   lation or hiding in homes was re-  the Royal Mint said about 105
                                                                      notes are still being used, six  vealed in a Freedom of Informa-  million old-style £1 coins have
                                                                      months before paper £20 and £50  tion requests by BBC Wales.  not been returned.
                                                                      notes stop being legal tender.   The Bank of England said 775   Out of the 1.6 billion that have
                                                                        Paper  £10 and  £5 banknotes  million paper banknotes remain   been returned, about 1.45 million
                                                                      have already been withdrawn,  in circulation; 113 million paper   were counterfeits.
                                                                      while paper £20 and £50 notes  £5 notes remain in circulation,     The polymer £50 note featur-
                                                                      cannot be used after 30 Septem-  73 million paper £10 notes re-  ing  the  portrait  of  Alan  Turing
                                                                      ber 2022.                      main in circulation, 360 million   entered  circulation  on  23  June
                                                                        They have been replaced with  paper £20 notes remain in circu-
                                                                      new plastic notes with a series of  lation and 209 million paper £50   2021, meaning the Bank's entire
         Woman ‘slapping passengers’ on  security features.                                          notes remain in circulation.   collection of currently-printed
                                                                        However, the Bank of England   The paper £5 notes were with-  banknotes is made of plastic.
         Jet2 Antalya – Tottenham flight  said it will continue to swap old  drawn in May 2017, and the pa-                           If you have a UK bank account,
                                                                      notes for their face value. There  per £10 notes in March 2018,   the Bank of England said the
                                       the woman, understood to be from   are also £105m of old one pound  since when they have not been   simplest and quickest way to ex-
                                       the Kirklees area of West Yorkshire,   coins in circulation, according to  a legally accepted means of pay-  change paper £20 and £50 notes
                                       pacing up and down the cabin before   the Royal Mint.         ment.                          "will normally be to deposit them
                                       shouting at staff. As cabin crew try to   Details of the cash still in circu-  In addition to the paper cash,  with your bank".
                                       calm the situation, the passenger can
                                       be heard saying: ‘What have I done
                                       wrong on this flight?’ One member
                                       of staff tells her to ‘stand back’, to   Hackney mayor calls for school's head teacher to resign
                                       which she replied: ‘I am back. Sort
                                       your head out you.’ ‘You are not   THE head teacher of the school   In a tweet Hackney's mayor said:  parents were not contacted and
                                       doing yourself any favours,’ the air-  where a  black pupil was  strip-  "[We] ask that the head teacher  no drugs were found. Her intimate
                                       line worker says. The passenger hits   searched should resign, Hackney's  should stand down and allow that  body parts were exposed and she
           JET2 flyers cheered as an unruly  back: ‘You’re not doing yourself any   mayor says.      school and its community the new  was made to take off her sanitary
         passenger was led off the plane for  favours either. So what have I done?   A safeguarding report found the  start it needs to heal from this  towel, according to the review.
         allegedly slapping fellow passengers  Don’t touch me, don’t f***ing touch   search of the girl, 15, known as  traumatic experience and by doing   Scotland Yard has admitted
         and shouting in crew members’ fac-  me!’ The Jet2 flight left Manchester   Child Q, in east London, was un-  so also fully recognise the traumat-  the officers' actions were "regret-
         es. The flight from Manchester to the  Airport at around 9.15am on Mon-  justified and racism was "likely" to  ic impact on Child Q and her fam-  table" and it "should never have
         Turkish resort of Antalya ended up  day. The woman is also said to have   have been a factor.  ily." During the incident, the girl  happened". On Monday, policing
         having to be diverted to Vienna so  slapped another passenger as she got   Child Q is suing the Met Police  was taken out of an exam to the  minister Kit Malthouse said the
         the woman could be booted from the  off at Vienna International Airport   and her school in Hackney over the  school's medical room and strip-  government is taking this matter
         aircraft. The airline sent a text mes-  at roughly 11.40am.  incident. Philip Glanville said it was  searched by two female Met police  "extremely seriously".  The Inde-
         sage to customers apologising for the   The flight reportedly took off again   clear that "school leadership has  officers searching for cannabis,  pendent Office of Police Conducts
         incident,  after  changing  course for  at 1pm and arrived at its original   lost the confidence of the school,  while teachers remained outside.  aid a report on the incident is being
         the Austrian capital. Footage shows  destination shortly after 3pm.  myself and the community".  No other adult was present, her  "finalised".
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