Page 34 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1098
P. 34

Londra Gazete, 24 March 2022                                                                                        7

                  Banksy to be sold for                                Protesters try to block Roman

         children's hospital in Ukraine                                        Abramovich’s yacht from

          A  rare piece by the Bristol-based  (CND) on a wall.
         street artist Banksy is to be auc-  The organisation campaigns to rid
         tioned to raise money for a children's  the world of nuclear weapons and        docking in Turkey
         hospital in Ukraine.          other weapons of mass destruction.
          An anonymous donor put the 2005   The CND symbol is also widely   ON  Tuesday March 22 a second
         work, CND Soldiers, up for sale last  known as an international symbol   superyacht belonging to Chelsea
         Friday on the website MyArtBroker.  of peace. Joey Syer, head of urban   Football club owner and sanctioned
          Due to a flurry of bids, the auc-  and contemporary at MyArtBroker,   Russian oligarch Roman Abramov-
         tioneers are now only accepting bids  said: "We are humbled by the incred-  ich has docked in a resort in south-
         above £40,000, double the original  ible generosity shown in a flurry of   western Turkey.
         starting price.               bids over the weekend, doubling the   A day earlier, Abramovich's Ber-
          The money raised will be sent to  starting bid in hours."   muda-flagged luxury yacht My So-
         Ohmatdyt Children's Hospital in   Ohmatdyt is the largest children's   laris arrived in the nearby resort of
         Kyiv. The work, which will be sold via  hospital in Ukraine and is still pro-  Bodrum, triggering a protest by a
         silent auction, depicts two soldiers  viding  lifesaving  treatment  as  the   group of Ukrainians who boarded a
         painting graffiti of the symbol for the  crisis there continues, MyArtBroker   small motor boat and tried to pre-
         Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament  said. In a statement on its website,
                                                                      vent the yacht from docking.
                                       the auction house described the con-  NATO-member Turkey has close
                                       tinued functioning of the hospital   ties to both Russia and Ukraine. It
                                       as "a matter of national security" for   has criticized Moscow's invasion
                                       Ukraine.                       of Ukraine but has also positioned
                                         As well as continuing to provide   itself  as  a  neutral  party  trying  to
                                       medical care for children who were   mediate between the two. In doing  sea club. Abramovich said the sale  net proceeds from the sale will be
                                       already critically ill before the war,   so unlike many countries it has not  won't "be fast-tracked but will follow  donated.
                                       it is also admitting people of all ages   applying  sanctions  on  Russia  over  due process" and that the net pro-  It believed that since the start of
                                       injured in the  conflict, the auction   its invasion.         ceeds will go to victims in Ukraine.  February some 14,000 Russians
                                       house added.                     Abramovich has been the UK as  Forbes has valued Abramovich's net  have fled to Turkey due to the con-
                                         Hospital staff have deployed make-  well as the EU and is facing having  worth at $12.4 billion while Chelsea  flict in Ukraine as the face what they
                                       shift operating rooms and wards in   his asset freezes  and travel bans  was worth an estimated $3.2 billion  describe as deteriorating conditions
                                       the basement of each hospital build-  over their ties to the Kremlin.  in 2021. The 55-year-old, who was  in their country, while more than
                                       ing, with patients also having to take   At the being of March it was an-  once Russia's richest man, said he  49,000 Ukrainians have also arrived
                                       cover underground, it said.    nounced that he's selling the Chel-  will set up a foundation to which  in Turkey.
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